matlab解方程老出现is not a valid expression or equation.clear;clc;clf;syms x K R L D T Iref E a tao;K=0.3;R=10;L=12e-3;D=0.4;Iref=5;T=1e-4;E=350;a=E/R;tao=L/R;x=solve('(x-a)*exp(-T/tao)+2*a*exp((-T/tao)*(1-D-K*(Iref-x)))-a-x=0','x')出现错误

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/23 07:15:43

matlab解方程老出现is not a valid expression or equation.clear;clc;clf;syms x K R L D T Iref E a tao;K=0.3;R=10;L=12e-3;D=0.4;Iref=5;T=1e-4;E=350;a=E/R;tao=L/R;x=solve('(x-a)*exp(-T/tao)+2*a*exp((-T/tao)*(1-D-K*(Iref-x)))-a-x=0','x')出现错误
matlab解方程老出现is not a valid expression or equation.
syms x K R L D T Iref E a tao;
Error using ==> solve>getEqns at 182
' (x-a)*exp(-T/tao)+2*a*exp((-T/tao)*(1-D-K*(Iref-x)))-a-x=0 ' is not a valid expression or equation.

matlab解方程老出现is not a valid expression or equation.clear;clc;clf;syms x K R L D T Iref E a tao;K=0.3;R=10;L=12e-3;D=0.4;Iref=5;T=1e-4;E=350;a=E/R;tao=L/R;x=solve('(x-a)*exp(-T/tao)+2*a*exp((-T/tao)*(1-D-K*(Iref-x)))-a-x=0','x')出现错误

你可能用的matlab版本比较新, 尽量用符号变量, 避免用字符串:

syms x
x=solve((x-a)*exp(-T/tao)+2*a*exp((-T/tao)*(1-D-K*(Iref-x)))-a-x,x) % 这一行输出x
subs(x) % x的数值结果.


x =



ans =


matlab解方程老出现is not a valid expression or equation.clear;clc;clf;syms x K R L D T Iref E a tao;K=0.3;R=10;L=12e-3;D=0.4;Iref=5;T=1e-4;E=350;a=E/R;tao=L/R;x=solve('(x-a)*exp(-T/tao)+2*a*exp((-T/tao)*(1-D-K*(Iref-x)))-a-x=0','x')出现错误 matlab解方程中出现is not a valid expression or equation.的错误[x,y,z]=solve('x+y+z=300','((x-y)^2+(y-z)^2+(z-x)^2)^(0.5)/(2^0.5)=50','3^0.5*(y-x)/(2z-x-y)=1') matlab解方程中出现is not a valid expression or equation.的错误af=solve('gamma(-af-1./4).^2./(gamma(-af).*gamma(-af-1./2))-(m2.^2./m1).*gamma(n).*gamma(n+1./2)./(gamma(n+1./4).^2)=0','af');af=solve('gamma(-af-1./4).^2./(gamma(-af).*gamma(-af- matlab解方程组时出现了 Warning:System is inconsistent.Solution does not exist的警告,我要解的方程如下然后我的matlab程序如下这些都是符号变量,是不是我的符号变量太多了?出现了如下警告 matlab问题请教,运行时出现错误信息:Conversion to logical from sym is not possible-double matlab中出现?Conversion to double from sym is not possible. matlab求方程组的解用[x,y] = solve('(x-1)^2+(y-2)^2-25=0','y-2x+1=0')求解方程的解的时候报错,出现以下信息>> [x,y] = solve('(x-1)^2+(y-2)^2-25=0','y-2x+1=0')Error using ==> solve>getEqns at 182' y-2x+1=0 ' is not a valid expressi matlab解方程出现这个错误我matlab重装好多次了,路径也没有空格, matlab求解方程的时候出现 is not a valid expression or equation.程序如下:syms theta fai psai alpha;syms x y z;eq1='x*x*(1-cos(alpha))+cos(alpha)=cos(theta)*cos(psai)';eq2= 'x*y*(1-cos(alpha))-z*sin(alpha)=cos(psai)*sin(fai)*sin(theta)-s matlab solve x./(x.^2+10)=0.1581 ' is not a valid expression or equation.提示我这个,我这个方程哪里错了? Matlab里大于号怎么用?为什么出现错误Function '>' is not defined for values of class 'sym' matlab求解方程的时候出现 is not a valid expression or equation.syms N Q E;[N(1),N(2),N(3),N(4),Q] = solve('Q = 1.109*10^5*( 0.5*N(3)*exp(-0.8-2/3*0.42*E) + N(4)*exp(-0.8-2/3*E))','N(1) = 1.22*10^11*Q/(1.22*10^11 + Q)','N(2) = N(1)*exp(-0.8 Matlab Error using ==> plot Conversion to double from sym is not possible.clearx=0:0.1:1;syms a;B=2*int((-x*sin(a)+1)./(1+(x.^2)-2*x*cos(a)).^1.5,a,0,pi);plot(x,B)运行后就出现?Error using ==> plotConversion to double from sym is not possible. matlab 中定义函数,如何定义,我每次都会出现这个问题?Error: Function definitions are not permitted a This may not be allowed in a future release.这是matlab程序中出现的warning , 求高手看看这个MATLAB的解方程的程序错在哪里?>> clear all,clcsyms a x pi;L1=a*pi*x-a*pi^3*x^3/6-x;L2=a*pi(1-x^2/2)-1;[x,a]=fsolve(L1,L2)出错提示为:Error using ==> subsindexFunction 'subsindex' is not defined for values of class 【matlab】Error: The expression to the left of the equals sign is not a valid target for anmatlab 中我编辑的语句后出现了这个提示,请打手帮忙分析下Error: The expression to the left of the equals sign is not a valid target for a matlab怎么解方程