the importance of being earnest中文或英文简介哪有?

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the importance of being earnest中文或英文简介哪有?
the importance of being earnest中文或英文简介哪有?

the importance of being earnest中文或英文简介哪有?
不可儿嬉 (2002)( The Importance of Being Earnest)
导 演:奥利弗·帕克
编 剧:奥斯卡·怀尔德 奥利弗·帕克
主 演:爱德华·福克斯 安娜·曼斯 朱迪·丹克 瑞茜·威瑟斯彭 弗朗西丝·奥康纳
上 映:2002年5月17日
时 长:97分钟
类 型:爱情片 剧情片 喜剧片


The Importance of Being Earnest is a play by Oscar Wilde, a comedy of manners on the seriousness of society in either three or four acts (depending on edition) inspired by W. S. Gilbert's Engaged.[1] ...


The Importance of Being Earnest is a play by Oscar Wilde, a comedy of manners on the seriousness of society in either three or four acts (depending on edition) inspired by W. S. Gilbert's Engaged.[1] It was first performed for the public on February 14, 1895 at the St. James' Theatre in London.
It is set in England during the late Victorian era, and its primary source of humour is based upon the main character Jack's fictitious younger brother Ernest. Jack's surname, Worthing, is taken from the town where Wilde was staying when he wrote the play.
Wilde's plays had reached a pinnacle of success, and anything new from the playwright was eagerly awaited. The press were always hungry for details and would pursue stories about new plots and characters with a vengeance. To combat this Wilde gave the play a working title, Lady Lancing. The use of seaside town names for leading characters, or the locations of their inception, can be recognised in all four of Wilde's society plays.
Algernon, an aristocratic young Londoner, pretends to have a friend named Bunbury who lives in the country and is frequently in ill health. Whenever Algernon wants to avoid an unwelcome social obligation, or just get away for the weekend, he makes an ostensible visit to his "sick friend." In this way he can feign piety and dedication, while having the perfect excuse to get out of town, avoiding his responsibilities. He calls this practice "Bunburying."
Algernon's real-life best friend lives in the country but makes frequent visits to London. This friend's name is Ernest Worthing...or so Algernon thinks. But when Ernest leaves his silver cigarette case in Algernon's rooms, Algernon finds an inscription in it: "From little Cecily, with her fondest love to her dear Uncle Jack".
This forces Ernest to disclose that his own visits to the city are also examples of "Bunburying," much to Algernon's delight. In the country, "Ernest" goes by the name of Jack (which he understands to be his real name), and pretends that he has a wastrel brother named Ernest, who lives in London. When honest Jack comes to the city, he assumes the name, and behaviour, of the profligate Ernest. In the country Jack assumes a more serious attitude for the benefit of his young ward, the 18-year old heiress Cecily.
Jack himself wishes to marry Gwendolen, who is Algernon's cousin, but runs into a few problems. First, Gwendolen seems to love him only because she believes his name is Ernest, which she thinks is the most beautiful name in the world. Second, Gwendolen's mother is the terrifying Lady Bracknell. Lady Bracknell is horrified when she learns that Jack was adopted as a baby after being discovered in a handbag at a railway station. In her opinion it is absolutely below the standards of her daughter to "marry into a cloakroom and form an alliance with a parcel", as she puts it.
Meanwhile, Jack's description of Cecily has so appealed to Algernon that he resolves to meet her, in spite of Jack's firm opposition. Algernon decides to visit Jack's house in the country, in the guise of the mysterious brother "Ernest." Thus Algernon-as-Ernest is able to meet Jack's ward, Cecily, who has for some time imagined herself in love with Ernest -- Jack's non-existent, scapegrace brother. As such, Cecily is soon swept off her feet by Algernon. In parallel, however, Jack, having decided to give up his Bunburying, has announced the tragic death of his brother Ernest to Cecily's governess Miss Prism, and Prism's secret admirer the Reverend Chasuble. Thus, by the time the two "brothers" meet, one is dressed in mourning for the other.
