来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/24 03:04:36
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, friends of the press. Under very tough circumstances, we have covered an eventful cause in the past two years.
The Chinese people have gone through an extraordinary journey with solid steps, it will leave an imprint in the annals of history.
The road ahead is not a smooth one. It may be full of twists and turns. But we should always remember this important thing, that is half of the people who have embarked on the 100 mile journey may fall by the wayside, this means we must not slacken our efforts in the slightest, and we must not waiver in our resolve.
We must reinforce our confidence, no matter how high the mountain is, one can always ascend to its top. In the face of the various difficulties, our only answer, only solution and only hope lie in the efforts of ourselves.
I have deep love for this country, I love every inch of its land, I love every river that flows on this piece of earth with deep passion and deep affection. For the ideal that I hold dear to my heart, I will not regret a thousand deaths to die. With this strong commitment, I will continue to devote myself to my work in the next three years.
Now I'm ready to answer your questions.
英国《金融时报》记者: 您好.我想问一个有关中国货币政策的问题.现在中国经济发展速度很快,中国经济迅速实现企稳回升,中国的通货膨胀也在上涨,几乎已经达到了您在政府工作报告中定下的今年通胀保持在3%左右的水平目标.不管外界给中国什么样的压力或者对中国的货币政策作出什么评论,我想问,让人民币升值难道不是符合中国自身利益的一件事吗?
Good morning, Premier Wen, I'm Jeff Dial from the Financial Times. I'd like to ask a question about Chinese currency policy. The economy is now growing very strongly in China, you recover very quickly, and inflation is now arising almost close to the 3% target you set for the year. So regardless of pressure and comments from other countries, isn't it now in China's interest/ to begin appreciating your currency? Thank you.
温家宝: 第一,我认为人民币的币值没有低估.让我们看一组数据,去年我们统计了37个国家对中国的出口情况,其中有16个国家对中国的出口是增长的.就是先生所在的欧盟地区,出口总体下降20.3%,但是对中国的出口只下降15.3%.如果我举一个德国的例子,那就是去年德国对中国的出口多达760亿欧元,创历史最高.美国去年出口下降17%,但是对中国的出口仅下降2.2%.中国已经成为周边国家包括日本、韩国的出口市场,也成为欧美的出口市场.
First, I don't think the RMB has depreciated. Let's take a look at a set of figures here. We did a survey of exports of 37 countries in the world towards China last year, 16 out of the 37 countries exports more goods to China. Talking about the European area, where this journalist comes from, on the whole, exports of European countries have decreased by 20.3%, yet its exports to China only fell by 15.3%. Last year, Germany's exports to China reached 76 billion Euros, reaching a historical high. And last year, exports of the United States dropped by 17%, but its exports to China only declined by 2.2%. From this we can see that China has become an important export market for its neighboring countries including Japan and ROK. It is also a major export market for European countries and the United States.
Second, since the outbreak of the international financial crisis, we have made strong efforts to keep RMB exchange rate at a stable level. This has played an important role in facilitating the recovery in the global economy. We have started to reform the RMB exchange rate regime from July 2005 and since then RMB has appreciated by 21% against the US dollar. The real effective exchange rate of RMB rose by 16%. Here I would like to point out that between July 2008 and February 2009, in the midst of raging international economic crisis, the RMB did not devalue, actually the real effective exchange rate of RMB rose by 14.5%. In 2009, our exports dropped by 16%, but our imports only declined by 11%. And China's trade surplus declined by 102 billion US dollars. The stable RMB exchange rate level in the midst of the international financial crisis has played an important role in promoting a recovery in the global economy.
Third, the exchange rate policy of a country is decided by this country's economic conditions. Any change in the exchange rate policy is responsive to the overall situation of the economy of that country. We call for a free trade because we are of the view that free trade will help keep the economy going and will also bring peace and harmony to the people.
We are opposed to the practice of engaging in mutual finger pointing among countries, or taking strong measures to force other countries to appreciate their currencies, because this kind of practice is not in the interest of the reform of RMB exchange rate regime.
On trade issues, we have always maintained that trade disputes should be resolved through consultations, and we believe that equal consultations will always lead to win-win or all win solution.
Fourth, we will continue to implement a managed market-based and floating RMB exchange rate regime, we will continue to reform the RBM exchange regime and keep RMB exchange rate basically stable at an appropriate and balanced level.
Thank you.
新华社记者: 总理您好.国际货币基金组织不久前对今明两年世界经济和中国经济的发展都作出了比较乐观的预测,但是不少经济学家却认为世界经济和中国经济的发展都存在二次探底的风险,甚至认为这种风险不可避免.您在刚刚通过的政府工作报告中也用“极为复杂”四个字形容今年我们面对的形势,请问总理,您怎么看舆论的这种担心?中国经济将如何避免出现二次探底的情况?经济的形势极为复杂,复杂在哪里?谢谢.
With XINHUA news agency, the International Monetary Fund has made quite optimistic forecasts of the world economy and China's economy this year and the next year. However some economists believe that both the world economy and China's economy face the risk of a double-dip. And they even hold the view that a double-dip is not avoidable. You said in your report on the work of the government that this year will be very complicated for the Chinese economy. I would like to get your perspective on the worries from the public. What will the Chinese government do to avert the risk of a double-dip and why is this year going to be the most complicated year for China?
温家宝: 经济复杂,复杂在不确定因素多.我认为,虽然世界经济出现整体复苏的形势,但世界经济的主要矛盾和问题并没有完全消除.
This year is going to be the most complicated year for the Chinese economy because we still face a lot of uncertainties. I believe in spite of the overall recovery in the world economy, the major challenges and problems in the global economy have yet to be fully addressed.
The unemployment rates in some major economies have been hovering at a high level. Some countries have witnessed the outbreak of sovereign debt crisis. There are still risks in the financial sector and public finance. Prices of bulk commodities on international markets and exchange rate of major currencies are not yet stable. As a result of inflation expectations, some countries are facing difficulties in making the right policy decisions. All these may cause setbacks in the cause of promoting a recovery in the global economy and may even lead to a double-dip.
It is impossible for China to develop its economy out of the context of the broader international economy. It is true that the Chinese economy has stabilized and it's turning for the better. But I should also point out that there has not been a fundamental improvement in the operations of many Chinese businesses and a lot of Chinese businesses are still reliant on the stimulus measures to stay afloat.
Impact of the international financial crisis on the Chinese economy is in a sense an impact on our economy structure and pattern of economic development. It is impossible for us to complete the arduous task of economic restructuring and changing the growth pattern in a short span of time. It calls for long standing and hard efforts. Therefore we must continue to give priority to transforming the growth pattern and economic restructuring in all our efforts. And to do that, we must...we will be able to address those structure problems that have caused unsteady, uncoordinated and unsustainable development in the Chinese economy.
This year, we must skillfully handle the relationship between maintaining fast yet steady economy development, restructuring our economic structure, and managing inflation expectations. We must accomplish the three tasks or at the same time in order to ensure a bright future for the Chinese economy. And only in this way, may we avert the risk of a double-dip.
Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Premier.
Eh, my name is Melinda Liu. I'm with Newsweek magazine. According to media reports, some American officials and analysts say that the Chinese delegation, the representatives at Copenhagen, the Climate Change Summit in December were perceived as arrogant and that you, Mr. Premier, your decision not to attend a key meeting there, even though other heads of state including President Barack Obama were in attendance at the meeting, was a reason for disappointment and surprised by some of the other participants. Eh, Mr.Premier, what's your response to this and how did the proceedings in Copenhagen look from your perspective? Thank you very much.