来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/28 12:10:57
Question to discuss: Do you know the book "Conversations with God"?Chat on it if u konw.
Stranger 1: nope 陌生人1:没听说过.(下面分别以1,2,3来表示)
Stranger 2: I do, actually 陌生人2: 实际上,我知道.
Stranger 2: It's pretty interesting man 陌生人3:那是一个非常有趣的人.
Stranger 1: is it christian 1:是关于基督教的吗?
Stranger 2: you dont have to be religious to like it either 2:不是教徒你也可以喜欢他.
Stranger 2: no you see, it's the story of a guy that lost everything 2: 不是,这是一个穷光蛋的故事.
Stranger 2: he goes bankrupt, becomes homeless, and is just ****ed over completely
Stranger 2: then he finds a job, but the place closes down
Stranger 2: he meets a woman who is willing to help him, and she finds him a job so that he can buy a small shack out in the woods
Stranger 2: or I think it was out in the woods, it's been a while
Stranger 2: but, while this guy is alone, thinking on how lucky and unlucky he has been, God speaks to him
Stranger 2: he writes a book about his conversations over the course of a few months, makes millions, and then donates most of it
Stranger 2: However, what remains ambiguous is whether God actually talked to him or he just wrote a fiction novel
Stranger 1: so is it or is it posited as a real-life
1: 那么它是虚构的还是被认为是真实的呢?
Stranger 1: oh
Stranger 1: i see 我知道了!
Stranger 2: yeah, it's a fiction novel 是的,它是一本虚构的小说.
Stranger 2: but it's a damn interesting story 但是却非常有趣的小说.
Stranger 1: the storyline doesnt seem to be too original 故事情节好像并非那么首创.
Stranger 1: after all, this is how many christians are produced 毕竟,很多教徒就是这么出现的
Stranger 1: by losing everything and needing something to cling to 当他们失去一切 需要某物来依靠时.
Stranger 2: well there are little things that make it less christian than you'd think
Stranger 2: see, he had quite a bit, but he broke his arm and was let go
Stranger 2: and he suffered with a broken arm for a long time as a homeless guy
Stranger 2: even after his success, he still has these hardships 即使他成功后,他仍然有这些困难.
Stranger 2: so it's not the regular "down and out guy gets a shot at redemption" story
Stranger 2: it's just a narrative where a person can choose to thank god or thank himself,
because in quite a few ways it was his actions and goodwill that brought him out of homelessness
Stranger 1: ok, so its basically saying that you should give god credit every now and then
Stranger 2: nope 不
Stranger 2: it's not telling you to do anything 不是要告诉你去做某事
Stranger 2: this guy chose to thank god 这个人选择感谢上帝
Stranger 2: it's ambiguous in it's telling since god might not have had any role at all
Stranger 1: so does the book have a purpose, or is it just for interests sake
Stranger 2: I feel it does 我感觉是有意图的.
Stranger 2: it teaches that spirituality and self-confidence both fill the same void
Stranger 1: ah
Stranger 1: i like that idea 我喜欢这个说法.
Stranger 1: very much 非常喜欢
Stranger 2: shit like that isn't taught too often 那种垃圾书籍并不会教导我们这些
Stranger 2: and that's what made this book stand out for me 这也是这本书对于我来说比较出众的东西.
Stranger 1: i think its pretty brave to attack this problem, and admirable to find a solution to it
Stranger 1: even if it doesn't work for everyone 即使它不适合所有人
Stranger 2: exactly 准确地说
Stranger 2: and in some ways it didn't work for everyone 从某些角度上说,他不适用于所有人
Stranger 2: after he got successful, he tried to find his homeless friends and help them, but they all moved on
Stranger 2: and while his book was selling quite a bit, he was being heckled for being a man of religion 当他的书卖出很多后,他因是一名教徒而受诘责.
Stranger 2: but it didn't demonize non-belief 但它并没有妖魔化不信教
Stranger 2: it simply showed that a decision or belief isn't universally right
Stranger 1: yeah, thats not a particularly offensive thing to say 是的,这不是一件特别冒犯的事.
Stranger 1: i find it to be true, when you really get down to it 当你认真对待,就会发现这是正确的
Stranger 2: yeah, people can be offended by that sort of shit是的,人们会被那种混蛋事所伤害.
Stranger 2: but there isn't a right opinion or belief at all 但是根本就没有正确的观点或信条.
Stranger 1: thats right 对的
Stranger 1: lol 笑
Stranger 2: so yeah, most christian books generally suck, but this one...
Stranger 1: it sounded like "the Shack" when you were first describing it
Stranger 1: i had to donate that one 我不得不捐出那个.
Stranger 2: the author clearly wasn't just adding to the circlejerk
Stranger 2: The Shack... I think I have that actually 小屋...我像我有这个.
Stranger 2: never read it, my grandma always sends this shit to me to get me to convert
Stranger 1: lol, yeah, i get stuff like that too every year 哈哈,是的,我每年也会受到这样对待.
Stranger 1: i wonder why people are so adamant about this kind of stuff
Stranger 2: they think that their personal beliefs should be law
Stranger 1: it's not like it changes them 不像是它在改变着他们.
Stranger 1: ever read kierkegaard? 读过齐克果吗
Stranger 2: I could swear I've heard of it 我发誓我听说过他.
Stranger 1: well he was a christian philosopher 他是一名基督教哲学家.
Stranger 1: or christian existentialist, as some may put it 或基督教存在主义者
Stranger 2: haha forgive my ignorance 哈哈,原谅我的无知.
Stranger 1: but he essentially said that becoming a good christian should be a personal occupation 但是他基本上说的是成为好的基督徒应是一种个人经历.
Stranger 1: the beliefs of others shouldn't really have any weight on the christian subject
Stranger 2: one could say he was an isolationist on the matter 有人说在这件事上他是一位孤立主义者.
Stranger 1: yeah, i guess so, but i agree with him, and i think we all need to find our own purpose in life, and people so readily contradict this
Stranger 1: when they belong to a popular religion 当他们信仰某一受欢迎的宗教.
Stranger 2: well so few of them play the devils advocate for the other religions
Stranger 1: i mean, most atheists aren't much better 我是说,大多数无神论者也好不到哪里去
Stranger 2: do you mean the LOLSOEDGY atheists or just those that do not practice religion
Stranger 1: yeah basically 是的 基本上是.
Stranger 1: the youtube atheists and reddit ones 无神论者
Stranger 2: **** those sacks of shit 这帮垃圾.
Stranger 2: theyre far worse than the people they go off on 他们比他们炮轰的哪些人更不如.
Stranger 1: i agree 我同意.
Stranger 2: especially because they seem to forget there's more than just christianity out there 特别是由于他们好像忘记了不仅仅有基督教
Stranger 2: see, I've seen few atheists dare to tear apart Islam or Hinduism
Stranger 2: it's mostly teenagers that were raised christian but decided they wanted to be special snowflakes and went for the most attention grabbing thing
Stranger 1: "I will let everyone know of my victimization!" 我想让所有人都知道我的牺牲.
Stranger 2: the irony, however, is that they simply do not know how to explain their points, and instead resort to insults and centuries-old quotes
Stranger 2: lol the ****ing victim complex is killing this culture 牺牲情节毁灭了这种文化.
Stranger 1: well, yeah its basically herd-like behaviour 这是一种羊群行为.
Stranger 1: there are a few popular atheists that dictate what the sheep should think and quote 许多无神论者命令着这些羊应该想或引述什么.
Stranger 1: like dawkins, hitchens, harris, etc. 我喜欢道金斯、希钦斯、哈里斯等人.