where 做 from宾语?Where do you come from?/Where did you go?中where 是做什么成分的,是from的宾语.我感觉是宾语,好象听人说不是做宾语的.谁给讲解下.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/07 17:59:59

where 做 from宾语?Where do you come from?/Where did you go?中where 是做什么成分的,是from的宾语.我感觉是宾语,好象听人说不是做宾语的.谁给讲解下.
where 做 from宾语?
Where do you come from?/Where did you go?
中where 是做什么成分的,是from的宾语.

where 做 from宾语?Where do you come from?/Where did you go?中where 是做什么成分的,是from的宾语.我感觉是宾语,好象听人说不是做宾语的.谁给讲解下.
Where do you come from?Where are you from?都是对的.表示地点的副词可以做介词或动词的宾语,如:here,there,above,downstairs,outdoor等.当然,他们也可以做地点状语,在Where did you go.中where作地点状语.


句子错了 应该是 Where do you come ?
where=from some place

查字典回发现where 也可以做疑问代词

拜托,句子没错。where r u from,where do u come from.where do u come 的意思目前还没人能参透…别误…子…


i know where i go where做宾语从句的宾语 而不是状语where do you go from here?where就宾语you go where from here .Go back where you came from.you come from不是缺宾语么 难道where在这做宾语?where 不是不能做宾语么 where are you from 中 where 是做from 但是where 是副词怎么可以作宾语? where 做 from宾语?Where do you come from?/Where did you go?中where 是做什么成分的,是from的宾语.我感觉是宾语,好象听人说不是做宾语的.谁给讲解下. There is a doubt where he comes from?WHERE不是副词吗?怎么做FROM的宾语 where are you from?中的where 应该做成分的啊,from哪里,做from的宾语啊所以应该是疑问代词啊 怎么会是疑问副词呢 I have no idea where he comes from.是同位语从句吗?如果是,为什么连接副词where做from的宾语而不是做状语. Where do you come from?come from是动词词组?where是状语还是宾语? 宾语从句中的连词where是不是只能在从句中做状语啊?如果不是那还可以做什么成分?He asked where he is?He asked where he is from?这两句中的where作何成分啊? Where does he come from?中的 when是不是宾语? from where 是定语从句还是宾语从句求答案 If I hear another word from you,you will go where it is really cold.这句where什么句子是地点状语从句,为什么不能是宾语从句,做go的宾语啊.因为where前面不用to? the place where you come from这句话不对吧,不然这里的定从where就做宾语了啊 Go back the place where you come from 这儿where引导的是定语从句,可以换成which或that吗?where不是关系副词吗?怎么这儿可以做from 的宾语呢? 在线等,分析句子成分:i want to know where he comes from主语i,谓语动词want,宾语是to know 吗? 那where he comes from是什么成分?宾语从句?还是to know where he comes from做宾语从句? i am searching where you are 这里的where不是做宾语从句的宾语吗?我记得好像where不能做宾语呀? Where did you go?where是宾语? Where are you heading for?介词加副词?where作为副词,可以做宾语?