
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/10 06:14:54


蜻蜓(qingting)无脊椎动物,昆虫纲,蜻蜓目,差翅亚目昆虫的通称.一般体型较惖大,翅长而窄,膜质,网状翅脉极为清晰,飞行能力很强,每秒钟可达10米,既可突然回转,又可直入云霄,有时还能后退飞行.休息时,双翅平展两侧,或直立于背上.前翅和后翅不相似,后翅常大于前翅.翅的前缘,近翅顶处,各有1个翅痣,呈长方形或方形,可保持翅的震动规律性,并可防止因震颤而折伤.头部能灵活转动,复眼1对,较大,约占头部的1/2,约由28000多只小眼组成.视觉极为灵敏,单眼3个;触角1对,细而较短;咀嚼式口器.腹部细长、扁形或呈圆筒形,末端有肛附器.足细而弱,上有钩刺,可在空中飞行时捕捉害虫.下雨前喜低空往返飞行.雌雄交尾也在空中进行.多数雌虫在水面飞行时,分多次将卵“点”在水中,也有的将腹部插入浅水中将卵产于水底.稚虫水虿,在水中用直肠气管鳃呼吸.一般要经11次以上蜕皮,需时2年或2年以上才沿水草爬出水面,再经最后蜕皮羽化为成虫.稚虫在水中可以捕食孑孓或其他小型动物,有时同类也相残食.成虫除能大量捕食蚊、蝇外,有的还能捕食蝶、蛾、蜂等害虫,实为益虫.常见的蜻蜓如蓝面蜓(Aeschna melanictera),多分布于浙江、四川等省;长痣绿蜓(Aeschnophlebia anisoptera)分布在华北一带;黄蜻(Pantala flavescens)全国多省有分布;玉带蜻(Pseudothemis zonata)仅产于我国,主要分布于北京、江苏和福建等省市.

Dragonflies (qingting) invertebrates, insects net dragonflies eye, poor eye Winged Asian insect known. General body more 惖 large Winged long and narrow, Mozhi, netted veins extremely clear, flight cap...


Dragonflies (qingting) invertebrates, insects net dragonflies eye, poor eye Winged Asian insect known. General body more 惖 large Winged long and narrow, Mozhi, netted veins extremely clear, flight capable, up to 10 cubic metres, can suddenly reversed, and can straight into the clouds, sometimes they move out. Rest, the wings flat and smooth on both sides, or stand in back. Qianchi and post-Winged not similar, often after more than Winged Qianchi. Wing leading-edge, near Winged top Department, each one wing mole, a rectangular or square, will remain Winged shock regularity, and as a result of earth and for the prevention of injuries. Flexibility to turn his head, the one pair of eyes, the larger, about the 1/2 head, only about the more than 28,000 small eyes. Visual extremely sensitive, ocellus 3;
One pair of tentacles, small and shorter;
Chewing mouth parts style. Abdomen long, Pianxing or cylindrical vessel, using a're attached devices. Small and weak enough, a hook thorn can in the air to catch flying pests. Hei flying at low altitude from the former rain. Female copulation also air. Most Cichong in surface flight, hours will be repeated eggs "points" in the water, and some eggs will be produced in the abdomen to insert the shallow underwater. Further water insect found in the water used rectum trachea gills to breathe. General to the 11th over ecdysis and will take two years or two years before they occur along the reeds surface via the final ecdysis eclosion to adult. Starting from preying on insects in the water can be eliminated or other small animals, sometimes causing food is similar. In addition to a large number of adults from preying on mosquito, fly, some also prey on butterflies, moths, and other pests Bee is for beneficial insect. Stories such as blue noodles common dragonflies (Aeschna melanictera), distributed in more than Zhejiang, Sichuan Province;
Green suffered long mole (Aeschnophlebia anisoptera) located in the northern area;
Huang Fly (Pantala flavescens), a multi-national distribution; jade belt Fly (Pseudothemis zonata) only produced in China, mainly in Beijing, Jiangsu and Fujian provinces.
蜻蜓(qingting)无脊椎动物,昆虫纲,蜻蜓目,差翅亚目昆虫的通称。一般体型较惖大,翅长而窄,膜质,网状翅脉极为清晰,飞行能力很强,每秒钟可达10米,既可突然回转,又可直入云霄,有时还能后退飞行。休息时,双翅平展两侧,或直立于背上。前翅和后翅不相似,后翅常大于前翅。翅的前缘,近翅顶处,各有1个翅痣,呈长方形或方形,可保持翅的震动规律性,并可防止因震颤而折伤。头部能灵活转动,复眼1对,较大,约占头部的1/2,约由28000多只小眼组成。视觉极为灵敏,单眼3个;触角1对,细而较短;咀嚼式口器。腹部细长、扁形或呈圆筒形,末端有肛附器。足细而弱,上有钩刺,可在空中飞行时捕捉害虫。下雨前喜低空往返飞行。雌雄交尾也在空中进行。多数雌虫在水面飞行时,分多次将卵“点”在水中,也有的将腹部插入浅水中将卵产于水底。稚虫水虿,在水中用直肠气管鳃呼吸。一般要经11次以上蜕皮,需时2年或2年以上才沿水草爬出水面,再经最后蜕皮羽化为成虫。稚虫在水中可以捕食孑孓或其他小型动物,有时同类也相残食。成虫除能大量捕食蚊、蝇外,有的还能捕食蝶、蛾、蜂等害虫,实为益虫。常见的蜻蜓如蓝面蜓(Aeschna melanictera),多分布于浙江、四川等省;长痣绿蜓(Aeschnophlebia anisoptera)分布在华北一带;黄蜻(Pantala flavescens)全国多省有分布;玉带蜻(Pseudothemis zonata)仅产于我国,主要分布于北京、江苏和福建等省市。
