a puma at large句句语法分析

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a puma at large句句语法分析
a puma at large句句语法分析

a puma at large句句语法分析
a puma at large
at large是一个习惯短语,它的含义为:

1、在逃, 逍遥法外
The escaped prisoner is still at large.

2、一般说来, 随便地
The people at large want peace.
They wandered at large over the country side.

She talked at large about her plans.

a puma at large句句语法分析 a puma at large 中文翻译为什么是逃遁的美洲狮 a puma at large求新概念英语3第一课“A puma at large” 的MP3格式的 A puma at large的疑问新概念第三册的第一课题目是 'A puma at large',为什么不是 'A puma is at large'?课文的最后写的是 ...a puma is still at large.还是题目是A puma (which is) at large的省略? 有谁知道A puma at large在英语新概念三册的第几课? 新概念英语3 第一课中关于 at large文章标题中 是a puma at large 在文章最后一句中用的是 is (still) at large 还有 在新东方的网课中 他举了一个例子 brid flu is at large请问一下 什么时候 用at large 谁有新概念英语3的MP3听力啊,或能够下载的,Unit1 lesson1是 A puma at large逃遁的美洲狮 新概念3中第一课 A puma at large中,HAVE的用法疑惑新概念3中第一课 A puma at large中,有一句话:As no pumas had been reported missing from any zoo in the contry,this one must have been in the possession of a private collector an 《新概念英语》(第三册)第一课《A Puma at Large》Pumas are large,cat-like animals which are found in America.When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London,they were not taken ser puma at large什么意思,怎么翻译?at large有“在逃”的意思吗?是个固定的短语吗?能不能解释一下,我没有字典啊 新概念英语3第一课“A puma at large”新概念英语3第一课的课后习题2,我选择b,但答案给出的是a,但这个答案无法理解.原题:What particular piece of evidence persuaded the experts that a puma had been seen in the vi 英语翻译Lesson1 A puma at largePumas are large,cat-like animals which are found in America.When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London,they were not taken seriously.However,as the evidence (重金酬谢)新概念英语第3册第一课 作文怎么写 紧急!如题:就是A puma at large 的那篇课文的课后有偏作文 Describe the occasion when the woman picking blacking saw the puma .Expand the following into a paragraph of 关于新概念英语第三册 “a puma at large的一个时态问题就是文章的第一段中 .the descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were extraordinarily similar.这里是have seen 再接下来就是 the hunt for t puma at large新概念英语3的一个语法no pumas had been reported missing from any zoo in the country,有人说这句话是missing是形容词,那么这句话主动语态是什么?为什么有人说这句话其实是reported to be missing?to be puma puma 老版新概念三第一课[A Puma at Large]课后练习题求解212 A private collector is a man who collects .(lines 15-16)a. for his own benefit b. on his own c. in private d. unknown to the public我的选择是(c),正确答