what's the meaning of life?the meaning of life is to seek for the truth and fulfill your dreams.or there is no meaning in life.you were born,you go through sorrowand happiness,you get matured,get married,get old and pass away.you are like a dust in t
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/25 07:09:59
what's the meaning of life?the meaning of life is to seek for the truth and fulfill your dreams.or there is no meaning in life.you were born,you go through sorrowand happiness,you get matured,get married,get old and pass away.you are like a dust in t
what's the meaning of life?
the meaning of life is to seek for the truth and fulfill your dreams.
or there is no meaning in life.you were born,you go through sorrow
and happiness,you get matured,get married,get old and pass away.
you are like a dust in the universe,at best,you shine for a moment
like a star,then fade away.
my son is too young to comprehend this.I don't think it proper to cultivate him
in this dispressive way.otherwise,he will be a pessimist and lose heart about
the future.I mean the life is also colorful.it is said in French " qui checher
trouve' ,that means there is hope,there is will.Never lose hope.Be brave.
our society is a man-eat-man one.you must do your best to front all kinds of
adversities including fate.without struggle,life is not worth living.When you
were born,the first sign of struggle is crying,crying against the pain from
breathing and from strangeness.this crying signifies that you are doom to
face the bitter life ahead.of course,you benefit from struggling against odds,
you become stronger and stronger like an eagle that temper his strong wings
while flying again rain storms.no pain,no gain,you taste the best fruits of
success.it's time to enjoy your victory:going abroad,savour different delicious
foods worldwide.
what's the meaning of life?the meaning of life is to seek for the truth and fulfill your dreams.or there is no meaning in life.you were born,you go through sorrowand happiness,you get matured,get married,get old and pass away.you are like a dust in t
我的儿子还太小以至于不能领会这些,我认为也不适合用这消沉的方式去教育他,否则,他会成为一个悲观主义者,并对未来失去信心.我认为生命也是多姿多彩的,法语中也说“qui checher trouve(去追求、去发现)”,意味着还有希望,有期望,决不要放弃希望,要勇敢,我们的社会是人吃人的社会,你必须尽最大的努力去面对逆境,包括命运.没有奋斗,生命不值得存在.当你出生时,哭声是你奋斗的第一个信号,用哭声来对抗呼吸引起的疼痛和陌生的感觉.这个哭声意味着你注定要去面对前面苦涩的生命.当然,你会从战胜逆境中受益,变得更加强壮,像不断的在暴风雨中磨练它强壮的翅膀的雄鹰一样.没有付出,就没有回报,你要体验成功后最好的果实.是时候去享受你的胜利了:走出国门,品味欣赏世界各地的美食吧!
The meaning of life in my opinion is to live a happy life, long or short. Only when you are happy, are you able to give out your love to others. So just do the things that you think you should do and ...
The meaning of life in my opinion is to live a happy life, long or short. Only when you are happy, are you able to give out your love to others. So just do the things that you think you should do and enjoy doing them. If you're a happy guy, if you're able to love and help others, even if you leave this world, you're still remembered by someone.
I'd like to share this with you: Believe your life is meanful, and it is.
Cheer up and good luck!
It's true that we meet difficulties and adversities from time to time. Only when you undergo these, can you taste the sweetness of life. Whatever there is in life, just go and embrace it. Life is what you think it.