关于中国有没有religion的问题~Do you agree that the Chinese don't have religion?What is one significant consequence of your position for how we understand religion?用自己的观点写 第一人称~想要让外国人好好知道一下 中

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/10 08:15:49

关于中国有没有religion的问题~Do you agree that the Chinese don't have religion?What is one significant consequence of your position for how we understand religion?用自己的观点写 第一人称~想要让外国人好好知道一下 中
Do you agree that the Chinese don't have religion?What is one significant consequence of your position for how we understand religion?
用自己的观点写 第一人称~想要让外国人好好知道一下 中国的文化 大概600字左右

关于中国有没有religion的问题~Do you agree that the Chinese don't have religion?What is one significant consequence of your position for how we understand religion?用自己的观点写 第一人称~想要让外国人好好知道一下 中
  It has over 100 million followers of various faiths, more than 100,000 sites for religious activities, about 300,000 religious personnel and over 3,000 religious associations.
  These associations run 76 religious schools and colleges to train religious personnel.
  In China, all regular religious activities - such as worshipping Buddha, chanting scriptures, praying, expounding on scriptures, holding Mass, baptism, initiation into monk- or nun-hood, Ramadan and observance of religious festivals - are all managed by the religious personnel and adherents themselves, are protected under the law and are free from interference.
  The holy books of each religion are published and distributed by religious associations.
  Each religion in China has its own national periodical, which is also circulated abroad.
  The main religions are Buddhism, Islam, Roman Catholic and Protestant Christianity, China's indigenous Taoism, Shamanism, Eastern Orthodox Christianity and the Naxi people's Dongba religion.
  The Hui, Uygur, Kazak, Kirgiz, Tatar, Ozbek, Tajik, Dongxiang, Salar and Bonan peoples adhere to Islam; the Tibetan, Mongolian, Lhoba, Monba, Tu and Uygur, to Tibetan Buddhism (also known as Lamaism), and the Dai, Blang and Deang to Hinayana Buddhism.
  回族,维吾尔,哈萨克,柯尔克孜,塔塔尔,乌孜别克,塔吉克族,东乡族,撒拉族和渤南人民坚持伊斯兰教;藏族,蒙古族,珞巴族, Monba ,涂与维吾尔族,以藏传佛教(也称为喇嘛教) ,以及傣族,布朗族和德昂,以小乘佛教.
  Large numbers of Miao, Yao and Yi are Catholic or Protestant Christians.
  Religious Han Chinese tend to practice Buddhism, Christianity, or Taoism.
  Buddhism was introduced to China from India around the first century AD, growing increasingly popular to become the most influential religion in China after the fourth century.
  Tibetan Buddhism, as a branch of Chinese Buddhism, is popular primarily in Tibet and Inner Mongolia.
  Now China has more than 13,000 Buddhist temples.
  It is probable that Islam first reached China around the mid-seventh century.
  The Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368) witnessed the zenith of prosperity of Islam.
  元代( 1271年至1368年)目睹了繁荣的顶峰伊斯兰教.
  Now China has more than 30,000 mosques.
  Catholic influence reached China in the seventh century, and Protestantism was introduced into China in the early 19th century.
  Now there are more than 4,600 Catholic and over 12,000 Protestant churches, as well as over 30,000 other types of Christian places of worship in China.
  现在有超过4600天主教和新教12000 ,以及超过30000其他类型的基督教宗教活动场所在中国.
  Taoism is based on the philosophy of Lao Zi (traditionally said to be born in 604 BC) and his work, the Dao De Jing (Classic of the Way and Virtue).
  道教是基于哲学的老子(传统上说是出生于公元前604 )和他的工作, 道德经 (经典的方式与德治) .
  It probably took shape as a religion during the second century, and China now has more than 1,500 Taoist temples.
  I know some of you may be saying "oh no, not another one of those," but I assure you that this one is different if only for the fact that I am not preaching or recruiting.
  我知道你们当中的某些人可能会说: “哦,不,不是另一个人, ”但我向你保证,这个人是不同的,如果只有一个事实,即我不是说教或招聘.
  I am just elaborating on what I have come to believe without the help/force of my parents.
  Lets see where to begin, I will start by listing what I believe without explanation, and then I will come back to explain things.
  1) My personal beliefs can be classified under the New Age, New Thought, Neo-Pagan religions.
  1 )我个人的信念可以归入新时代,新思维,新异教徒的宗教.
  2) I do not believe in organized religion.
  2 )我不认为是在有组织的宗教.
  3) I believe that everyone, every creature has a soul.
  3 )我认为每个人,每个动物有灵魂.
  4) I do not believe in God.
  4 )我不相信上帝.
  5) I believe that everything that happens is predestined.
  5 )我相信发生的一切是命中注定的.
  6) I believe that to become an individual you must work hard.
  6 )我认为,要成为个人你必须努力工作.
  7) I believe in past lives and rebirths.
  7 )我认为,在过去的生活和rebirths .
  8) To each his own.
  8 )每个自己.
  9) I believe that anger and hatred only make us sick and forgiveness lets us move on. 9 )我相信,愤怒和仇恨只会使我们生病和宽恕让我们继续前进.
  10) I believe that everything and everyone is important.
  10 )我相信,一切都非常重要.
  11) I believe that there are some people you meet in life who will change the way you are.
  11 )我认为,有一些人满足你在生活中谁将改变你.
  12) I do not believe in heaven or hell.
  12 )我不相信在天堂或地狱.
  13) I believe that judgment based on appearance is wrong.
  13 )我认为,判断的基础上露面是错误的.
  14) I believe that everyone should try to love life.
  14 )我认为每个人都应该尝试的爱情生活.
  15) I believe that we can learn many things if we only listen.
  15 )我认为,我们可以学到很多东西,如果我们只是听.
  New Age An umbrella term for a wide range of personal and individual beliefs and practices influenced primarily by eastern religions, paganism, spiritism.
