一道SAT语法题,OC里面的,By including pieces of cloth,newspaper,wallpaper,and other materials in his work,(Picasso was influential,with his innovation,over) twentiety-century art.划线处是括号里的内容.这里答案说是awkward phrasing

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/03 16:04:50

一道SAT语法题,OC里面的,By including pieces of cloth,newspaper,wallpaper,and other materials in his work,(Picasso was influential,with his innovation,over) twentiety-century art.划线处是括号里的内容.这里答案说是awkward phrasing
By including pieces of cloth,newspaper,wallpaper,and other materials in his work,(Picasso was influential,with his innovation,over) twentiety-century art.
划线处是括号里的内容.这里答案说是awkward phrasing,故是错误的.
正确答案是:the innovative Picasso was an important influence on

一道SAT语法题,OC里面的,By including pieces of cloth,newspaper,wallpaper,and other materials in his work,(Picasso was influential,with his innovation,over) twentiety-century art.划线处是括号里的内容.这里答案说是awkward phrasing
首先,influence可以理解成“有影响的人(或事)”,所以Picasso was an important influence on 的用法本身没有错.
至于为什么要将原来的表达改成这样,我也说不准,可能的解释是出题者认为influential只能作定语而不能作表语,即可以说an influential person而不能说he is influential. 但其实我发现英国权威媒体包括BBC和Guardian的网页都有类似用法.所以实在百思不得其解.

Picasso应指的是 毕加索画派或画技 不能理解为人。

楼主不必纠结于an important influence 的用法,其实它就等于 very influential,类似的用法还有:a great success = very successful 等。

一道SAT OC 语法题> 一道SAT语法题,OC里面的,By including pieces of cloth,newspaper,wallpaper,and other materials in his work,(Picasso was influential,with his innovation,over) twentiety-century art.划线处是括号里的内容.这里答案说是awkward phrasing SAT OC语法的答案 一道sat的语法题,解释 一道sat上的语法题 一道 SAT OC上的语法题Except in mathematics,absolute proof is more often an ideal to be sought than a goal to be reached,(a fact that the courts recongnize by setting) varying standads of proof for different kinds of cases.A.a fact that the cou 一道SAT OC上的语法题 New York City is an important center of American Buddhism,in part because its residents included immigrants from most of the countries that have strong Buddhist traditions.为什么 included 要改为 that OC上的SAT语法题1.(OC TEST2 SECTION6 21)(From 1566 until) 176 Santa Elena,now an (excavation site) in South Carolina,was the capital of Spanish Florida; (however),it (has become) an English settlement by 1735.(No Error)答案选的是D,时态 一道SAT语法题,谢谢啦!In Germany,foresters discovered that trees killed by acid rian had begun to die four years (earlier without any signs of disease shown then.)请问括号里的为什么错了? sat语法题目求助!Caricaturists evoke humor by blending the realistic with the comedy in protriaits.标准答案里面是把这句话里面的with换成了and.为什么呢? 不是blend固定搭配就是with 和 into么? SAT oc 提升句子的一道题As one of the most successful African American business in history,the Motown Record Corporation was founded in 1959 in Detroit by Berry Gordy,Jr.为什么最开始的As可以去掉?我知道去掉之后是同位语没 sat语法题一道,( As )adults ,male golden silk spiders (live not) in webs of (their own) making but rather in webs (made by) female spiders .这道题是没错的,但我就想问个语法知识,B选项为什么是live not?应该是 don't live啊, 【SAT语法】一道SAT的IE语法题(Centuries ago), the Greek physician Hippocrates (advocated) collecting data (from) patients in order (to be drawing) conclusionand diagnose diseases. (No error.)Q:错误的应该是哪一个?是(from)还是(to 一道SAT 的题 一道SAT 的题 sat oc sat online course的6套题详解 一道SAT 语法IS题.The price of gold has been influenced by continued inflation and [because people have lost faith ] in the dollar.[]内改成loss of faith为什么> SAT 07年10月一道语法题As a adult, male golden silk spider live not in webs, 为什么live not可以算是对的?