1.__________ everybody knows it,I don’twant to talk about it.A.For B.Since C.Even D.However2.He got up so early ________ he caughtthe first bus.A.and B.as C.that D.for3.She is ______ a nice person thateveryone likes her.A.so B.very C.quite D.such4.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 12:43:18

1.__________ everybody knows it,I don’twant to talk about it.A.For B.Since C.Even D.However2.He got up so early ________ he caughtthe first bus.A.and B.as C.that D.for3.She is ______ a nice person thateveryone likes her.A.so B.very C.quite D.such4.
1.__________ everybody knows it,I don’twant to talk about it.
A.For B.Since C.Even D.However
2.He got up so early ________ he caughtthe first bus.
A.and B.as C.that D.for
3.She is ______ a nice person thateveryone likes her.
A.so B.very C.quite D.such
4._______ it is raining,we shall not goto the park.
A.Because B.As C.For D.While
5.The machine stopped running ________thefuel(燃烧) wasfinished.
A.as B.since C.because D.for

1.__________ everybody knows it,I don’twant to talk about it.A.For B.Since C.Even D.However2.He got up so early ________ he caughtthe first bus.A.and B.as C.that D.for3.She is ______ a nice person thateveryone likes her.A.so B.very C.quite D.such4.
1._____b_____ everybody knows it,I don’twant to talk about it.A.For B.Since C.Even D.However2.He got up so early ___c_____ he caught the first bus.A.and B.as C.that D.for3.She is _d_____ a nice person thateveryone likes her.A.so B.very C.quite D.such4.___b____ it is raining,we shall not goto the park.A.Because B.As C.For D.While5.The machine stopped running ___b_____the fuel(燃烧) was finished.A.as B.since C.because D.for


B(as 引导的非限定性定语从句)
C 9明显的因果关系

  1. A for 可以表示原因

  2. c so ....that 如此....以至于

  3. D suck后可接名词

  4. A Because 因为.... 后面接句子

  5. A  当燃烧完成的时候,机器停止运行



右面是DNA分子的结构模式图,请用文字写出图中的名称1.__________.2.__________.3.__________.4.__________.5.__________.6.__________.7.__________.8.__________.9.__________.10.__________. 高一英语单词填空1.It a____ everybody that he experienced zero gravity during a flight.2.The moon can never be anything but a s______ of the earth.3.Whether global warming will affect the earth too much is a ______(关心的话题) for everybo You'd better do it by yourself.____ else can help you.A.somebody B .Everybo 用关联词语写句子,(要用上名人)1.不但.还 (__________不但__________还__________) 2.因为.所以 (__________因为__________所以__________) 一、把下列动词变成第三人称单数,现在分词,过去式和过去分词.1.put _________ __________ __________ 2.teach _________ __________ __________ 3.write _________ __________ __________ 4.take _________ __________ __________ 5.help __ 写出带有(严)的词语(填空)一,写出带有(严)的词语:1.形势(__________)2.纪律(__________)3.(__________)打击4.(__________)态度5.(__________)机密6.(__________)酷暑7.(__________)要求8.(__________)凶犯 补充完整谚语1.读万卷书,__________.2.海内存知己,__________.3.千里之行,__________.4.只要工夫深,__________.5.读书破万卷,__________.6.瓜熟蒂落,__________.7.台上三分钟,__________.8.欲知山中事,__________.9.少壮 解释词语意思 1.窘迫__________ 2.绞紧__________ 3.澄清__________ 1.写出与下列词语同类的两个词语(1)滚烫的 生硬的 __________ __________(2)香喷喷 甜蜜蜜 __________ __________(3)雪白雪白 滚圆滚圆 __________ __________ (4)驰名中外 举世瞩目 __________ __________2 英语,根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词.1.实际上,我对这个话题不感兴趣.__________ __________,I’m not__________ __________ this __________.2.顺便问一下,你想念你的家人吗?__________ __________ __________,do you_____ 小学古诗词运用1.当年你取得好成绩时,老师说:“__________,__________.” 当你遇到困难时,老师说:“__________,__________.”当你没有一个人生的目标时,老师说:“__________,__________.”2.小明整天不 1.__________,草色摇看近却无,最是一年春好处,__________.2.扬花落近子规蹄.__________,我寄愁心与明月,__________.3.__________夜泊秦淮近酒家.(_____的)4.__________,青山郭外斜.(孟浩然) 按要求写词语(至少写四个)1.写出几个关于三国的故事名称.__________ __________ __________ __________2.写出以历史故事题目命名的成语.__________ __________ __________ __________3.写出以寓言故事题目命名的 To go to Beijing by train from here is not possible.(改为同义句) __________ __________ __________一、改写句子.1.To go to   Beijing   by train from here is not possible.(改为同义句)  __________ __________ __________ go to __________>__________>__________制定计划>__________>__________得出结论>__________ “母亲是我的启蒙老师”是因为:1.__________,2.__________,3.__________.今天是截止日期! 1.I don’t __________(no) the boy very well.2.They are the __________(work) __________(wife). 闲情记趣有 1.想象之趣__________ 2.细察之趣__________ 3.童稚之趣__________