New confusion is created by the arrival of Gwendolen, who has fled London and her mother to be with her love. When she and Cecily meet for the first time, each indignantly insists that she is the one engaged to "Ernest". Once Lady Bracknell in turn arrives, in pursuit of her daughter, she and Jack reach stalemate as she still refuses to countenance his marriage to Gwendolen, while he, in retaliation, denies his consent to the marriage of Lady Bracknell's penniless nephew Algernon to his heiress ward Cecily.
The impasse is broken, in deus ex machina fashion, by the reappearance of Miss Prism. As she and Lady Bracknell recognize each other with horror, it is revealed that, when working many years previously as a nursemaid for Lady Bracknell’s sister, Prism had inadvertently lost a baby boy in a handbag. When Jack produces the identical handbag, it becomes clear that he is Lady Bracknell's nephew and Algernon's older brother.
Only one thing now stands in the way of the young couples' happiness, in view of Gwendolen's continued insistence that she can only love a man named Ernest - what is Jack's real first name? Lady Bracknell informs him that he was named after his father, a general, but cannot remember the general's name. Jack looks eagerly in a military reference book and declares that the name is in fact Ernest after all, and he has all along been telling the truth inadvertently.
As the happy couples embrace in turn (including also Prism and Chasuble), Lady Bracknell complains to Ernest, "My nephew, you seem to be displaying signs of triviality." "On the contrary, Aunt Augusta," Ernest replies, "I’ve now realised for the first time in my life the vital Importance of Being Earnest."
《不可儿戏》(The Importance of Being Earnest),又译作《真诚最要紧》,19世纪爱尔兰剧作家王尔德写的一部讽刺风俗喜剧 (comedy of manners),灵感取自 W. S. Gilbert 的一部喜剧《Engaged》。整套剧共分3幕或4幕,视上演的版本而定。1895年2月14日,在伦敦的 St. James's Theatre,此剧首次公演。
故事背景设在维多利亚时期的英格兰,而剧中幽默的泉源集中在主角 Jack 虚构出来的弟弟 Ernest 身上。Earnest 是 Ernest 的谐音,即认真的意思。而 Jack 的姓氏 Worthing,则是王尔德撰写此剧时居住那个市镇的名称。
当时王尔德的话剧可谓极之成功,人们往往期待他的新作。他在创作此剧时,记者们经常前来打听有关细节,同时又对剧情发展和复仇角色等问题充满兴趣。为应付他们,王尔德暂时取了一个 Lady Lancing 的剧名。一如他另外四部社会话剧,王尔德同样以海边市镇的名字替其此剧主角和故事开端命名。
