英美文学的简答题,用英文回答,大概100个单词,求英语达人解答!Answer the questions briefly:The significance of the sentence "It was a truth universally acknowledged that a signle man in possession of a good fortune must be in want

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/04 17:36:10

英美文学的简答题,用英文回答,大概100个单词,求英语达人解答!Answer the questions briefly:The significance of the sentence "It was a truth universally acknowledged that a signle man in possession of a good fortune must be in want
Answer the questions briefly:
The significance of the sentence "It was a truth universally acknowledged that a signle man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife."

英美文学的简答题,用英文回答,大概100个单词,求英语达人解答!Answer the questions briefly:The significance of the sentence "It was a truth universally acknowledged that a signle man in possession of a good fortune must be in want
Personally, I think that this sentence is completely without merit.

First off, at most this can only be considered a theory that some people may have developed. It's far from being true, let alone being universally acknowledged.

There are so many factors that will influence a man's decision when it comes to the subject of getting, or even wanting a wife. Whether he is in possession of a fortune, or a sizable fortune may or may not be weighed against other things that occupied his mind. For example, whether the person has prior marital experience, whether that experience was good or bad, etc.

Aside from marital factors, how he acquired the fortune may also have an impact. If it was an unexpected inheritance, there might be conditions set forth which he must be bound. But, if it was a windfall such as lottery winnings, who knows what he's gonna do.

I wouldn't be surprised to see a man who couldn't wait to get out of a marriage the minute he gets hold of a good fortune. Why would someone like that be in any desire of a wife? With the good fortune he's really lucky to have what's more precious than a wife - his freedom.

A single man who doesn't have money has no condition to get married with a girl. While a single man in possession of a good fortune ,which means he having money, has the condition to find a life .


因为我不是学这个的啊 所以我就不能保证正确 自己写的一个答案
while man was working hard to achieve its goal which was to obtain a good fortune, it was probably to be fighting lonely during this period. after several years' ...


因为我不是学这个的啊 所以我就不能保证正确 自己写的一个答案
while man was working hard to achieve its goal which was to obtain a good fortune, it was probably to be fighting lonely during this period. after several years' accumulation, man would like to meet his needs and struggle in this not dissatisfied station. in addition to that, it was well-known that continuous hard working was tired and so did the normal single man. after reaching his goal, it would be universal for the single one to find a wife to make his life a little different. in other words, this changes for a single man in possession of a good fortune was to find a wife to accompany with him during his life.



"这已经是广泛公认的了, 任何一个孤单的有着美好前程的男人都渴望有一个妻子."

这是英美文学简答题,那就解释其意义和在小说中起的作用即可The sentence is from Pride and Prejudice.At the backgroud of UK in 18th century,people think that a rich signle man must want to marry a loved wife is universally acknowle...


这是英美文学简答题,那就解释其意义和在小说中起的作用即可The sentence is from Pride and Prejudice.At the backgroud of UK in 18th century,people think that a rich signle man must want to marry a loved wife is universally acknowledged .So,the sentence reflected people's love view and marriage view in that age.At the same time,it serves as a connecting link between the preceding and the following in the novel.


英美文学的简答题,用英文回答,大概100个单词,求英语达人解答!Answer the questions briefly:The significance of the sentence It was a truth universally acknowledged that a signle man in possession of a good fortune must be in want 简答题:电影文学的基本特征 英美文学名词解释,英文Plot,realism,setting,英文的英美文学解释 自考英美文学选读是用英文写吗我什么都看不懂.有参考书的吗 自考英美文学,如果回答作家作品时候,作家的名字一定要写全称吗? 用回答简答题的格式 英美文学或英美文化,的名词概念是什么?什么是英美文学? 英美文学的区别和共同点 中文50 英文再追加50跪谢! 艺术与美的关系 简答题 英美文学用英语怎么说 英美文学答案 英美文学 Who was the foundation layer of the british empire?用英语该怎么回答?英美概况的习题.急用忘了说明了,这是一题简答题 What is the role of the monarchy in the British goverment?英美国家概况论述题简答题用英文两句话应该怎么概括? 广东外语外贸大学的英语(英美文学)、商务英语 的大一是全英授课吗?全英授课的课程大概有多少? “What does the story tell us?” 该什么回答这个问题?What does the story ×× tell us?(英美文学类)是简要复述×× 故事的大概内容?还是回答这个故事反映了什么现象/说明了什么问题?XX 是某部英美文 孔子:“子在川上曰,逝者如斯夫”谈感想复制粘贴党就别来了.希望各位有文学底蕴的人帮忙答一下,作简答题回答的. 英美文学怎么翻译