亲,few ,a little ,a bit ,a lot of ,lots of怎么区分还有another ,other ,others有怎么区分.还有the others

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/08 17:39:51

亲,few ,a little ,a bit ,a lot of ,lots of怎么区分还有another ,other ,others有怎么区分.还有the others
亲,few ,a little ,a bit ,a lot of ,lots of怎么区分还有another ,other ,others有怎么区分.
还有the others

亲,few ,a little ,a bit ,a lot of ,lots of怎么区分还有another ,other ,others有怎么区分.还有the others
a little用于不可数名词,表示有一点,肯定语气
/a few/用于可数名词,表示有几个,也是强调“有”
a little bit表程度,有点儿
/a bit of/有一点,少量的,加不可数
a bit/有点儿,表程度
a lot of/只加可数
lots of 可不可都成,表示数量很多
/a lot=very much,不是表数量,是表程度
other,the other,others,the others,another的用法:
○1后接复数名词.如There are many students on the playground.Some students are playing,other students are standing in line.
○2后接ones.如 There are many students on the playground.Some students are playing,other ones are standing in line.
2.the other的用法:
(1) adj.“别的;其他的”.
○1后接复数名词.如 There are seven pens on the table.Three are black,the other pens are red.
○2后接ones.如 There are seven pens on the table.Three are black,the other ones are red.
注:作形容词时,the other与other的区别:加the表示范围确定或特指;不加the 表示范围不确定或泛指.
(2) adj./ pron.“(两者中的)另一个”.
○1后接单数名词.如 I have two brothers.One is Tom,the other brother is David.
○2后接one.如 I have two brothers.One is Tom,the other one is David.
○3后面不接词.如 I have two brothers.One is Tom,the other is David.
注:常见句型“一个…,另一个…”:One…,the other…
3.others与the others的用法:
(1)都只作pron.译作“别的/其他的人/物”.加the表示范围确定或特指;不加the 表示 范围不确定或泛指.如 There are many students on the playground.Some are playing,others are standing in line./ There are seven pens on the table.Three are black,the others are red.
(2)others = other + 复数名词/ones,the others = the other +复数名词/ones.(参考前边的例句) 注:常见句型“一些…,其余的…”:_Some…,others…
(1) adj./ pron.“(三者以上的)另一个”.
○1后接单数名词.如 I have eaten some apples.Could you give me another apple?
○2后接one.如 I have eaten some apples.Could you give me another one?
○3后面不接词.如 I have eaten some apples.Could you give me another?
(2) adj.“另…个”.用于“another + 数词 / few + …”句型中.
○1后接复数名词.如 I have eaten some apples.Could you give me another five / few apples?
○2后接ones.如 I have eaten some apples.Could you give me another five / few ones?
○3后面不接词.如 I have eaten some apples.Could you give me another five / few?
注:(a) another后面不能直接连复数名词,必须在加上数词或few之后才能连接复数名词.如 Could you give me another apples?×
(b) another +数词+复数名词 = 数词 + more +复数名词.
如 I want another two books = I want two more books.
(c) another + few + 复数名词 = a few + more + 复数名词
如 Give me another few chances = Give me a few more chances.
(d)常见词组:“一个接一个”one after another / one after the other / one by one ,“彼此;互相”one another / each other.
(3) 能作代词的the other,others,the others,another后面都可以有所有格形式,即在它们后面加 ’或 ’s ,分别译作“另一个的”或“其他人/物的”.如 Each person looked after the other’s bag./ We should think of others’ feelings.

a bit是稍微, 有一点儿,一点;一些可加of,a little不可加of,a lot of ,lots of是同义词可互相转换,
是the other其中的“另一个”

,a lot of= ,lots of可修饰可数和不可数名词
another ;又一再一
例:have ~cup of tea 再喝一杯茶
反正就是表示若一个(one)怎么样 另一个(another)怎么样
the others 后不可加名词, 对比例句比较好看,例these two apples are bad ,the ot...


