An English problemimagine that you are a parent whose children are studying at one DSS school.Do you think education officials should disclose the names of the DSS schools violating rules.Or,they should be given greater freedom in using their subsidi

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/07 00:23:16

An English problemimagine that you are a parent whose children are studying at one DSS school.Do you think education officials should disclose the names of the DSS schools violating rules.Or,they should be given greater freedom in using their subsidi
An English problem
imagine that you are a parent whose children are studying at one DSS school.Do you think education officials should disclose the names of the DSS schools violating rules.Or,they should be given greater freedom in using their subsidies.Write in about 100-150 words to explain
详细找香港直资学校滥用资助的新闻 先+到50分..

An English problemimagine that you are a parent whose children are studying at one DSS school.Do you think education officials should disclose the names of the DSS schools violating rules.Or,they should be given greater freedom in using their subsidi
2010年 11月 18日 00:00 中国窗
新一份审计署署长报告昨日出炉,点名批评了食环署、警务处等多个政府部门、专责机构及公众团体存在的管理不善、制度不足等问题,希望有关部门加以正视,提升管理效率,完善制度建设,减少浪费公帑.其中,报告特别指出部分直资学校行政混乱,在管治、财务管理等诸多范畴均存在漏洞,问题之广泛之严重,备受公众关注. 由报告可见,直资学校营运中确实问题多多,大出人们所料.当中最主要的包括:有学校竟然无视教育局的指引,将毋须即时动用的剩余款项用作炒股等投机性投资,报告提及的学校就分别持有市值2800万元股票及4300万元投资基金之多,还有学校则以非政府资金购置物业;有部分学校申请加学费时,亦未有充分谘询家长,14宗申请加费的个案中,有11间学校涉及低估营运储备和财政预测,以提高申请加学费的机会,有滥加学费之嫌;有学校未按规定拨款设立学费减免及奖学金计划,帮助清贫学生就读,而已设立相关计划的学校,普遍运用率亦低於预期,共有逾两成学校运用率在50%或以下.除了这些比较严重的管理问题之外,其他细微的行政管理瑕疵更是不胜枚举.凡此种种,均反映出直资学校的制度不足,管理不善,监督不严,指引形同虚设,无法产生监管作用.同时亦暴露出不少直资学校本末倒置,以利用资金投资、加学费、不设学费减免及奖学金计划等方法,以图增加学校盈余,而这种以赚钱、盈利为尚的风气,明显偏离了直资计划之初衷,应引起当局高度重视,认真检讨.须知,政府当初之所以要推行直资计划,原意是令本港学校体制更趋多元,为本港学生提供更多升学选择,从而满足不同学生的学习需要.故而政府设立直资制度,以津贴支持直资学校运作.制度引入了市场运作元素,既可减少政府干预,增强学校的管理弹性,提高行政效率,亦可在课程设计、教师聘用、教学方法等范畴给予学校更大操作空间,达到提升教学质素的目的,一举两得.政府去年就为此提供了逾24亿元的公帑,支持直资学校营运.惟审计报告的结果却显示了直资计划的管理未如理想,不少直资学校舍本逐末,忘记了「教育为主,市场为辅」的大原则,未有尽力提升教学质素,却挖空心思增加学校盈利,偏离了直资计划的宗旨.有见及此,当局须加强对直资学校的监管,将以赚钱为尚的管理方式纠正过来,规定资金投放在教学用途的比率,避免学校滥用公帑资源,「不务正业」胡乱投资.针对以上问题,审计报告内已提出一系列相应的具体建议,如建议直资学校制订运用非政府资金的指引等,以助有关当局改善管理,完善制度.而教育局亦从善如流,虚心接纳了报告的批评,表示同意审计署的建议,并承诺会加强监管,制订机制处理直资学校严重违规的问题.希望教育当局坐言起行,切实修正;与此同时,还应研究对违反指引的直资学校加强监督、提高罚则,加强问责性,才能确保学校遵守有关规定,让政府资助的公帑能用得其所,发挥最大效益,避免直资学校「无王管」的情况一再出现.
译; Cannot the laissez faire straight capital school “the non-king tube” the 2010 year on November 18 the 00:00 Chinese window bureau chief
new audit office reported draws a charge yesterday, the roll-call has criticized questions and so on ill management which, system insufficiency Shihuanshu, the main police department and so on many Government departments, the sole responsibility organization and the public association existed, hoped that the Department concerned faced up to, the promotion managerial effectiveness, the perfect system construction, reduced the waste public funds. And, reported that pointed out specially the part straight capital school administration is chaotic, is governing and ruling, the financial control and so on many categories to have the crack, the question widespread serious, receives the public attention. Is obvious by the report, in straight capital school transport business the question very much, is truly big the people to expect. Middle most main including: So

