I'll give the apple to Tom.(同义句替换)
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 10:29:29
I'll give the apple to Tom.(同义句替换)
I'll give the apple to Tom.(同义句替换)
I'll give the apple to Tom.(同义句替换)
I'll give Tom the apple.
I'll give Tom the apple.
i an going to give the apple to tom
i'll give tom the apple.
the apple will be given to tom by me.
I'll give the apple to Tom.(同义句替换)
I'll give you the happiness he can not give .
I ate up the apple .Please give me (a ) one
英语翻译The apple is red.It is John’s apple.I eat the appleI give John the apple.I do not give john the appleWe give him the apple.He gives it to John.She gives it to him.
I`ll give her the message同义句I`ll()the massage for()
I'll give her the message.(同义句) I‘ll ( )her the ( ).
The night i'll give you a sweet dream
I'll give him the message变一般疑问句
The night i'll give you a sweet dream
I'll give you one hundred percent of the happiness
l'll give you another apple.的同义句
I'll give it a
六年级英语句型,保持意思不变I'll give her the message.I'll ____ her the message.
a cat could look at the king.so I'll never give 我想知道a cat could look at the king.so I'll never give
英语选择 It's time to have the exam .I'll( ) the papersA.give in B.give out C.give up D.give away
I'll give you the love of the only original什么意思?
I'll give you love is the last of the open hand`什麼意思
I am gonna try agan and again because the moment I give up is the moment that I'll