take a risk of / take chances of / 的区别
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 16:38:02
take a risk of / take chances of / 的区别
take a risk of / take chances of / 的区别
take a risk of / take chances of / 的区别
take a risk of 冒着险、风险
take chances of 抓住机会
take a risk of 冒着。。。的危险、风险
take chances of 抓住。。。。机会
二者都有抓住机会的意思 但是 take a risk of 更强调所面临的危险、风险 而后者只强调 机会
是take a risk of take the risk of还是take risk of
take a risk of / take chances of / 的区别
take the risk of ; take a risk doing ,take a rist to do sth.一样吗
take the risk of
take a risk of / take a risk 这两个短语个球一句例句谢
take a risk是什么意思?
take a rest/ take a break/take a risk
a hell of a risk
take a risk in 同义词组
take the risk of 的用法比如冒着生命危险救人是take the risk of their lives to rescue还是take the risk of their lives rescuing
take the risk与take a risks有何区别
1take the risk of doing 2 at risk3 risk doing 4risk being done求英语翻译
1take the risk of doing 2 at risk3 risk doing 4risk being done求英语翻译
take the risk (of) doing sth 怎么用?
Though we take a great risk of investing in the project,yet it will pay off in the long run.
关于risk的用法问题take the risk of...承担...的风险risk sth 冒...的风险risk doing sth 冒险做某事
I will not ______ for such a small sum of money.A.take the risk of my life B.risk my life C.at the risk of my lif D.go the risk请问应该选哪个?并且解释一下其余几个选项为何错误?
关于the risk she was taking的问题..Mrs.Anne sterling dis not think of the risk she was taking when she ran through a forest after two men.我知道有个take the risk的短语是冒..风险的意思,而这里的the risk she was taking好像也