英语翻译在《雾都孤儿》中Nancy是Sikes的情妇.作者在取Nancy 和Sikes这两个名字是就别有用心,本身N和S恰恰是磁针的两极.这暗示着两个人本身就是一对不可调和的矛盾统一体,既对立又统一,彼此

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/04 04:16:35

英语翻译在《雾都孤儿》中Nancy是Sikes的情妇.作者在取Nancy 和Sikes这两个名字是就别有用心,本身N和S恰恰是磁针的两极.这暗示着两个人本身就是一对不可调和的矛盾统一体,既对立又统一,彼此
在《雾都孤儿》中Nancy是Sikes的情妇.作者在取Nancy 和Sikes这两个名字是就别有用心,本身N和S恰恰是磁针的两极.这暗示着两个人本身就是一对不可调和的矛盾统一体,既对立又统一,彼此依存不可分离,但是二者在本质上一个是仁爱的象征,一个是暴虐的代名词.Nancy把十二年盲目但出于生活所迫无奈跟随Sikes的习惯,依附当成是一种爱,把他当成精神的寄托.也许她知道Sikes只是把她当做女佣,但却甘于任他摆布,把他当做爱情的对象.
这种爱情观也是她人生观的反映.受经济条件的制约,她虽然有时恨这个男人,却不得不依附这个男人.即使在布朗先生给她机会让她重新开始,甚至到国外发展,她还是为了不离开Sikes 而放弃了.她甚至天真的以为他会为了自己走上正途,去上地面前忏悔请求宽恕.就在Sikes即将了结她的生命的时候,她还是抱着一线希望像唤醒他.

英语翻译在《雾都孤儿》中Nancy是Sikes的情妇.作者在取Nancy 和Sikes这两个名字是就别有用心,本身N和S恰恰是磁针的两极.这暗示着两个人本身就是一对不可调和的矛盾统一体,既对立又统一,彼此
In《Oliver Twist》,Nancy is the mistress of Sikes.The author name these two people with Nancy and Sikes on purpose,the letter N and S just stand for the two ends of the compass.It means they are destined not only to separated but also with a distance,united by opposition,so close and depend on each other,actully one of them stands for love,another one stands for violence.Nancy thinks that for 12 years she has to follow Sikes without any choice and her dependence as love,think him as a soul mate.Maybe she knows that Sikes just treat her as maid,but she is ready to sacrifice self for him,and thinks that is love.
This concept of love also shows her life.Constrained by economic conditions,although she sometimes hates the man,but has to attached to this man.Even Mr.Brown give her a chance to let her start again,to go abroad,she still gave up it in order not to leave Sikes.She even naive to think that he will be back to the right way for himself,asking for forgiveness from god.When Sikes is about to end her life,she was still hoping to wake him up .
These are all the symples of the pure love from Nancy to Sikes ,it a symple of an ordinary woman`s desire of love.But her blind and persistent love is doomed to ruin her life happy and become the killer of her own life.