想请问一下这个比较专业的英语句子的意思In a related study,Brynjolfsson and Smith (2000) examined prices for a matched set of 20 books and 20 CDs sold through 41 online and off-line retail outlets from February 1998 to May 1999.They

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/20 03:45:56

想请问一下这个比较专业的英语句子的意思In a related study,Brynjolfsson and Smith (2000) examined prices for a matched set of 20 books and 20 CDs sold through 41 online and off-line retail outlets from February 1998 to May 1999.They
In a related study,Brynjolfsson and Smith (2000) examined prices for a matched set of 20 books and 20 CDs sold through 41 online and off-line retail outlets from February 1998 to May 1999.They found that online price dispersion was no narrower than off-line price dispersion,with an average price range of 33% and 25% for books and CDs,respectively.
这是一篇关于网络价格离散的论文中的两句,不过我看不懂啊!想请教这两句话的翻译.特别是 with an average price range of 33% and 25% for books and CDs,respectively.这一句,这两个百分数是相对于哪个基数说的啊?
首先谢谢aitaoguang的回答哦!呵呵!我想要这整两句话的翻译,另外,price range在这句话中是什么意思啊?

想请问一下这个比较专业的英语句子的意思In a related study,Brynjolfsson and Smith (2000) examined prices for a matched set of 20 books and 20 CDs sold through 41 online and off-line retail outlets from February 1998 to May 1999.They

想请问一下这个比较专业的英语句子的意思In a related study,Brynjolfsson and Smith (2000) examined prices for a matched set of 20 books and 20 CDs sold through 41 online and off-line retail outlets from February 1998 to May 1999.They 用这个造几个英语句子“n+of+n”请翻译一下句子的意思 关于英语副词WELL句子 I'm sure this letter reaches you well.此句中well的意思抱歉,一楼,你的回答不专业,忽略 英语句子正确不正确请问各位大师这个句子正确不正确:I went to sleep early because I was going to go to school.说出这个句子的意思,如果不正确,请改正 I haven't been bloging lately麻烦问一下这个句子的时态和意思 大家进来看一下,这个英语句子有没有语法上的问题,我就是理解不了.比较偏的,是生物专业的,Proper explanations involving the factors influence dosage regimes,特别是后面的“the factors infuence dosage”,有没有 请问怎样提高英语读说能力英语雅思7分,听力7.5,阅读6.5,写作7,口语7.但是马上要在国外念大学,英语是肯定没有本地人好的,而且专业很难英语要求比较高.所以想请问一下有没有一种能够提高 请问specific needs是什么意思?要比较专业的翻译.请问specific needs是什么意思?按照单词翻译,是“特定需要”的意思么?求英语达人解惑~原句是:the letter are cathing up fast,often leapfrogging older generation “我不懂这个句子的意思,请翻译一下” 用英语怎么说 标准光源灯箱 的英语怎么说呢?我需要比较专业的解释,最好是接触过这个产品的, 谁能翻译一下这个句子的意思:Xiaoyao believe me!I will never forget you!I hope you,too,” dna复制的英语说法想知道 是不是 DNA deplicate?如果不是应该是哪个呢?请问 你是不是比较专业的?因为这个关系到我的双语分数的可是 不希望在这种方面出错 英语翻译英语 解释一下85空一直到86空这段话!我不懂这个句子的意思.翻译一下句子. 比较两个英语句子请问“what i have seen is ture与“all i have seen is ture有什么异同.感谢大家对句子结构的指教。我主要想体会下“ALL...”与“what...”他们引导类似句子时意思,语境语气上的差 几句英语口语的问题前几天和一个美国朋友交流.还是比较顺利的.就是回家后想想有两句句子好像又些问题 1.I also should improve my english a lot.意思是我告诉他我英语还有许多要提高.请问这个话 请来看一下,这句英语句子是否正确你一定要弄死我,要不然我就弄死你You have to kill me or I'll you then请问这个句子是对的吗? 情景语境对话语意义的解释 这个句子用英语怎么说不要chinese english 有没有专业点的 请问这个筒标里的英语什么意思.