general manager, director, managing director, supervisor的区别在英、美、其他英语国家,这几个关于管理者的词,有何不同?特别的,director,除了译为董事外,还有那些管理岗位的含义,或实权?
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/13 18:20:10
general manager, director, managing director, supervisor的区别在英、美、其他英语国家,这几个关于管理者的词,有何不同?特别的,director,除了译为董事外,还有那些管理岗位的含义,或实权?
general manager, director, managing director, supervisor的区别
general manager, director, managing director, supervisor的区别在英、美、其他英语国家,这几个关于管理者的词,有何不同?特别的,director,除了译为董事外,还有那些管理岗位的含义,或实权?
首先,如果企业中同时出现了Director、Manager和Supervisor这三种职务,则其职位从高到低排序应为 Director>Manager>Supervisor.如“销售总监”译为“Director of Sales & Distribution”;其属下的“市场部经理”译为“Marketing Manager”,负责生产的“生产主管”译为“Supervisor of Sales”.总之,在翻译各类职务时必须慎重.首先要准确理解原文意思,还要了解清楚不同国家在体制、文化和语言习惯上的差异.对于职务的翻译,必须了解清楚相关职务的职权范围.不同企业的体制、组织机构不同,职务名称不能划上绝对的等号.
其次Managing director is the traditional term for the top executive of a business in the United Kingdom and some other English speaking countries,but not in the United States.
While The general manager in the sense contemplated in this article is the executive of a professional sports team responsible primarily for acquiring the rights to player personnel,negotiation of their contracts and reassignment or dismissal of players no longer desired on the team.Many other businesses have a person referred to as the business' general manager,but such positions are outside the scope of this article.
the highest ranking manager