,a lot of= ,lots of可修饰可数和不可数名词
another ;又一再一
例:have ~cup of tea 再喝一杯茶
反正就是表示若一个(one)怎么样 另一个(another)怎么样
the others 后不可加名词, 对比例句比较好看,例these two apples are bad ,the others are
a little用于不可数名词,表示有一点
a few/用于可数名词,表示有几个
a bit/有点儿,表程度


先告诉你lots of,a lot of,a lot的区别:
a lot of 和lots of意思基本上是一样的,就是many,much
a lot是一个很灵活的副词性短语
比如你自己说的My pig eats a lot
a lot 做副词,是eats这个动作的补语
再比如My dog eats a lot more,我家狗狗吃得更多
这里的a ...


先告诉你lots of,a lot of,a lot的区别:
a lot of 和lots of意思基本上是一样的,就是many,much
a lot是一个很灵活的副词性短语
比如你自己说的My pig eats a lot
a lot 做副词,是eats这个动作的补语
再比如My dog eats a lot more,我家狗狗吃得更多
这里的a lot 做副词修饰more,三个词连在一起修饰eats。这么说你明白了么?
a lot其实本身是多的意思,后来引申为十分,非常,比如
Thanks a lot 十分感谢,太谢谢了
首先要说的,是英文没有lot of,a lots of,a lots这说法。A lot of和lots of都是“很多”的意思,用法有两点值得注意。第一,a lot of和lots of都可用来说可数(countable)或不可数(uncountable)名词,而动词应用单数或复数形式,则看那名词而定,和a lot或lots无关。例如“A lot of/Lots of money was lost.(损失了很多钱。)”一语,lots之后不用were;“A lot of/Lots of people were wounded.(很多人受了伤。)”一语,a lot of之后也不用was。第二,many/much和a lot of/lots of意思相同,但语气上,many和much没有a lot of那么随便,a lot of又没有lots of那么随便。所以,a lot of / lots of不宜用于谨严的写作,多见于口语;但问句、否定句口头上也多用many和much。例如甲问:“How much time have we?(我们有多少时间?)”乙可以说:“We haven't much time.(我们没有很多时间。)”或“We have a lot of/lots of time.(我们有很多时间。)”向人道谢,说“Thanks a lot!”也比“Thanks very much!”随便。此外,年、月、日、时等时间单位,不可和a lot of/lots of连用,例如“I lived in Macau for many years before coming to Hong Kong.(我在澳门住了多年才来香港。)”一语,many不可改为a lot of
再告诉你other,the other,others,another的区别:
other,the other,others,another 都是不定代词.
泛指: 单数:another =an other 复数:other (boys), / others
特指:单数:the other 复数:the other (boys),/ the others
1.another 别的,另一个,泛指众多中一个.一般后面接单数名词,前面不能加定冠词
例1:I don't like this one.Show me another.我不喜欢这个,给我看看另一个好吗?(another 作宾语)
例2:This book is too difficult forme.Will you please give me another one(=another book)?
2.the other 表示两个中的一个,常与one 连用:
one ... the other...
例:I have two pecils;one is red;the other is blue.
3.other+名词= others(别的)
例1:Some are listening to the radio,others are watching TV.
例2:Some students went to the Summer Palace,other students(=others)stayed at home last Sunday.
4.the other+名词=the others 译为其余的,相当于the rest
例:Some of the pencils are red.The others(=the other pencils)are green.有些铅笔是红的,其余的都是绿的.
a little和little修饰或代替不可数名词,与much相对,表示“多”;a few和few修饰或代替可数名词与many相对,表示“少”。a little和a few含肯定语气, little和few含否定语气。一般说来,在only, just, still, quite, can, not等词后用a little或a few;在very, so, some, the, no等词后用little或few。如:
比较a little和a bit:a little和a bit都可用来修饰形容词或副词;a little可直接修饰名词,但a bit后要加of后才可接名词,如a little water=a bit of water;not a little =very / much,而not a bit = not at all
