请将下面的英语句子用汉字标出读音1.Hello,nice to meet you,How many tickets do you want?Sir(lady)!please2 .Round-trip ticket twenty Yuan-each,one way ticket ten Yuan each.Child between one point five meters and above one point two meter
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/24 11:04:17
请将下面的英语句子用汉字标出读音1.Hello,nice to meet you,How many tickets do you want?Sir(lady)!please2 .Round-trip ticket twenty Yuan-each,one way ticket ten Yuan each.Child between one point five meters and above one point two meter
1.Hello,nice to meet you,How many tickets do you want?Sir(lady)!please
2 .Round-trip ticket twenty Yuan-each,one way ticket ten Yuan each.Child between one point five meters and above one point two meters high needs half ticket,and above 1.5meters needs full ticket.There is a mark for the high outside.
3.These are you **ticket,give your change **yuan,please check it now,and please tell your company that forbicding going to Scenic area with kindling Thank your cooperation.Goodbye!
4.Good morning,eery ong.Welcome to**Scenic area.I ama ticketinspector;my work id is**,ticket please.Child between one point five meters and above one point two meters high needs half ticket,and above 1.5 meters needs full ticket.Well,I inspect ticket now.
5.Please put armrest down,there is far away from ropeway seven point six six kilometers,don't walking and put your hand or head out of the window when the bus is running.There is no smoking in ** scenic area,don't go to the Scenic area with kindling,Thank you cooperation,pleasure your tour!Goodbye.
6.Now we will stsrt now,please take a good seat!
7.No smoking on bus!
8.What is it in your baggage?Please check your luggage and carry baggage claim procedure,you can take it away after filling out a lost property form,this is our regulation
9.how many people do you with?
10.Welonme your come back next time
11.This is ending station,please get off,we are on duty from seven clock morning to seven clock evening.
12.Do you have some change?
13.Every twenty minutes away this bus and start early if it's full seat.
Up to montain,down to mountain
14.Ticket please,there is a ticket inspector in r=front way.
15.This ticker is out of validity,but it is useful by our manger signed.
请将下面的英语句子用汉字标出读音1.Hello,nice to meet you,How many tickets do you want?Sir(lady)!please2 .Round-trip ticket twenty Yuan-each,one way ticket ten Yuan each.Child between one point five meters and above one point two meter
1.Hello,nice to meet you,How many tickets do you want?Sir(lady)!please
哈喽,纳爱死 图 米特 有!哈无 买内 忒尅吃 独有 网特?色(类得)!普利兹
2 .Round-trip ticket twenty Yuan-each,one way ticket ten Yuan each.Child between one point five meters and above one point two meters high needs half ticket,and above 1.5meters needs full ticket.There is a mark for the high outside.
如昂的 吹普 忒尅特 屯忒 元 一尺,玩 为 忒尅特 特恩 元 一尺.差奥德 比屯 万 跑恩特 法唉五 米特质 安的 饿吧无 万 跑恩特 图 米特质 哈唉 你质 哈付 忒尅特,安的 饿巴乌 玩 跑恩特 发爱无 米特质 你只 付奥 忒尅特.在饿 诶之 饿 马克 佛 则 哈爱 啊伍特撒爱的.
3.These are you **ticket,give your change **yuan,please check it now,and please tell your company that forbicding going to Scenic area with kindling Thank your cooperation.Goodbye!
贼之 啊 有 忒尅特,给吴 要 衬纸 元,普利兹 柴可 诶特 那五,案的 普利兹 太傲 要 卡姆破内 在特 佛被顶 够英 图 森内可 唉饿瑞饿 为字 卡恩顶 三可 要 扣奥破瑞省.古德拜!
4.Good morning,eery ong.Welcome to**Scenic area.I ama ticketinspector;my work id is**,ticket please.Child between one point five meters and above one point two meters high needs half ticket,and above 1.5 meters needs full ticket.Well,I inspect ticket now.
古德毛宁,唉我瑞玩.外要科目 图 “森内克 唉饿瑞饿.啊 爱慕 饿 忒尅特恩死拜克特;吗唉 我可 诶之**,忒尅特 普利兹.差爱的 比屯 玩 跑恩特 发唉五 米特之 俺的 饿吧无 玩 跑恩特 图 米特质 哈唉 你质 哈付 忒尅特,俺的 饿巴乌 玩 跑恩特 发爱无 米特质 你质 付奥 忒尅特.外奥,啊唉 因死百个特 忒尅特 那五.
5.Please put armrest down,there is far away from ropeway seven point six six kilometers,don't walking and put your hand or head out of the window when the bus is running.There is no smoking in ** scenic area,don't go to the Scenic area with kindling,Thank you cooperation,pleasure your tour!Goodbye.
普利兹 普特 啊木如唉斯特 荡,在饿 诶之 发 饿为 付如奥木 如偶破为 赛问 跑恩特 死科斯 可喽米特质,东特 喔可应 俺的 普特 要 汉的 奥 还得 啊无特 饿无 则 问东 问 则 巴斯 诶之 如昂应.在 诶之 no 思谋可应 因 ** 森内克 唉饿瑞饿,冻特 哥偶 图 则 森内克 唉饿瑞饿 位子 卡恩顶.三可 要 扣奥破瑞省,谱来热 要 图饿!古德拜.
6.Now we will stsrt now,please take a good seat!
那五 为 为要 死大特 那五,普利兹 忒可 饿 故德 死特!
7.No smoking on bus!
呢偶 死某可应 昂 巴斯!
8.What is it in your baggage?Please check your luggage and carry baggage claim
procedure,you can take it away after filling out a lost property form,this is our regulation
我特 诶之 诶特 因 要 吧给之?普利兹 拆可 要 啦给之 俺的 开瑞 把给之 可累木 破若死者,有 看 忒可 诶特 饿为 啊付特 非零 啊无特 饿 老四特 破绕破忒 佛木,贼四 诶之 啊我 如唉个有泪僧.
9.how many people do you with?
哈无 买内 皮袍 度 有 位子?
10.Welonme your come back next time
外要科目 要 卡姆 百科 耐斯特 他爱慕
11.This is ending station,please get off,we are on duty from seven clock morning to seven clock evening.
贼死 诶之 恩顶 死得生,普利兹 改特 奥夫,为 啊 昂 丢忒 佛绕木 赛文 克劳克 毛宁 图 赛文 克劳克 义务宁.
12.Do you have some change?
度 有 还无 萨姆 陈之?
13.Every twenty minutes away this bus and start early if it's full seat.
唉吴瑞 吞忒 没内吃 饿为 贼死 吧死 俺的 斯达特 饿累 诶付 诶吃 付奥 谁特.
Up to montain,down to mountain
啊谱 图 忙特恩,当 图 忙特恩.
14.Ticket please,there is a ticket inspector in r=front way.
忒尅特 普利兹,在 诶之 饿 忒尅特 因死拜科特 因 佛让特 为.
15.This ticker is out of validity,but it is useful by our manger signed.
贼死 忒尅特 诶之 啊无特 饿无 外累得忒,吧特 诶特 诶之 有四佛奥 吧唉 啊我 买内这 撒恩的.
1.哈喽,奈斯 兔 米特 油 !好恶 马内 忒可诶特 独油 忘特?色而(雷得诶)!铺梨兹!