
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/04 14:44:47


Dear (写信对象),
I have been studying at (学校名字) since January 5th last year.I went back to China for holidays in September and was planning to come back in October.However,something happened to my family,thus I can only go back to school till December.I appreciate the studying opportunity at (学校名字) and am willing to continue my study here.
Could you please be so kind helping me with the following two questions?
1.Can I transfer the tuition fee directly from China?
2.When I go back to school in December,what will be my exam schedule?
Thanks for your understanding.I really appreciate your help!
Look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,


Dear XXX
Hello, my January 5th enrolled in school ... He returned to China in September, planned October to return to school after the read, but because the family to go back to December.. I want ...


Dear XXX
Hello, my January 5th enrolled in school ... He returned to China in September, planned October to return to school after the read, but because the family to go back to December.. I want to continue studying in your school, I can at home tuition money in the past? I also want to know, if I go back to school when the exam? Thanks a lot.


Hello, I January 5, study in your university... Back in September, had planned to return to your school October after reading the country, but because the housework 12 month to go back to... I want to...


Hello, I January 5, study in your university... Back in September, had planned to return to your school October after reading the country, but because the housework 12 month to go back to... I want to continue to study in your university, excuse me whether I can your tuition fees in domestic remittances past? And I want to know, if I go back to when the school examination? Thank you...
That's it... Don't word for word translation, but please use polite... Thank you...
Can't answer my question of close please don't answer? Because it's a very important to me translation, I will pay close attention to, I don't want to very not easy look forward to a answer is useless, thank you...


翻译:Hello, I January 5, study in your university... Back in September, had planned to return to your school October after reading the country, but because the housework 12 month to go back to... I want...


翻译:Hello, I January 5, study in your university... Back in September, had planned to return to your school October after reading the country, but because the housework 12 month to go back to... I want to continue to study in your university, excuse me whether I can your tuition fees in domestic remittances past? And I want to know, if I go back to when the school examination? Thank you...


Hello, I am on January 5 studied at your school.
.. September to return home, originally planned for October return secondary to your school reading school, but because the family in December to g...


Hello, I am on January 5 studied at your school.
.. September to return home, originally planned for October return secondary to your school reading school, but because the family in December to go back.
. I would like to continue study in your school, ask if I can in the domestic remittances over tuition?
I would also like to know, if I go back to when the school exam?
Thank you.



英语翻译是要写给国外学校的...内容如下:您好,我1月5日就读于贵校...9月份回国,本来计划10月返回贵校继读就读,但因为家事12月才能回去..我想继续在贵校就读,请问我能否在国内把学 求一份全英文的课堂演讲PPT,内容以国外文化相关!要求如下:1.全英文,不低于10页;2.主题不限,可以是介绍国外公司、节日等,但内容要以国外文化相关;3.最好能嵌入简短视频。 怎样写给国外的朋友写信作文 国外accounting的内容 英语翻译是要发到国外的,请准确点, 谁能帮我把这个中文翻译成英文(这是我要写给一个韩国明星的一封信,他不会中文,所以我只能用英语和他交流)内容如下 哥哥你好: 作文世园会用书信的方式写给爸爸我要的是内容呀! 英语翻译课外补习(Private Supplementary Tutoring),有学者将其称为 “影子教育”指的是学生在主流学校教育之外参加的培优补差活动,因其补习内容基本上类似于学校课程.国外对课外补习的研究开 英语翻译我在国外网站上购买的产品两个月都没有收到 估计是快递的问题 我想用一下内容的英语问问国外的商家 需要翻译的内容如下 :“如果我购买的商品 在运输途中丢失 或者快递公司 写给爸妈的一封信,内容要简洁 英语翻译求英语高手翻译一小段话,写给喜欢的偶像的,内容如下:致xxx:我叫xx,是你的中国歌迷.如果说这一生唯一不后悔的一件事情是什么,我想我唯一不后悔的就是在2014年有了一场说走就 英语翻译我的国外朋友要, 国外的 英语翻译 英语翻译国外寄信的, 英语翻译补充说明:“他”是一个明星.请不要随便用翻译机直翻的答案就当做回答哈.本人懂英文,只是翻译是弱项而已.需要翻译成英文的内容如下:“他计划在今年到国外拍摄出道15周年的 英语翻译这是一个国外大学项目的日程表内容,其实纠结的是TA这个词,总感觉是个缩略词或者固定用词? 英语翻译如题!是写给小学男生的! 信封上的收件人必须填真实姓名吗?这是学校要求写给父母的.