Korea(朝鲜) is _____ Asia. It's _____ the northeast of China and _____ the west of Japan.A. in; to; on B. in; on; to C. on; in; to D. to; on; in第一个没问题,主要是,后面为什么用on……to,是什么意思?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/08 03:01:40

Korea(朝鲜) is _____ Asia. It's _____ the northeast of China and _____ the west of Japan.A. in; to; on B. in; on; to C. on; in; to D. to; on; in第一个没问题,主要是,后面为什么用on……to,是什么意思?
Korea(朝鲜) is _____ Asia. It's _____ the northeast of China and _____ the west of Japan.
A. in; to; on B. in; on; to C. on; in; to D. to; on; in

Korea(朝鲜) is _____ Asia. It's _____ the northeast of China and _____ the west of Japan.A. in; to; on B. in; on; to C. on; in; to D. to; on; in第一个没问题,主要是,后面为什么用on……to,是什么意思?
B.in; on; to
on接壤,to 不接壤

in 指在一个东西的里面
to 指在一个东西的旁边,但不接壤
on 指在一个东西旁边,但接壤
朝鲜和中国接壤, 和日本不接壤



Korea(朝鲜) is _____ Asia. It's _____ the northeast of China and _____ the west of Japan.A. in; to; on B. in; on; to C. on; in; to D. to; on; in第一个没问题,主要是,后面为什么用on……to,是什么意思? China is()Japan,Korea(朝鲜) and RussiaA.close B.closed C.close to D.closed to korea is There _____ a football game between China and Korea this evening.A.is going to be B.will be 单独的Korea指韩国还是朝鲜? Korea 到底是韩国还是朝鲜? Where is Seoul?It's in____ A.korea B.South Korea C.Japan D.China 用英语怎么说.在朝鲜,商店和各行各业都放假一天以便于家人在一起度过In Korea,stores and businesses _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ families can spend the day together. Listen up ,please.There _____ a foodball match between China and Korea this evening.A.is going to be B. has been C.has D.will have 韩国是“korea”那么“朝鲜”用英语怎拼 North Korea is to the east of China.对吧,但朝鲜不是和中国接壤吗?为什么不用on 而用to 南朝鲜 北朝鲜 朝鲜 韩国 英语韩国 是 南朝鲜 South Korea朝鲜 是 北朝鲜 North Korea是这样的吗? Korea到底是指韩国?还是朝鲜?两个国家英文名称居然是一样嘀?Korea 朝鲜的英文到底是Republic of Korea 还是North Korea?哪个更常用 korea 是韩国还是朝鲜?north korea 呢?是不是还有south korea ?求帮助!谢谢!详细解释! DPRK的意思是朝鲜,为什么不把朝鲜说成North Korea? 请问,朝鲜和韩国的英文名都是Korea吗?我经常在韩剧里看到他们直接说Korea,但是朝鲜也说的Korea?这是怎么回事? 用英语怎么说?在朝鲜,商家和各行业都放一天假一边与家人能在一起度过In Korea,stores and businesses____ ____ ____ ____ _____ _____ families can spend the day together.