请帮我参考一下这句句子的文法错误好吗?Success in this crucial matter depended not on brute strength nor on the ability to resist cold but rather on the continuous growth of intelligence and the use of that intelligence to work out sa

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 19:53:20

请帮我参考一下这句句子的文法错误好吗?Success in this crucial matter depended not on brute strength nor on the ability to resist cold but rather on the continuous growth of intelligence and the use of that intelligence to work out sa
Success in this crucial matter depended not on brute strength nor on the ability to resist cold but rather on the continuous growth of intelligence and the use of that intelligence to work out satisfactory adaptations.
原文出自《A Global History》(第七版),一字未改.关键在于"not on brute strength nor".根据文法,这里应当是"neither on brute strength nor"或者是"not on brute strength or",但原文却……

请帮我参考一下这句句子的文法错误好吗?Success in this crucial matter depended not on brute strength nor on the ability to resist cold but rather on the continuous growth of intelligence and the use of that intelligence to work out sa
1.The traditional rule requires that nor be used following neither in expressions in which the negation is carried over to the second element:He is neither able nor (not or ) willing to go.Noris likewise required when a negation is carried over into the second of two independent clauses,in which caseit also triggers inversion of the subject and the auxiliary verb in the second clause:
传统规则要求nor 用于 neither 后面,在这种表达中,否定放在第二个部分:他既不能也 (不用 or ) 不愿走.Nor在当两个独立句子中的第二个也被否时被用,在这种用法中,它也引起第二个句子主语和助动词的转变:
He cannot find anyone now,nor does he expect to find anyone in the future;
现在他找不到任何人,以后也别梦想找到任何人 ;
Jane will never compromise with Bill,nor will Bill compromise with Jane.
2.When the first negative is expressed by not or never,however,and when the second conjoined element is a verb phrase,the use of nor is often optional:
然而当第一个否定词用not 或 never 表达,且当第二个连结部分是动词短语时,nor 的用法通常可选择:
He will not permit the change,or (or nor ) even consider it.
他决不会容许改变,或者(或者用 nor ) 甚至考虑它.
3.When a noun phrase of the type no this or that is introduced by no,or is more common than nor :
当一个名词短语以形式no this or that 被 no,or 引入时比 nor 更常用:
He has no experience or interest (less frequently nor interest ) in chemistry.
对于化学他既没经验也没兴趣(很少用 nor interest ) .
4.Or is also more common than nor when such a noun phrase,adjective phrase,or adverb phrase is introduced by not :
Or在下面这种情况下比 nor 常用,如一个名词短语、形容词短语或副词短语被not 引导时:
He is not a philosopher or a statesman.
We were not rich or happy.See Usage Note at neither,or 1
我们既不富有也不快乐 参见 neither,or1



请帮我参考一下这句句子的文法错误好吗?Success in this crucial matter depended not on brute strength nor on the ability to resist cold but rather on the continuous growth of intelligence and the use of that intelligence to work out sa 请帮我修改英文句子的文法 英文高手请进以下句子请帮我修改一下文法 帮我检查我写的对吗 不对的话帮我改过来1.I would feel sad ,because I don’t want leave my friend.我将会感觉难过 因为我不想离 请帮忙检查英文文法这是一则my favourite fruit (喜欢的水果)英文介绍请帮我看文法有无错误!如有错误请帮我修正!原文:我喜欢的水果是西瓜,在台湾主要的产地是在中南部,西瓜有黄的和红的!我 威尼斯的小艇有点像独木舟这个句子是不是比喻句?我觉得不是比喻句,可有人又说是,请大家帮我参考参考. 请会英文的帮我修改以下我写的这封信 帮我改文法句子什麼的我要写封信给家长 要介绍关於 陌生人的 (我选修的课是育保科 要写封给家长的信)请帮我看看我写的行不行 帮我排版 改错误文 请帮我检查英文句子文法 帮我修正为对的句子 (文法要对 句子要通顺)有附上翻译 好让你们了解我 写些什麼 帮我把文法改一改 改成对的 句子要通顺 以下Dear mrs Outram:You ask me what grade I deserve 请帮我讲解一下这道线性代数例题好吗 请帮我修改一下这句话好吗? 帮我翻译一下下面这句英语句子好吗?You've knocked the cup off the table again. 请帮我翻译一下“思念有雨的季节”英语好吗请大家帮帮忙好吗 请英文高手帮我解决英文信的文法问题!以下是我自己写的英文信片段 有些语句文法跟意思不太确定 想请高手帮我检查检查^o^但我仍忘不了当我知道你正在做你喜欢的事的时候的快乐 (这句 英语翻译这是昨日重现歌词里面的一句话,想问的是语法有没有错误?是倒装句吗?请具体说一下句子的成分好吗,gone by,on, 我是韩国人~帮我看一下这几个句子里面有没有语法上的错误~ 请帮我分析一下这句句子的句子成分I took some books out of my school bag. yet放在句子哪里?放在句中可以吗?还有一个问题,请帮我找一下错误:I have yet finished my work so far. 请帮看看这句句子的语法有没有错误?Helping can make people more close between.谢谢啦~~我急用~ 老师,帮我改一下这个句子,尤其是后面那句,还有我这么写对不对,如果不对,请指出错误的地方.2예를 들어서 ‘설날’이라는 낱말을 제& 中文翻英文 禁止翻译软体 急 ! 请高手帮我翻希望是真的会英语的人 帮我翻 通顺 而且文法对的句子请会英文的帮我翻中文 绝对不要翻译软体 (因为是乱翻的句子 文法不通)尽量翻的简单点