Dick is the only one of the teachers who___Chinese.He is one of Mary's friends who___been to China.A.know;have B.knows;have C.know;has D.knows;has.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/05 01:01:18

Dick is the only one of the teachers who___Chinese.He is one of Mary's friends who___been to China.A.know;have B.knows;have C.know;has D.knows;has.
Dick is the only one of the teachers who___Chinese.He is one of Mary's friends who___been to China.
A.know;have B.knows;have C.know;has D.knows;has.

Dick is the only one of the teachers who___Chinese.He is one of Mary's friends who___been to China.A.know;have B.knows;have C.know;has D.knows;has.
B项.分析:one of +名词复数,表示其中之一,本体第一句one of the teachers,强调 one 单数,故选knows;