本剧主角 Jack Worthing 是 Cecily Cardew 的监护人。在 Cecily 眼中,Jack 是个极其认真和严谨的人。然而,多年来,Jack 一直对 Cecily 骗说自己在伦敦有个挥霍无度的弟弟叫 Ernest。由於要接济这位虚构出来的弟弟,Jack 要经常要离开 Cecily 住处所在的 Hertfordshire 跑到伦敦去。Jack 在伦敦时,以另一个名字 "Ernest" 示人。他结识了 Algernon Moncrieff (简称 Algy) 的表妹 Gwendolen Fairfax 并和她交往起来。
至於另一位主角 Algy 则讹称自己在城郊有位经常生病,名叫 Bunbury 的朋友。每当 Algy 想逃避一些社会责任,又或者只是想趁周末外出休息一下,他就对人骗说要去探望这位同样是虚构出来的朋友。他将这种虚构身份或制造双重身份的做法名为 "bunburying" 。
故事开始,Jack 跑到 Algy 府上打算向 Gwendolen 求婚,可是遇上不少麻烦。第一,Gwendolen 似乎纯粹因为她相信 Jack 的名字叫 Ernest 而喜欢他,因为 Ernest 是她心目中最漂亮的名字。第二,Gwendolen 的母亲是使人害怕的 Lady Bracknell。对於 Jack 的身世,她显然感到不满和惊讶。Jack 年幼时曾被收藏在一个弃置於火车站的手提包内,直至后来的监护人 Tom Cardew,亦即是 Cecily 的祖父,发现他和收养他。她认为,让女儿「嫁进寄物室里与包裹通婚」(原文: marry into a cloakroom and form an alliance with a parcel) 是一件难以接受的事。
另一方面,Algernon 发现到 Ernest (当时 Algernon 未知道 Ernest 的真名) 在其房间内丢下了一个银色的盛烟盒,盒内刻上一段文字: "From little Cecily with her fondest love to her dear Uncle Jack",意思大概是「小小的 Cecily 送给亲爱的 Jack 叔叔并奉上至温柔的爱」。Algy 不但开始怀疑,更进一步迫使到 Ernest 承认自己的真名是 Jack ,和道出经常往来伦敦与郊区的原因,发觉和自己的 "bunburying" 很相似。
Jack 对 Algy 说 Cecily 似乎对这个虚构出来的弟弟 Ernest 很感兴趣,因此决定放弃 "bunburying",并打算对 Cecily 说他在伦敦的弟弟 Ernest 已经在巴黎病逝。言辞间,Jack 对 Cecily 的描述引起了 Algy 对这位18岁少女的好奇心。正当 Jack 换上丧服,打算前往 Hertfordshire 告知 Cecily 这个「噩耗」之际,Algy 已提早一步到达 Cecily 位於郊外的寓所,并冒充自己就是 Jack 那个挥金如土的弟弟 Ernest。两人不但很快就攀谈起来,更在 Jack 赶到这里之时,Cecily 对其监护人说她和 Algy 已有结婚打算。Jack 虽感愤怒,但亦只好装作若无其事。
Gwendolen 来到城郊打算和 Jack 会面,但只见 Cecily 一人。她们两人谈起话来,言语间识破了 Algy 和 Jack 的真正身份和秘密。及后,这两人出现,被问到说谎的原因,他们分别都能说出令人满意的答案之余,亦各自准备找牧师取一个 Ernest 的名字,因此 Cecily 和 Gwendolen 宽恕了他们。
就在此时,跟踪女儿远道而来的 Lady Bracknell 抵达 Hertfordshire。 Gwendolen 再次向母亲提及她和 Jack 的婚事,然而还是不被赞同。另一边厢,Algy 亦说出他和 Cecily 已定下婚约。Lady Bracknell 遂向 Cecily 和 Jack 询问大堆有关 Cecily 背景的事。Jack 很不耐烦地一一回答,直至提到 Cecily 继承了大堆遗产时,Lady Bracknell 始感兴趣。Jack 作为 Cecily 的监护人并不赞成她和 Algy 之间的婚事,除非 Lady Bracknell 同意将女儿嫁给他。虽然如此,Lady Bracknell 还是拒绝交换条件。就在她临离开 Cecily 的寓所前,言谈间听到 Dr. Chasuble 谈及 Cecily 的家庭教师 Prism 小姐,Lady Bracknell 毫不考虑便要求召见她。
Prism 小姐初见 Lady Bracknell 时即错愕之感。28年前,她替 Lady Bracknell 的姐姐打工,期间不慎遗失了一名婴孩后就不知所综。Lady Bracknell 再三追问,配合 Jack 的口供,证实该名孩童正是 Jack 本人。而孩童的母亲,则是Lady Bracknell 的姐姐,父亲则是 Algy 的父亲。换句话说,原来 Jack 真是 Algy 的哥哥。Lady Bracknell 说,作为长子,Jack 的圣名自然跟从父亲。经过翻查后,证实了他父亲恰巧地又取了一个 Ernest 的圣名。最后,众人各自和自己的伴侣拥抱。剧终前,Jack 说他首次明白到为人认真的重要性。 (I've now realised for the first time in my life the Vital Importance of Being Earnest)
