英语翻译“Stevenson’s studies discuss the Confucian-style sense of obligation to one’s parents ,whereas I was largely motivated by prejudice ,” he says.’’Anti-Asian feeling was quite widespread in America at that time .I couldn’t be

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/22 14:51:51

英语翻译“Stevenson’s studies discuss the Confucian-style sense of obligation to one’s parents ,whereas I was largely motivated by prejudice ,” he says.’’Anti-Asian feeling was quite widespread in America at that time .I couldn’t be
“Stevenson’s studies discuss the Confucian-style sense of obligation to one’s parents ,whereas I was largely motivated by prejudice ,” he says.’’Anti-Asian feeling was quite widespread in America at that time .I couldn’t be just average ;ifI wasn’t obviously better than other people ,I was consider worse .’’

英语翻译“Stevenson’s studies discuss the Confucian-style sense of obligation to one’s parents ,whereas I was largely motivated by prejudice ,” he says.’’Anti-Asian feeling was quite widespread in America at that time .I couldn’t be







“Stevenson’s studies discuss the Confucian-style sense of obligation to one’s parents , whereas I was largely motivated by prejudice http://www.csnanke.com/qianliexian/qianliexianyan/0310592.html,” he...


“Stevenson’s studies discuss the Confucian-style sense of obligation to one’s parents , whereas I was largely motivated by prejudice http://www.csnanke.com/qianliexian/qianliexianyan/0310592.html,” he says.”Anti-Asian feeling was quite widespread in America at that time . I couldn’t be just average ;ifI wasn’t obviously better than other people , I was consider worse .’’


”史蒂文森的研究论述到了孔子的孝道中对父母尽孝的责任感时,我对于他的说法有很大的成见 。”他说:“众所周知,当时的美国反亚裔文化是普遍存在的。”可是我不支持他对孔子的孝道的观点。就如,假如我明显差于其他人,这样就可以证明我就是最差的吗?“(最后一句话明显是反问句-表明他不是最差的)


”史蒂文森的研究论述到了孔子的孝道中对父母尽孝的责任感时,我对于他的说法有很大的成见 。”他说:“众所周知,当时的美国反亚裔文化是普遍存在的。”可是我不支持他对孔子的孝道的观点。就如,假如我明显差于其他人,这样就可以证明我就是最差的吗?“(最后一句话明显是反问句-表明他不是最差的)


scanf(%s,stu[i]. 英语翻译For God's sake,give me the young man who has brains enough to make a fool of himself! Stevenson 英语翻译“Stevenson’s studies discuss the Confucian-style sense of obligation to one’s parents ,whereas I was largely motivated by prejudice ,” he says.’’Anti-Asian feeling was quite widespread in America at that time .I couldn’t be 英语翻译“Stevenson’s studies discuss the Confucian-style sense ofobligationone’s parents ,whereas I was largely motivated by prejudice ,” he says.’’Anti-Asian feeling was quite widespread in America at that time .I couldn’t be just FILE*fp1,*fp2;scanf(%s,stu[i].num);#definePSH0x08printf(%s %s ,a,b); STU*fun(STU a[],int struct student{int num,int score}stu; struct student *p;stu *sp和s这两个指针有什么区别,分别有什么不同的用法!请举例说明, 英语翻译rtA method for user-oriented product development hasbeen worked out by the National Swedish Board forTechnical Development (STU) Group on ConsumerTechnology里面的(STU)何解? 急!ApiGetDriveStrings?yCaret=0;caseWM_SIZE:if(mnode*RightChild;scanf(%s,stu[i].name); if(s->s>a[i].s)可以换成if(*s.s>a[i].#include#include#include#include#define N 10typedef struct ss{ char num[10]; int s;} STU;fun(STU a[],STU *s){int i;*s=a[0]; /*先认为第1个值最小*/for(i=0;is>a[i].s)*s=a[i];}void main(){ FILE *wf;STU a[N] 英语翻译音频可以在百度mp3搜到Cross the line and winTold you soTold you I would don’t call me smallWe all know in the endWinners take it allI’m brave enough to fightThat’s rightI’ve been listening things made of gutsIt’s the stu 下面的C题目为什么选择D?46.有以下程序#includestruct STU{ int num;float TotalScore;};void f(structSTU p){ struct STU s[2]={{20044,550},{20045,537}};p.num = s[1].num; p.TotalScore = s[1].TotalScore;}main(){ struct STU s[2] ={{20041,703},{ 英语翻译以公司每月提报工厂的STU数据为准,在他们批准后,我公司在下月将STU台数相对应的支持额度,依据1000万的协议到税务局开具红字发票证明单 A[i].其中s是指针 C++fun(STUa[],STU*s){int i,min;min=a[0].s;for(i=0,i 英语翻译Some of the rings go back almost ten thousand years to the end of the Ice Age.When Stevenson followed the carbon-14 trail back in time,he found carbon-14 levels change with the intensity of solar burning. scanf(%f%f%f%f,&stu->score[0],&stu->score[1],&stu->score[2],&stu->score[3]是什么意思 if(fread(&s[i],sizeof(struct stu),1,fp)==1) if(fread(&s[i],sizeof(struct stu),1,fp)==1);else{printf(读取文件出错);fclose(fp);exit(0);}fclose(fp);return;调试时出现读取文件错误时为什么 书上例11.5,因为看不懂例题,所以根本就不知道错哪了 #include #define FORMAT%d %s %f %f %f struct student {int num; char name[20]; float score[3]; }; main() {void print(struct student); struct student stu; stu.num=12345; strc