关于美国是否应该配枪支的问题 英文辩论 正反方都要 注意:是英文哦 最近时事经常讲的英文的正反方辩论 因为我要写topic

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/04 15:59:08

关于美国是否应该配枪支的问题 英文辩论 正反方都要 注意:是英文哦 最近时事经常讲的英文的正反方辩论 因为我要写topic
关于美国是否应该配枪支的问题 英文辩论 正反方都要 注意:是英文哦 最近时事经常讲的
英文的正反方辩论 因为我要写topic

关于美国是否应该配枪支的问题 英文辩论 正反方都要 注意:是英文哦 最近时事经常讲的英文的正反方辩论 因为我要写topic
Sociologically, greater gun control does not necessarily lead to less violence. Whether or not gun control works remains a question. Some people just assume that criminals, whose very intent is to break the law, would be stopped by mere restrictions set by the government. Statstically speaking, countries with stricter gun control do not benefit from less crime rates (like England).
Legally, the 2nd Amendment clearly states the individual citizen's right to bear arms. "the right to bear arms shall not be infringed" is a very clear and consicse statement, and its meaning is self-explanatory. Recent Supreme Court cases also upheld the 2nd Amendment and applied it to state governments.
Ethically, a law-abiding citizen's ability to own a gun can save lives. He/she can use it for self-defense as well as in emergency situations (like during a mass-shooting event). Criminals would also be intimidated at the thought that the owner of the house he breaks into may have a shotgun up and ready, and in turn give up the thought of commiting crimes altogether.

Amendment II [Right to Bear Arms (1791)] A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people t...


Amendment II [Right to Bear Arms (1791)] A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Amendment I [Religion, Speech, Press, Assembly, Petition (1791)] Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances


关于美国是否应该配枪支的问题 英文辩论 正反方都要 注意:是英文哦 最近时事经常讲的英文的正反方辩论 因为我要写topic 求美国大选辩论中关于枪支问题的英文论述 英语辩论,美国枪支是否该合法化的观点 求英语辩论演讲的题目,就像是大麻和枪支是否该合法这类的 公民是否拥有枪支 英语辩论最好中英文都有 辩论关于交友是否应该只交成绩好的 关于自习课是否能讨论问题的辩论 关于高中生是否应该穿校服辩论 关于西塞罗和自然法,按照西塞罗的法律哲学,他会对以下问题作怎样的回答?1.公民可否拥有枪支?2.大麻是否合法?3.人流是否合法?4.安乐死是否合法?5.网络应用是否应该被审查?6.同性婚姻是否 会辩论,口才好的来(关于中日关系的问题)我们班最近要开一个辩论大赛,主题是:中国人是否应该仇视日本人,我是反方的,也就是同意不应该仇恨日本人,声明:这根爱不爱国没有一点关系. 英文:关于琥珀屋是否应该归还德国的辩论同志们呐 快回答啊 有几句话就好...额 打错了 是俄国.. 英文辩论:高中生是否应该穿校服(正方) 应英文写一篇关于枪支安全问题的文章...以一个8岁儿童枪杀他父亲引开的 关于开卷是否有益的辩论词 关于网络是否有害的辩论词 关于是否穿校服的辩论 飞蛾扑火正方辩论辩论赛:飞蛾扑火是否值得关于正方应该怎么辩论啊?最好有实例 关于中国人在美国等英语国家的名字问题咱中国人去美国,是否应该姓在后,名在前呢?我一直都是这么认为的,可是好像主席胡锦涛接见外宾的时候,怎么姓在前名在后呢?比如,史小丽,她的英文