
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/12 20:20:43

2.吃芝麻、花生.富含维生素E和多种营养,可以帮助维生素B的吸收,加强神经对抗寒冷的能力.维生素E 还有扩张血管的作用,可以加强肢体末梢儿的血液循环.

It's a common phenomenon for people to feel freezing in the hands and feet in the winter.That's because the low temperature of nature and people's lack of Yang.
1,Panax quinguefolium.Fine medicine to reinforcing Qi with gentle charater,benificial,and no dryness-heat.Can be simply took with water.
2,Sesames and peanuts.Containing plenty of Vitamin E,various nutrient,and be helpful in assimilating Vitamin B,enhensing cold resistance of nerve.Vitamin E will expand arteries veins and strenthen blood circulation of limbs.
3,Onions and peppers are helpful in heat generation and blood circulation.

Some people feel the winter cold hands and feet is a very common phenomenon. This is mainly because of the natural world to lower the temperature, lack of yang, yang and the body's own lack of will, p...


Some people feel the winter cold hands and feet is a very common phenomenon. This is mainly because of the natural world to lower the temperature, lack of yang, yang and the body's own lack of will, physical Yang.
1. American ginseng to eat. This is the vitality of a good, peaceful nature, and not dry up. Alone in water for drinking.
2. Eat sesame seeds and peanuts. Rich in vitamin E and a variety of nutrients that can help the absorption of vitamin B to enhance the ability of nerves against the cold. Vitamin E also expand the role of the blood vessels, can enhance the physical abuse of peripheral blood circulation.
3. Eat onions, peppers, etc. to help the body generate heat and promote blood circulation of food.


3:Eats the ocean, the hot pepper and so on to be possible to help the body to live the quantity, to press food which the blood follows.


3:Eats the ocean, the hot pepper and so on to be possible to help the body to live the quantity, to press food which the blood follows.
1:Eats the American ginseng. This is the good medicine which one kind restores vital energy, the nature is gentle, makes up, but is not dry. May soak in water alone drinks.
2:Eats the sesame seed, the peanut. Richly including Vitamin E and many kinds of nutritions, may help Vitamin B the absorption, strengthens the nerve resistance cold ability. Vitamin E also has the expansion blood vessel's function, may strengthen the body end blood circulation


Some people feel the winter cold hands and feet is a very common phenomenon. This is mainly because of the natural world to lower the temperature, lack of yang, yang and the body's own lack of will, p...


Some people feel the winter cold hands and feet is a very common phenomenon. This is mainly because of the natural world to lower the temperature, lack of yang, yang and the body's own lack of will, physical Yang.
1. Eat American ginseng. This is the vitality of a good, peaceful nature, and not dry up. Alone in water for drinking.
2. Eat sesame seeds and peanuts. Rich in vitamin E and a variety of nutrients that can help the absorption of vitamin B to enhance the ability of nerves against the cold. Vitamin E also expand the role of the blood vessels, can enhance the physical abuse of peripheral blood circulation.
3. Eating onions, peppers, etc. to help the body generate heat and promote blood circulation of food.


英语翻译冬天一些人总感觉手脚冰凉是很常见的现象.这主要是因为自然界的温度降低,阳气不足,而人体自身的阳气也会不足,身体出现阳虚的表现.1.吃西洋参.这是一种补气的良药,性平和,补 为什么体温会容易随着外界温度的变化而变化比如说夏天的时候总会觉得很热,有时会发现皮肤变得很红(怀疑是体温偏高导致的),冬天的时候手脚却很冰凉……都说人的体温是恒温的,应该 冬天的阳光为什么没温度?冬天的阳光为什么没温度!冬天手脚冰凉~晒上去没有暖暖的感觉~ 冬天的阳光为什么没温度?冬天的阳光为什么没温度!冬天手脚冰凉~晒上去没有暖暖的感觉~ 原来看过中医说我是气滞血瘀,现在自己感觉还是气血不通畅,便秘,脸色发黄,冬天手脚冰凉,很怕冷,痛经,请问平时怎么调理啊,饮食或者运动或生活习惯上应该注意什么呢. 冬天了,总感觉手冷脚冷,怎样才能让手脚暖祸起来呢? 植物性神经紊乱症状心动过速,手脚冰凉,血往上涌,感觉想要昏迷的感觉 .请问下着是什么病 .是植物性神经紊乱吗?怎么治疗! 冬天手脚冰冷,怎么才能暖和一些? 冬天手脚很冰怎么回事? 人的手脚为什么冬天会很冷? 女人手脚冰凉是什么原因?怎么治? 不知道人胎盘组织液是起什么作用的我的宫寒症状比较严重,从小就总是手脚冰凉去看了一下中医,大夫给我开了一些中药又给我开了人胎盘组织液进行肌肉注射,由于看病的人多我也就没问,不 地下水为什么冬天是温暖的,夏天是冰凉的? 我的手掌到了夏天很热,是怎么回事呢?如题,夏天的时候别人的手掌都是凉凉的,或者稍微有点温度,可我的手却是很热,甚至给人感觉有点发烫.可到了冬天确是冰凉的,怎么会这样呢?还有就是我 冬天手脚冰冻是怎么回事 冬天手脚特别冰怎么回事啊?有时候就连躺在被窝里,第二天手脚还是冰冰的,感觉就不像自己的手脚了,烦死了 我穿压力袜感觉很紧,时间长了小腿感觉冰凉冰凉的最近买了个压力袜,穿上之后感觉很紧,感觉可能是效果的原因所以就没在意,但是穿了一天,感觉小腿有冰凉的,每次穿都有.想穿怕这样腿会有 室内温度一样的情况下,为什么冬天感觉比夏天冷的多?同样是20度,夏天感觉凉爽舒适,穿单件的衣服正好,冬天的时候穿毛衣毛裤却不觉得热,有时候手脚还发凉