He would rather die than bad things to his friends.He ______ ________ to doing bad things to his friends.lt was raining hard,but he didn't stop workinglt was raining hard,but he still _____ ______ __________.同义句

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/08 04:08:09

He would rather die than bad things to his friends.He ______ ________ to doing bad things to his friends.lt was raining hard,but he didn't stop workinglt was raining hard,but he still _____ ______ __________.同义句
He would rather die than bad things to his friends.
He ______ ________ to doing bad things to his friends.
lt was raining hard,but he didn't stop working
lt was raining hard,but he still _____ ______ __________.

He would rather die than bad things to his friends.He ______ ________ to doing bad things to his friends.lt was raining hard,but he didn't stop workinglt was raining hard,but he still _____ ______ __________.同义句
prefered dying
kept on working (供参考)

前面两空是:prefer dying 后面三空是:working very hard 应该对的吧

求英文短语:垂头 与 宁死不屈如题宁死不屈:He would rather die than ________ _________(两空) 英语句子练习翻译:1. 让他去偷,他宁愿去死.(prefer) He would prefer to die than steal.= He prefers to dying to stealing.=He would rather die than steal. 2. 你想把头发理成什么发型.(style)What hair-style do you want t We would rather die on our feet than live on our k---- 并指明填什么 Facing the enemies,our solders would die rather than give in.翻译成中文 Why would some workers in Foxcon die rather than continue working in the factory. I would rather die than fall in love with you.是病句吗 If I am not happy, I would rather die 这句中文是什么意思 If I can not live with dignity, I would rather die.怎么翻译啊 He preferred to die____ _____stealing.同义句子He preferred to die rather than to steal. Rather than ___on a crowded bus,he would ___a bicycle. I would rather he remember me the way i was. whom would you rather have go with you ,he or 为什么rather后用那个have would rather的用法,I'd rather he stayed outside,为什么用stayed? 英语翻译136.______ is create some slack for himself and enjoy his jobs more.A.What he rather would do B.What he would rather do C.What he would rather did D.That he could rather do 英语翻译136.______ is create some slack for himself and enjoy his jobs more.A.What he rather would do B.What he would rather do C.What he would rather did D.That he could rather do He _going swimming _going shopping while his sister would _go shopping_go swimming.A.would rather ;than ;prefer;to B.would rather ;to;prefer;than C.prefers;to;rather;than D.prefers;rather than;rather;than (求解释,求翻译) i would rather he would buy the house next year.这里用buy还是bought,为什么 The brave soldier would rather die than give in的同义句 The brave soldier prefers_die_ _give in