
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/06 14:02:36


One day,there was a white rabbit playing a balloon.Suddenly her hands let the balloon go,the balloon went up to the sky.The small rabbit sat on the ground and cried.At this time,came a bird.The bird asked why she crys,she says the balloon flew away.Then,the bird found the balloon for her.The white rabbit was very happy.

One day, a small white rabbit is playing the balloon. An its hand pine, the balloon flies suddenly ascended the sky. The small white rabbit sat ground in cries. By now, flew a bird. The bird asked why...


One day, a small white rabbit is playing the balloon. An its hand pine, the balloon flies suddenly ascended the sky. The small white rabbit sat ground in cries. By now, flew a bird. The bird asked why it does cry, it said the balloon flew. Therefore, the bird helped it to retrieve the balloon. Small rabbit unusual happiness.--------有一天,一只小白兔在玩气球.突然它的手一松,气球飞上了天.小白兔坐在地上哭了.这时,飞来了一只小鸟.小鸟问它为什么哭,它说气球飞掉了.于是,小鸟帮它找回了气球.小兔子非常的高兴.


One day,aribbit is playing with a balloon.Suddenly its hand pine and it cry.This moment there is a bird fly for here.The bird ask it why it is crying
.It says :"my balloon has fly away.So,the bird find
away its balloon.The rabbit is very happy!

One day , a rabbit was playing a balloon.Suddenly her head was let slip ,the balloon was flying into the sky.The little rabbit was crying on the groud. Here ,a little bird was coming .The bird asked t...


One day , a rabbit was playing a balloon.Suddenly her head was let slip ,the balloon was flying into the sky.The little rabbit was crying on the groud. Here ,a little bird was coming .The bird asked the rabbit : “why are you crying?”the rabbit told her,the balloon was falying away.Then the bird find the balloon for her.The rabbit was very happy.


One day,a little rabbit was playing with a balloon.When suddenly he loosened his grip,and the balloon flying into the sky.Then the rabbit crying on the ground.
Just then,a bird flying here.He aske...


One day,a little rabbit was playing with a balloon.When suddenly he loosened his grip,and the balloon flying into the sky.Then the rabbit crying on the ground.
Just then,a bird flying here.He asked the rabbit why he was crying,and the rabbit answered him that his balloon was flying away.
In the end,the bird helped him to find the balloon back.The rabbit was so happy.


one day, White rabbit was playing a ballon when she lost the grip and the ballon rised into the sky.She droped she body down to the ground and started to cry. At this moment, a bird passed by, stoped ...


one day, White rabbit was playing a ballon when she lost the grip and the ballon rised into the sky.She droped she body down to the ground and started to cry. At this moment, a bird passed by, stoped and ask what she was crying for. she said that her balloon flew away.Then the bird help her find the falloon, and White rabbit bacame happy again.


英语翻译有一天,一只小白兔在玩气球.突然它的手一松,气球飞上了天.小白兔坐在地上哭了.这时,飞来了一只小鸟.小鸟问它为什么哭,它说气球飞掉了.于是,小鸟帮它找回了气球.小兔子非常的 节日里小朋友在玩气球,一不小心气球会突然破裂发出“啪”的响声,这响声是由________振动产生的. 鲤鱼在下雨的时候能飞吗?有一天我在门口玩,突然下雨了,下了一小会,我就看到有二条鲤鱼在雾里小时了. 英语翻译有一天,女娲独自坐船去海边玩.突然,一个大风把船掀翻了,女娲被淹死了.女娲死后变成了一只鸟,叫做精卫.精卫站在一块石头上,炎帝看着她伤心的流泪.后来,女娲决定把海给填满,因 英语翻译炎帝十分疼爱他的女儿(nuwa),所以他们经常在一起玩.但是突然有一天,nuwa死了.因为她在海上划船时被大风吹倒.首先她掉进海里,接着她的灵魂变成了一只鸟.然后炎帝看到了这只 节日里同学门玩的气球,一不小心有的气球会突然爆裂发出“啪”的响声.气球破裂时为什么会发出声音 节日里同学们正在玩气球,一不小心有个气球突然破裂,发出啪的声响.试问:气球破裂好似为什么会发出声音 (物理)1.节日里同学们玩的气球,一不小心有的气球会突然爆裂发出“拍”的响声.气球破裂是为什麽会发出 节日里同学们玩的气球节日里玩的气球,一不小心有的气球会突然破裂发出啪的响声,气球破裂时为什麽发出声音?它是一道简答题... 气球小镇怎么玩 智力竞赛题:三个名人都对人类立过不朽之功,其中一个在医学上有过重大贡献,一个是著名的化学家,一个是举世瞩目的物理学家.有一天,三人搭乘同一个气球.突然,气球遇到风暴,要把其中一 高智商的进来了小白兔的故事有一天,小白兔MM出去玩,回家时迷路了,走到一个三岔路口,正好来了一只小灰兔.白兔妹妹就问道:“灰兔哥哥,妹妹迷路了,”灰兔见白兔妹妹单身一人,便不怀好意 有二条铁轨,一条新的,一条旧的.有了新铁轨后,旧铁轨不再有火车通过,完全废弃.有一天有十个小孩到铁轨上玩耍,九个小孩在新铁轨上玩,其中有一个小孩在废旧铁轨上玩,突然一列火车开来,提 为什么气球破裂时会发出声音?节日里同学们玩气球,一不小心,有的起会突然破裂发出“啪”的响声.请你想一想,气球破裂时为什么会发出声音? 小明在玩气球时发现气球破了的时候 总发出很大声音 这是为什么 桃花源记改写成现代文有一天,一个人在水上开着游艇,突然发现了一个山洞 有一天小明走在路上!走着走着突然觉得脚很酸!为什么会这样呢?因为小明踩到柠檬了! 英语翻译小豆丁历险记第一章 小豆丁变小了 一天,小豆丁出去玩,走着走着,他突然感觉世界变得很大.他看了看自己,原来是自己变小了.有一天,他无意中听到了一个小女孩说:这世界上有一个