菜鸟止步!A.1.In 100 KGS of Splits we add 60 to 70 LTS of Water.2.the temperate of water is 70'c.3.The splits is dip in water for 40 to 45 minutes.4.We add very very little hydrogen proxide to give stability.B.1.After Water it is moved to Flaker.2
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/12 16:52:12
菜鸟止步!A.1.In 100 KGS of Splits we add 60 to 70 LTS of Water.2.the temperate of water is 70'c.3.The splits is dip in water for 40 to 45 minutes.4.We add very very little hydrogen proxide to give stability.B.1.After Water it is moved to Flaker.2
A.1.In 100 KGS of Splits we add 60 to 70 LTS of Water.
2.the temperate of water is 70'c.
3.The splits is dip in water for 40 to 45 minutes.
4.We add very very little hydrogen proxide to give stability.
B.1.After Water it is moved to Flaker.
2.Yes its used as an flaker.
3.For Food Grade guar gum powder 4 rollers are used.
4.200 to 250
5.After Grinding we have to give extra heat in the form of hot air to remove the moisture.
2.The Ultra fine is designed to give high out put at a low operating cost.The material is sucked into the grinder by the vacuum generated by the moving rotor.The rotor is a multiple stack of plates and there are numbers of bitters between each stack of plate.Each bitter has stinker at the end to give maximum life to the bitter as well to give efficient grinding.The rotor moves at a RPM of 2000 between liners.The liner is fixed with the wall.At the top,an adjustable classifier device is provided to control the fineness of the material.
Flakers :- Flaker is the heart of guar gum powder plant it increase the effeciency and decrease the cost.splits after water treatment will be very elastic in nature and if these are directly send to the grinder then grinding will be difficult.Ultimately it will results in very high grinding cost and much lower out put of grinder.It is desired that these soaked splits are crushed and then send to the grinder.Flaker machines can do the job at low operating cost.These flakers also require low maintenance.
3.Sifter :- It is used to grade the powder according to various mesh size like 60 Mesh 100 Mesh 200 Mesh or 300 Mesh
菜鸟止步!A.1.In 100 KGS of Splits we add 60 to 70 LTS of Water.2.the temperate of water is 70'c.3.The splits is dip in water for 40 to 45 minutes.4.We add very very little hydrogen proxide to give stability.B.1.After Water it is moved to Flaker.2
a.1 .在100公斤的分割,我们新增60至70三烯水.
2 .温带水70'c .
3 .劈叉是浸在水中40至45分钟.
4 .我们将非常非常小氢proxide给稳定.
1 .经过水是转移到制片.
2 .是它用来作为制片.
3 .对于食品级瓜尔豆胶辊第4粉末使用.
4 .200至250
5 .磨削后,我们必须给予额外的热量形式的热空气,消除水分.
2 .该超细目的是给予高度提出了在低运营成本.材料是卷入粉碎机的真空所产生的移动转子.转子是一个多叠板,有号码之间的苦酒每个堆栈板.每一个痛苦幸好已经结束时给予最高刑罚是终身的痛苦以及给磨削效率.转子举动在2000年转速之间的衬垫.班轮是固定在墙上.在顶部,调节器装置提供控制细度的物质.
Flakers :-制片是心脏病的瓜尔豆胶粉末厂它提高效率和降低成本.分裂后,污水处理将是非常弹性的性质,如果这些都直接传送到磨床磨削然后将是困难的.最终结果将在非常高的磨削成本远低于输出的磨床.它是理想的,这些都湿透分裂粉碎,然后传送到磨床.制片机器可以做的工作在低运营成本.这些flakers也需要维持低.
3 .筛:-它被用来级粉末根据不同网目尺寸6 0像网格网格1 00或2 00网3 00网