a plan a day out

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/04 05:02:59

a plan a day out
a plan a day out

a plan a day out
I am a boy from Henan Procince.This winter holiday I came to Hangzhou to play.When I see the city ,I was surprised by the beatiful view of Hangzhou.The city is very clean ,the people are very friendly.Especially the West Lake,it is my paradise in the world!The green water and the sweet flowers make me feel relax.I love Hangzhou so much.If I have one more chance,I will come here again.

With an average 16 waking hours available to us every day, there seems to be little reason why we can’t make the most of each one. Yet, at the end of the day, we usually end up wishing we had more tim...


With an average 16 waking hours available to us every day, there seems to be little reason why we can’t make the most of each one. Yet, at the end of the day, we usually end up wishing we had more time or wondering why we failed to maximize our day. This is why, to get the most out of every hour you’re awake, it’s important to plan your day ahead of time.
To plan your day, think of some of the common, everyday things you do -- the things that you would not ordinarily plan as a part of your day, like getting the mail, for example. The next time you’re doing them, watch the clock and see how much time they take, because while getting the mail might require 30 seconds of your time, depending on what’s in the mail, you may end up spending 30 minutes or more dealing with it. At the end of the day, these kinds of unexpected diversions, whether necessary or not, contribute to that sense of disappointment
Thus, with an eye toward making the most of your day and maximizing its potential, we present the following four steps on how to plan your day.
step 1
Commit time to planning 为规划付出时间。
Knowing how to plan your day requires time, and because planning it is often overlooked or disregarded, the first step and the most effective approach is to plan to plan. Committing 30 minutes or so toward establishing a practical, daily plan might seem like a waste of time, but spending the time now saves time later, and like anything, the more often you do it, the better you become. It wouldn’t be uncommon if, for the first few days or weeks, you were somewhat overambitious in estimating your ability to achieve certain things each day. By doing it more and more, you get familiar with your limitations, and your days will become gradually more efficient.
The time of day you choose for this should be based on what works best for you, whether it be the morning of or the night before. Either way, write it out as you plan your day.
step 2
Set goals for your day设定每天的目标。
Set goals for what you want to accomplish that day; the more specific, the better. “Read complete Wikipedia entry on Winston Churchill” beats “Learn about Churchill,” just like “Pack away pictures, remove magnets, etc. from fridge, clear off all counter space” beats “Get house ready for showing.”
Now, if it is a particularly crazy day, you should consider incorporating leisure time into your plan, even if it amounts to nothing more than noting that you will catch a rerun of The Sopranos on cable. Making relaxation and leisure time enough of a priority to include it in your plan will benefit you every day. You take breaks while at the office, why shouldn’t you take breaks out of the office as well? Breaks, even short ones, mean you’re less likely to get tired or burned out, and feathering them throughout your plan means that you’re formally addressing them and not merely assuming you’ll do it later.
step 3
Group "to dos" together将要做的事情放在一起。
Optimize your schedule by grouping tasks that naturally go together so that you can prevent as much time as possible from disappearing into the cracks of the day. For example, if the dry cleaner is on the way to the grocery store, package those tasks together.
This might mean scheduling some things a few days or a week in advance. After all, heading out in your car every day for small tasks is a waste of time and gas. If the dry cleaning won’t be ready until tomorrow, hold off on going to the grocery store until then, along with making any other stops in the vicinity. You’ll be surprised at how much time and money you’ll save.
step 4
Carry over uncompleted tasks to the next day将未竞的任务留给明天。
If you fail to accomplish one of the tasks you’ve penciled into your plan (even if it’s partially or mostly finished), pencil it in for the next day. Don’t cross it off and assume you’ll take care of it tomorrow. For chronic list-makers there is an undeniable, if minor, sense of accomplishment in being able to cross off a task, but they only allow themselves the pleasure if it is truly completed.
