请英语高手帮我修改一下这段文字的语法方面的错误.Due to the unique culture of tourism text and its remarkable characteristics in language,function and in cross- cultural communication,this article mainly surveys and designs the C

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/09 06:53:20

请英语高手帮我修改一下这段文字的语法方面的错误.Due to the unique culture of tourism text and its remarkable characteristics in language,function and in cross- cultural communication,this article mainly surveys and designs the C
Due to the unique culture of tourism text and its remarkable characteristics in language,function and in cross- cultural communication,this article mainly surveys and designs the C-E translation of tourism text from the perspective of cultural translation.There are many problems in practical translation practice,such as the problems caused by the differences of different material life and different cultural background or the differences in the heart of the aesthetic.Inadequate understanding in the original text and in language and cultural background; translation and target language habits are antipathetic; misunderstand and can’t properly deal with the differences and similarities between two languages of culture.The thesis mainly starts from the cultural difference and study the cross-culture of the tourism texts.Through solving the above problems,blend the cultural translation theory in the translation of tourism texts with more timeliness the more can help realizing the tourism texts cross-cultural communication function,especially embodies publicize action in the tourism industry of China.

请英语高手帮我修改一下这段文字的语法方面的错误.Due to the unique culture of tourism text and its remarkable characteristics in language,function and in cross- cultural communication,this article mainly surveys and designs the C

请英语高手帮我修改一下这段文字的语法方面的错误.Due to the unique culture of tourism text and its remarkable characteristics in language,function and in cross- cultural communication,this article mainly surveys and designs the C 请英语专业高手帮我修改一下这段文字的语法方面的错误.In recent years,major tourist cities and famous attractions of China are published in Chinese and English tourism introduction and guidebooks,CDs; also the content is more de 求英语高手修改英语作文帮我修改下语法方面的错误,不方便直接发这上面,有愿意修改的同学麻烦留邮箱交流, 请德语高手帮我修改一下这段文字,语法错误和用词啥的,Im Studium habe ich gelernt,dass Deutschlandnicht nur der Geburtsort der modernen Architektur ist,sondern auch bisher vielefortgeschrittene Erfahrungen im Baubereich hat.Vor al 急求英语高手帮我修改一下一篇英语作文的句式和语法,在线等,不胜感激!五百多字的样子,好心人请留下邮箱,谢谢! 请问哪位高手能帮我翻译一下以下这段文字(中翻英)请从字面上逐字翻译以下这段文字(但要符合语法规则哦):本文章从信息技术与课程课程整合的历史背景、整合的意义、整合的模式出发,以 急求一位大学英语老师或英语高手,帮我改作文!文章就不写出来了,哪位能帮我修改一下作文,主要也是最重要的是语法,请留下email,我发过去.好人请尽快回复, 请会英语的高手,帮我看看这篇自我介绍有没有语法或单词错误,有的话帮我改改..再帮我润色一下帮我把这段翻译一下并加进去:在上六年级的时候,我的父亲为了提高我的英语口语水平,让我 会越南语的请帮我翻译一下这段文字.急 3Q 英语作文:请帮我修改一下, 帮我修改一下英语的句子和语法哪位帮我修改一下下面的这段英语有没有语法上的错误,It is my live,but without you.How is it?i can't answer.i love you over all the things what i can see and what i can feel,even over my l 请英语高手帮我翻译一下下面这段文字..谢谢primary IDE Master :[Not Detected] primary IDE Slave :[Not Detected] SATA 1 :[Not Detected] SATA 2 :[Not Detected] IDE Comfiguration Sysetem Information Main Advanced Power Boot Device : No 找一个英语高手帮我修改一下resume 请英语高手帮我修改一下这篇作文!改一下语法和逻辑错误以及不妥之处~大的改动也可以的!I Want to Change Something about MyselfBefore I prepared to write this article,I have never considered changing anything about mys 请帮我改一下我的句子语法 附上我的中文翻译 希望可以帮我修改的通顺 谢谢请帮我改一下我的英语句子语法 附上我的中文翻译 若有不通顺 奇怪的地方 希望可以帮我修改的通顺 谢谢拜托 那位高手可以帮我修改一下这段英文,这是我自己写的,只要修改语法和病句就行了,改得好我会追加分数的!When we speak of Dunhuang,I think many people must look forward to going there.This historical city is not only 请英语高手帮我把下面文字翻译成英语一下,新技术环境下制造费用的数额和比重大大提高 ,传统成本 德语高手请帮我修改一下这段文字吧,语法错误和用词什么的,Ich glaubeauch,dass ichin RWTH die Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten,die ich weiter lernen möchte,erwerben kann.Von Sep.2013 bis Dez.2013hatteich ein vier monatiges Pr