英语翻译What's your spiritual IQ?Her ex had done it again.After missing their 10-year-old daughter's dance recital,he showed up the following day with a bouquet of roses."My first impulse was to tear into him," admits my friend Jennie.Then some p

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/01 22:16:06

英语翻译What's your spiritual IQ?Her ex had done it again.After missing their 10-year-old daughter's dance recital,he showed up the following day with a bouquet of roses."My first impulse was to tear into him," admits my friend Jennie.Then some p
What's your spiritual IQ?
Her ex had done it again.After missing their 10-year-old daughter's dance recital,he showed up the following day with a bouquet of roses."My first impulse was to tear into him," admits my friend Jennie.Then some phrases popped into her mind:"He loves her.She needs him.Let it be." Taking a deep breath,she listened to this inner voice and said,"Natalie's going to love the flowers." And for at least one brief,shining moment,there was a little more peace on earth.
What happened?Without consciously realizing why or how,Jennie had reached beyond reason to a deeper level of understanding,a newly recognized way of knowing that psychologists have dubbed "spiritual intelligence." Our spiritual intelligence quotient,or SQ,helps us understand ourselves,and live fuller,happier lives.Spiritual intelligence is the capacity to sense,understand and tap in to the highest part of ourselves,of others and of the world around us.This source of inner serenity may be our best defense against the hassles that barrage us every day.While we' re all born with SQ,most of us
aren't even aware that we have it.Fortunately,you don't have to sign up for classes to learn how to enhance your SQ.Here are some simple steps that can lead you to this new level of understanding:
Sit Quietly.The process of cultivating spiritual intelligence begins in solitude and silence.Most spiritual traditions involve an inner wisdom.To tune in to its whisper,you have to turn down the volume in your busy,noisy,complicated life and force yourself to do nothing at all.Start small by creating islands of silence in your day.In the car,instead of reaching for the radio dial,use the time to reflect.At work,shut the door to your office between meetings,take a few deep breaths and let them out very,very slowly.Savor the stillness in your home after the kids are finally in bed.
Step Outside.For many people,nature sets their spirit free.It puts the hassles of daily living into perspective.

英语翻译What's your spiritual IQ?Her ex had done it again.After missing their 10-year-old daughter's dance recital,he showed up the following day with a bouquet of roses."My first impulse was to tear into him," admits my friend Jennie.Then some p
当然,她做了一遍.失踪后,其10岁女儿的舞蹈演奏,他出现在第二天与祝福的玫瑰."我的第一冲动被撕裂成"他坦承,我的朋友珍妮.然后一些词组出现成为她脑海中说:"他爱她.她需要他.让."采取深呼吸,她听到这个心声,并表示,"纳塔莉去爱情的花朵" .并至少有一个简短,光辉时刻,有一点地球上的和平.
发生了什么?而不自觉地实现为什么或如何,珍妮已经达到超越理由更深一层的认识,认识到新的方式得知心理学家称为"心灵智慧" .我们的精神智商,或平方,有助于我们了解自己,更充分地活,快乐的生活.灵性智力是能力意识,要了解和塔中,以最高的一部分,对自己,他人以及我们周围的世界.这种来源的内心平静,可我们的最佳防御麻烦堰,我们每一天.而我们的一切重新出生平方,我们大多数




静坐:培养精神智商可从独处和静默开始。精神上的信仰大多需要心灵的智慧。要听到心灵的细语就要放慢节奏,使纷繁嘈杂的生活平静下来,迫使自己放下一切事务。逐渐为每一天创造一段安静的时间。在开车时,用一些时间思考,而不是打开收音机. 在工作时,不妨利用会议间歇关上办公室的门,深吸几口气,然后缓缓地呼出。在家里,孩子上床后,独自细细地品位一下家里的宁静.
户外活动: 对于许多人来说,大自然能给予他们精神上的自由,使他们对日常生活中烦心的事能用"风物长宜放眼量"的角度去看。


What's your spiritual IQ?
Her ex had done it again. After missing their 10-year-old daughter's dance recital, he showed up the following day with a bouquet of roses. "My first impulse was to tear...


