
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/09 03:54:17


I once let the trustest love sliped away from below my eyes.Only to know that regreting myself when it was
too late.It is no paint in the world can come near
to this .If only God wouldgive me another chance.I will said to
the gril.I love you.If it had to be a limit of time.I pray it’s …
…ten thousands years.

There once a true love in front of me ,but I didn't cherish it.
Until I had lost it ,I was very regretful but it was too late .I think no other things in the world are more painful than this.If G...


There once a true love in front of me ,but I didn't cherish it.
Until I had lost it ,I was very regretful but it was too late .I think no other things in the world are more painful than this.If God give one more opportunity to me ,I'll tell that girl,"I love you !"
If I must put a deadline on this love,I wish it is ten thousand years.


There used to be true love in front me, but i didn't cherish it or feel regretful until i lost it. Nothing in the world can be more painful than this. if God could give me one more chance, i would tell that girl "I love you". If there must be a time limit on this love , I hope it would be ten thousand years!

Had a sincere love in my face, but I have no treasure. Wait for the loss of only too late, earth among the most painful thing than this. If God will give me an opportunity to try again, then I will talk to the girl said, "I love her." If it be love with a deadline, I hope, is 10,000 years!

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