雅思写作题目问到agree or disagree,这类题目应该怎么写?我想问,能不能在开头第一段先说事情有优点和缺点,然后叙述完再在结论表明agree或者disagree?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/07 13:50:18

雅思写作题目问到agree or disagree,这类题目应该怎么写?我想问,能不能在开头第一段先说事情有优点和缺点,然后叙述完再在结论表明agree或者disagree?
雅思写作题目问到agree or disagree,这类题目应该怎么写?

雅思写作题目问到agree or disagree,这类题目应该怎么写?我想问,能不能在开头第一段先说事情有优点和缺点,然后叙述完再在结论表明agree或者disagree?
  首先Do u agree or disagree以及to waht entent do you agree or disagree的提问方式,要在开头即点明自己的观点,不同的在于,后者要添加修饰性副词,说明自己是多大程度上的同意,或不同意.这两种提问方式更适合“一边倒”方式回答.
  what is your opinion?这种问法是最开放、最自由的提问.考生只需就题目中出现的某个话题或者看法发表自己的意见,而不用纠结是否完全赞同或者反对.
  其次,可以使partly agree,和discuss both views问法还是不一样的.前者讨论时,论据要更多侧重自己agree或disagree的部分.后者可以平均讨论,公平客观,然后阐述自己观点.
  雅思大作文问法很多样,最常见的是to what extent do you agree or disagree?及discuss both sides and give your own opinion.此外,剩下的还有:what's your opinion?what are the benefits and disadvantages?Do the advantages outweight it's disadvantages?what are the reasons,effects or solutions?
  而what are the reasons……,为分析解决型文章所设,回答思路应该为:分析原因、说明影响、提出建议.第一段说明原因,第二段提出重要因素,第三段融入自己的看法.
  一般来说,do you agree or disagree及 to what extent do you agree or disagree这样的问法是开头就给出自己观点的.

雅思写作题目问到agree or disagree,这类题目应该怎么写?我想问,能不能在开头第一段先说事情有优点和缺点,然后叙述完再在结论表明agree或者disagree? 雅思写作里的to what extent do you agree or disagree和do you agree or disagree答起来一样吗? 急.请问雅思写作中do you agree or disagree 怎么写.想请教一下do you agree or disagree 和 to what extend do you agree or disagree 还有what is your opinion 有什么关系呢.do you agree or disagree 可以是partly agree 吗,如果是 问雅思一个作文题目的意思、1.some people said giving aid to poorer countries has more objective effects than positive effects,so what extend do u agree or disagree不太明白objective effects?客观的影响? to what extent do you agree or disagree雅思作这样的题目,同意个不同意都要写吗 雅思写作格式出现to what extent do you agree or disagree这类问题时,需要阐述正反两方论据,还是只要阐述自己观点即可? 雅思写作agree or disagree,Discuss both views and give your own opinion,可以写成双边吗?一段写优点,一段写缺点吗? 解析一下这题雅思论文写作题目题目:Today,the high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising and not the real needs of the socicty in which they are sold.To what extent do you agree or disagree? 雅思大作文结构:比如问到to what extend do you agree or disagree这种要优缺点都要写么,可不可以开门见山直接我的观点就写一面,另外问到do you think it's positive or negativ这种呢类似于上面这种情况么 关于雅思写作agree or disagree类的问题比方说一个题目Some people think museums should be enjoyable places to attract and entertain young people. Other think the purpose of museums is education, but not entertain. To what extent do you 雅思写作 求思路some people think that government should pay the cours fees for those who want to go to university.doyou agree or disagree给我说说呗 写了第一段了 2、3段不知方向要咋写分析分析题目顺便简单写几句吧 求一道雅思作文题目的解题思路Advertising is discouraging us from different individuals and makes everyone to be and to look the same.agree or disagree? 雅思写作题目多给点 雅思写作的题目?G类的~ 剑桥雅思9里面的test4大作文,就是说现在很多语言在消失,有些人认为消失以后更少语言就更方便,然后题目问what extent do you agree or disagree.这个题目的写题思路是怎么样的,需要论述更少语言更 关于新托福ibt综合写作是不是所有题目都是Do you agree or disagree…………有别的可能吗? 帮我写一篇雅思作文 我们外教的作业(高三) 写的快再加100分,1小时之内写完谢谢people should look after their health as a duty to society they live in rather than for personal benefits .to what extent do you agree or dis 雅思作文偏题了怎么办.taking care of children is important,both mothers and fathers should take childcare training course.do u agree or dis? 我写的是父母在儿童教育中的重要性555. 第一段写parents play an important role in t