What's your spiritual IQ?
Her ex had done it again. After missing their 10-year-old daughter's dance recital, he showed up the following day with a bouquet of roses. "My first impulse was to tear into him," admits my friend Jennie. Then some phrases popped into her mind: "He loves her. She needs him. Let it be." Taking a deep breath, she listened to this inner voice and said, "Natalie's going to love the flowers." And for at least one brief, shining moment, there was a little more peace on earth.
What happened? Without consciously realizing why or how, Jennie had reached beyond reason to a deeper level of understanding, a newly recognized way of knowing that psychologists have dubbed "spiritual intelligence." Our spiritual intelligence quotient, or SQ, helps us understand ourselves, and live fuller, happier lives. Spiritual intelligence is the capacity to sense, understand and tap in to the highest part of ourselves, of others and of the world around us. This source of inner serenity may be our best defense against the hassles that barrage us every day. While we' re all born with SQ, most of us
aren't even aware that we have it. Fortunately, you don't have to sign up for classes to learn how to enhance your SQ. Here are some simple steps that can lead you to this new level of understanding:
Sit Quietly. The process of cultivating spiritual intelligence begins in solitude and silence. Most spiritual traditions involve an inner wisdom. To tune in to its whisper, you have to turn down the volume in your busy, noisy, complicated life and force yourself to do nothing at all. Start small by creating islands of silence in your day. In the car, instead of reaching for the radio dial, use the time to reflect. At work, shut the door to your office between meetings, take a few deep breaths and let them out very, very slowly. Savor the stillness in your home after the kids are finally in bed.
Step Outside. For many people, nature sets their spirit free. It puts the hassles of daily living into perspective.
你的精神上 IQ 是什么?
她的 ex 再做它。 在失踪之后他们 10 岁女儿的跳舞背诵, 他用一把玫瑰的花束出现次日。 "我的第一种冲动将进入他之内流泪 , " 我的朋友承认詹妮。 然后一些片语进入她的思想之内取出了: "他爱她。 她需要他。 让它是。" 作深的呼吸,她听了这种内部的声音而且说 , " 纳塔莉正在去爱花。" 而且为至少一摘要,光亮的片刻,有在地球方面的一些较多的和平。
发生什么事? 不有意识地了解为什么以及如何, 詹妮到达超过对低程度的理解,知道心理学者已经配音 " 精神上的智力 " 的崭新公开方法的理由.我们的精神上智力商数, 或 SQ,帮助我们了解我们自己, 而且住比较满又比较快乐的生命。 精神上的智力是能力感觉, 了解而且轻打在对最高我们自己的部份, 其他和在我们周围的世界。 内部宁静的这一个来源每天可能是我们最好的防卫对抗麻烦那一个弹幕我们。 我们' 关于所有的忍受 SQ, 我们大部份
不甚至知道我们有它。 幸运地,你不一定要报名班级学习该如何提高你的 SQ 。 能引导你走向这新程度的理解的一些简单的步骤在这里:
安静地坐。 培养精神上的智力的程序在孤独和沈默方面开始。 大多数的精神上的传统包括内部的智能。为了要调整频率到它的耳语,你必须把你的忙碌、吵杂、以及复杂生活的体积关小而且强迫你自己全然什么也不做。 开始小的藉由在你的日子内创造沈默的岛。 在汽车中,而非及于收音机刻度盘,使用时候反映。在工作中,非常关上到在会议之间的你的办公室的门, 作一些深的呼吸而且放出他们, 非常慢慢地。 在你的家中品尝静止之后小孩最后在睡觉。
外面行走。 对于许多人,自然释放他们的精神。 它把每日生活的麻烦置于远景。


他又重做了一遍。 他们能跳舞背诵的10岁女儿失踪之后, 他拿着一束玫瑰出现次日。 "我第一次冲动地想进入他怀内大哭一场 , " 我的朋友詹妮承认。 然后一些碎言片语出现在她的思想之中: "他爱她。 她需要他。 让他们在一起吧。" 深深的呼吸之中,她听到了这出自内心的声音说 , " 纳塔莉一定会喜欢这些花的。" 而且至少要摘一大把,天亮的时候,在地球的另一边将会出现一...


他又重做了一遍。 他们能跳舞背诵的10岁女儿失踪之后, 他拿着一束玫瑰出现次日。 "我第一次冲动地想进入他怀内大哭一场 , " 我的朋友詹妮承认。 然后一些碎言片语出现在她的思想之中: "他爱她。 她需要他。 让他们在一起吧。" 深深的呼吸之中,她听到了这出自内心的声音说 , " 纳塔莉一定会喜欢这些花的。" 而且至少要摘一大把,天亮的时候,在地球的另一边将会出现一丝的和平。
发生什么事? 没有意识地了解了为什么以及如何, 詹妮达到了并超过了对低最程度的理解,知道的心理学者已经为其配上音 " 精神上的智力 " ,以崭新的平开的方法的来计算.我们精神上的智力商数, 或 SQ,可以帮助我们了解我们自己, 而且冲住比较满足又比较快乐的生活。 精神上的智力是能力感觉, 了解而且轻轻提醒着我们自己, 其他和在我们周围的世界。 平和的心态,是我们防御每天都可能出现麻烦的最好堤坝。 我们'对于所有的忍受的SQ, 占据了我们的大部份!
甚至不知道我们有它.很幸运地,你不一定要报名参加学习班学习该如何提高你的SQ 。 能够引导你走向这一新高度的一些简单的步骤在这里:
静坐. 从培养精神智力的孤独和沉默开始。 大多数的精神传统包括内心的智能。要调整到平静的最佳心态,你必须把你的忙碌、吵杂、以及复杂的生活的轨迹缩小而且要控制你自己全然不去理睬。 开始营造在你日子中的沈默小岛。 在汽车上,不要把时间用在伸手去拨弄收音机刻度盘中。在工作中,下班后记得关上你办公室和会议室的大门, 作一些深呼吸然后缓慢地呼出来, 慢慢地。 在家中品尝夜深静之后小孩在床睡觉的均匀呼吸。
外出走走。 对于许多人来说,自然可以释放他们的精神。 它可以把每天生活中的烦恼都置于九霄云外。