  Belief in Deity: God is the impersonal life force, consciousness, ultimate truth and reality, the incorporeal, formless cosmic order personified within all people and matter - God is all and all are God. Incarnations: Most believe there are no particular incarnations to worship as all in the universe are embodiments of God.
  Many of the world’s prophets, including Jesus, are viewed as reincarnations of the Christ. Origins of universe/life: The universe, life, and matter were not created by God but "are" God.
  The universe and life emerged out of the creative power of the eternal universal life force. After death: Some believe in continual rebirth - no death, as life is spirit.
  Some believe that our souls rest for a time before deciding on a new body (or bodies).
  有些人认为,我们的灵魂休息的时间,才决定一个新的机构(或机构) .
  Heaven and hell are states of consciousness, self-imposed, due to ignorance of God as all. Why evil?
  No original sin and no Satan and no evil.
  Most believe people make "mistakes" when they are ignorant of the power of goodness, which is God, within themselves and others.
  Some believe evil is perpetuated through accumulation of past-life wrongs and spiritual ignorance. Salvation: Salvation lies in the realization of oneness with the impersonal life force, thus unlocking one’s healing potential.
  Awareness can be heightened through methods that induce altered states of consciousness, eg hypnosis, meditation, music, drugs; and through intercession, eg crystals, tarot cards, amulets, fortunetellers and psychics, channeling.
  意识可以通过提高的方法,诱导改变国家的意识,如催眠,冥想,音乐,药物; ,并通过调解,如水晶,塔罗牌卡,护身符,算命和灵媒,窜.
  Some believe the salvation of humanity will occur when critical mass is reached as more and more people converge in celebrating their oneness with God and with each other, which will bring a New World Order or new Planetary Order, resulting in oneness of civilization and one world government, peace and harmony. Undeserved suffering: Suffering is the result of greed, hatred, and spiritual ignorance in a person’s, or humanity’s, past lifetimes, which returns as suffering (karma).
  有些人认为的拯救人类将出现临界质量达到随着越来越多的人汇聚在庆祝他们的统一性与上帝和彼此,这将带来一个新的世界秩序或新的行星秩序,造成单一性的文明和一个世界政府,和平与和谐.不应有的痛苦:痛苦是由于贪婪,仇恨,愚昧和精神在一个人的,或人类的,过去的寿命,它传回的痛苦(业) .
  Suffering is sometimes viewed as occurring for a specific purpose, to further spiritual growth and learn a life lesson, eg the death of a young child may occur because the parents need to learn not to take life for granted.苦难是有时被视为发生的为特定目的,以进一步心灵成长和学习生活的教训,例如,死亡的孩子,可能会发生是因为父母需要学习不采取生活是理所当然的. Suffering is also seen as illusory in that it results from attachment to bodily pleasure and pain, and only the universal life force within, God, truly exists. Contemporary Issues: Abortion is not condemned, as there is no official doctrine.
  Generally adherents are supportive of a woman’s right to choose abortion.
  New Thought An umbrella term for diverse beliefs that emphasize experiencing God's presence for practical purposes, such as healing and success.
  Examples include Unity, Religious Science, and Divine Science.
  Belief in Deity: There exists one God -- Universal Mind, creative intelligence, omnipresent --- principle (not a being), impersonal force which manifests itself personally, perfectly, and equally within all. Incarnations: No particular incarnations, as God is within all equally.
  信仰的神:存在着一个上帝-环球心灵,创造性智慧,无处不在- --原则(而不是正在) ,人格力量,体现个人,完美,同样在所有.化身:没有特别的东西,因为上帝是在所有一视同仁.
  Some believe Jesus was exemplary of someone who fully realized his divine nature, and therefore is the "wayshower" (shows the way). Origins of universe/life: The universe and all within it are expressions of God - the creative intelligence - with no beginning and no end. After death: Some believe in continual rebirth as a gift from God so that all may become immortal, as was Jesus Christ, with each lifetime a preparation for the next.
  有些人认为耶稣是模范的人谁充分实现他的神性,因此是“ wayshower ” (显示方式) .起源宇宙/生命:宇宙和所有内表达的是上帝-创意情报-没有开始也不会有结束.后死亡:一些人认为在不断重生作为礼物送给来自上帝,让所有可能成为不朽的,如耶稣,每个一生准备在未来. Others believe the individual soul merges with the universal spirit after death. Why evil?
  No original sin and no Satan and no evil.
  People make "mistakes" due to ignorance of one's true nature as Perfect Mind and Love, which is God. Salvation: Salvation lies in the realization of oneness with the impersonal life force, thus unlocking one’s healing potential.
  人们“错误” ,因为无知的人的真实性质,完善心灵与爱情,这是上帝.救国:救国在于实现统一性与客观的生命力,从而打开一个愈合的潜力.
  Licensed practitioners counsel on spiritual healing for problems of the mind, body, and life.
  Some believe Jesus is the "wayshower" to salvation.
  有些人认为耶稣是“ wayshower ”
  来拯救. Some believe that all, regardless of actions, will be saved by the grace of a loving and forgiving God.
  Most believe that spiritual awareness of God’s omnipresence, that God is all and all are God, leads to personal and humanity’s salvation.
  Many believe that repeated reincarnations are God’s gift, each lifetime a preparation for the next, until "perfection" is reached, which is God. Undeserved suffering: Suffering results from ignorance of one's true nature as Perfect Mind and ceases with complete realization that we all are one with God, the Universal Mind.
  One can heal personal suffering through New Thought practices, often with the assistance of New Thought practitioners. Contemporary Issues: There is no official doctrine on abortion; therefore, abortion is not condemned.