关于写我的理想的英语文章,要带汉译的,60词左右~我的理想是当一名南北极考察家!简短的英语短文 60词就可以!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 12:11:28

关于写我的理想的英语文章,要带汉译的,60词左右~我的理想是当一名南北极考察家!简短的英语短文 60词就可以!
简短的英语短文 60词就可以!

关于写我的理想的英语文章,要带汉译的,60词左右~我的理想是当一名南北极考察家!简短的英语短文 60词就可以!
理想是石,敲出星星之火; 理想是火,点燃熄灭的灯; 理想是灯,照亮夜行的路; 理想是路,引你走到黎明……读着流沙河的《理想》,我的眼前出现这样一幅景象:我用手中的笔描绘着祖国壮丽的山河,记录着生活中发生的事;我用双眼观察世界,用大脑想象.没错,我的理想是当一名作家.
列夫 托尔斯泰曾说过一句话“理想是指路明灯.没有理想,就没有坚定的方向.”在以前,我对自己的理想是一片茫然,学这个没心思,学哪个不专心,从来都是心不在焉,如今我定下了我的理想,我就要努力朝我的目标奔去.有这个理想是因为在一次事情中定下的.
在一次考试后,见到同学们的作文水平都突飞猛进时,而我却还在原地踏步,我就暗暗下决心要定一个理想后,努力朝自己的理想去奋斗,经过了多次选择后,我决定了我的理想——当作家.从那以后我就开始努力的看书,每次看到一篇篇优美的文章,一个个栩栩如生的人物,我就暗暗希望能写出比他还要好的文章出来!就这样,我慢慢喜欢上了读书.每次看到好的书我总是要千方百计的借来看,我一拿到它们,便如痴如醉地读了起来.有一次,我躲在书房里,在知识的海洋里命遨游,在知识的天空中飞翔.这时,书房外传出妈妈催促的声音:“来吃饭,饭菜都好了.”我口是这样应答,但我还是纹丝不动,椅子好像磁一样吸住我的屁股,我继续读着我的书.过了许久,又是一阵急促的催喊声:“听到没有,快点来吃,饭菜都凉了.”我依旧回了一句:“OK;马上,马上.”这时,妈妈忍无可忍了,冲了进来火冒三丈的说:“你就会说马上,现在以最快速度给我去吃饭.”我还是目不转睛的盯着书,这时,妈妈见了,用力把书从我手中抽走,这时我才从书中被拉回了现实,我疑惑的问道:“干什么,我正看得津津有味,你突然拿走我的书,你干吗.”妈妈听了大吼道:“还干吗,吃饭了. ”我听了才恍然大悟,接着,我恳求道:“再看一会儿,就去吃饭,可以吗?”妈妈冷冷的回了一句:“不可以,走,走去吃饭.”我听了后用甜言蜜语恳求道:“好妈妈,再让我看一会儿,就一小会儿.”妈妈还是不同意,硬把我拉向餐桌,我瞄了那本书一眼,便依依不舍的跟妈妈走向餐桌.这就是我如何为书而着迷的事例了.但是现在唯一不足的是,每当看完一本好书后,我不懂得摘抄好词佳句,不懂得再重新看一遍温习一下把他深深的刻在脑海里,我一定要改正这一个毛病,我还要多写日记,多练笔,细心观察周围的事物,多摘抄一些优美佳句,如果我真的成为了一名作家,我要用手中的笔写出祖国美丽的风光,写出扣人心弦的故事,写出动听美妙的诗歌.
Ideal is the stone, knock out a spark, Ideal is fire, lit the lamp extinguishes, Ideal is the lamp, illuminating the nocturnal road, Ideal is the way to lead you to go to dawn... Read the quicksand river "ideal", my appearing before such a picture: I use the hands of the pen depicting the motherland glorious rivers, a record that happens in life, I use my eyes observe the world, with the brain to imagine. Yes, my dream is to be a writer.
Life. Tolstoy once said a word ", ideal is the beacon. Without ideal, there is no secure direction." In the past, my ideal is a vacant, learn this no mind, learn which distractivity, never is absent-minded, now I set my ideal, I will work hard to rush toward my goal. Have the ideal because in a set of things.
In an exam, see the girls composition level is improved by leaps and bounds, and I stayed at piaffe, I'll secretly decided to set an ideal, efforts towards oneself ideal to strive, through a lot choice, I have decided to my ideals - when writer. From then on I began to read, every time I see taken elegant article, a lifelike characters, I'll secretly hope can write than he even good articles out! So, I grew fond of reading. Every time I see good books I have always wanted to leave no stone unturned borrowing situation, I got them, then fogs in read. Once, I hide in the study, in the sea of knowledge in knowledge of life roam, flying in the sky. At this moment, the study outside efferent mother urging of voice: "to dinner, the food good." My mouth is such response, but I still refused to budge, chair like magnetic as absorb my ass, I continue to read my book. After a long time, it is a rapid hasted shouts: "do you hear, hurry to eat, food will get cold." I still return to a: "OK, immediately, at once." At this moment, mom's the last straw, rushed in fire emit three zhangs of say: "you would say it now with the fastest speed gives me to dinner." I was staring book, then, the mother saw a, hurled a book from my hand siphoned off, then that I was pulled back from a book for reality, I asked the "stem what, I was watching with gusto, you suddenly taken away my book, why do you." Listening to his mother bellowed: "still stem, eat." I heard it dawns on, then I pleaded, "look again in a short while, can eat dinner, can?" Mom cold back 1: "can't, walk, walk to eat." I hear the sweet pleaded with: "mom, let me watch a while, just a short one." Mother still don't agree, hard to pull me to the table, I took the book one eye, then proceed with my mother to the table. This is how I for books and charmed by examples. But now the only insufficient, when watching a good book, I don't know extract good word at doesn't know again look again over my his deep engraving in mind, I must correct this one problem, I write diary, much more practicing writing, careful observation of things around, more extract some beautiful lovers, if I really become a writer, I want to use the hands of the pen to write the beautiful scenery, write anenthralling story, write enchanting beauty of poetry.
Want to realize my ideal is to effort and sweat, I believe a word "where there is a will, things should into" and, I am trying to realize this ideal process, can get lots of inspiration and truth. I want to use the ideal spark lit my life's path.



When I got settled, the total use of the microwave to do their own things to eat. One day, my father saw me, I am afraid to say that I grew up as a cook. I immediately shaken like a rattle-drum head, you said : "That is not my ideal. When I grow up I want to IT (information technology) industries. "Yes, I bought a computer five years ago after his father, I am familiar with it day by day. Until last year, and I have formed a deep bond with it. From then on, I want success in the information technology industry to make contributions to the cause of national computer. But my father said I could only do in the field "testing the game," is what the new game, and always let me play with, the report there will be any games. I think what he said is not their fault, I always play games recently, those who do not have a veteran like Flash. In recent days, I sprouted out of a bad idea : I will be playing the game that the network server to the black. My account will revise the highest level. However, I Xiangliaoyouxiang, this is wrong, but was caught by the police network is not good. When hackers but also need high computer skills. As a member of the IT industry is my ideal, I would like to advance this goal, to improve their computer skills
