请帮忙翻译以下邮件Dear Sharry, this is our standard warehouse charge, pls adv, if cnee want to reduved, we shall consider to reduced refund, is it OK for you ? Dear Annie Pls kindly check with the attached invoice from your warehouse,tks.Dea

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 09:39:34

请帮忙翻译以下邮件Dear Sharry, this is our standard warehouse charge, pls adv, if cnee want to reduved, we shall consider to reduced refund, is it OK for you ? Dear Annie Pls kindly check with the attached invoice from your warehouse,tks.Dea
Dear Sharry,

this is our standard warehouse charge, pls adv, if cnee want to reduved, we shall consider to reduced refund, is it OK for you ?

Dear Annie

Pls kindly check with the attached invoice from your warehouse,tks.
Dear Sherry,

good morning...
could you pls kindly get the copy of our warehouse charge please ?
I would like to check with warehouse as well.
Dear Annie

Regarding the below cargo,cnee complain the warehouse charge which is expensive than usual,pls kindly recheck and resend the invoice to cnee.

请帮忙翻译以下邮件Dear Sharry, this is our standard warehouse charge, pls adv, if cnee want to reduved, we shall consider to reduced refund, is it OK for you ? Dear Annie Pls kindly check with the attached invoice from your warehouse,tks.Dea

请帮忙翻译以下邮件Dear Sharry, this is our standard warehouse charge, pls adv, if cnee want to reduved, we shall consider to reduced refund, is it OK for you ? Dear Annie Pls kindly check with the attached invoice from your warehouse,tks.Dea 请帮我翻译以下的英文邮件内容,谢谢! 请帮忙翻译货代英语 邮件需要. 请帮忙翻译以下词语 ”中药饮片” 请帮忙翻译一下以下的文字: 请帮忙翻译以下:祝大家身体健康 请翻译一句话”请见以下邮件 客户要减少订单数量 请大家给出建议 谁能帮我翻译一下,回复一封英文邮件,关于物流运输海运方面的请帮忙翻译成英文邮件,内容如下:Dear XXX,根据我们海运部CS提供的XX船公司的提单信息如下:(下面附图,不用翻译)提单号与 请翻译以下邮件Dear Cs pls qoute us the destuff report for ctnr GLDU7588540 asap,thanks.Dear Annie, Pls see attached file for report. As tally report, the remark show that: 1/ Thanh Nhon's cargo, 5 drums were broken of the lid.2/ Protrade garme 请帮忙中译英这句话,上周末我们银行已经向贵方银行发出金额修改信息了,详细请查看以下邮件.烦请你尽快联系银行核实并支付余款给我们.请不要提供工具翻译, 翻译一句话 “请见以下邮件,请帮助回复客户询问的包装规格”在线等~~~~~~~ 自动回复邮件 求翻译以下是我自己写的,求有错的地方帮忙改进一下 谢谢 分不多就5分了Hi, dear buyer currently I'm on the holiday (the Spring Festival ,Jan.20~feb.15) ,you may not get any support during this time ,when I 会英文的帮忙翻译这句话:请忽略上一封邮件 请帮忙翻译邮件中的乱码!(如下)涔堜粳鍣舵湁鍏磋叮璇楁儏鐢绘剰銆?鎾掕笍闱掞紝渚?嚜鍣惰捣浼愶紝涔埚叴瓒c€? 帮忙翻译一封国外邮件! 英语翻译请帮忙用英语翻译以下,不要用翻译软件, 请帮忙翻译以下地址:马来西亚吡叻朱毛丹依谈505新村. 日译汉: 请帮忙翻译以下文字.万分感激.