
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/04 08:16:25


Honeysuckle flower ("Jinyinhua" in Chinese, literally means), also known as "Lonicera japonica", is a species of the honeysuckle family and a woody perennial, semi-evergreen trailing honeysuckle. The plant's Chinese name "Jinyinhua" (literally, gold and silver flowers) was first recorded in "the Compendium of Materia Medica" and named after the fact that the flowers are double-tongued, opening white and fading to yellow. Dried honeysuckle flowers or honeysuckle flower buds are most commonly used in Chinese medicine. Honeysuckle flowers, as a Chinese medicinal herb, have been well-known for its great effect in clearing heat and toxics. Honeysuckle flower is sweet in flavor, cold in nature; it clears body heat without hurting the stomach; and has an aromatic scent which is believed to drive out the evil spirits.
Honeysuckle flower dissipates wind and heat in the superficial portion of the body, eliminates toxic substance, and is an important ingredient to cure heat syndromes such as fever, skin rashes, blemishes, toxic heat sores, and sore throat. The plant is naturally spread across the country in various provinces across the country with the exception of Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia, Nixiang, Qinghai, Xinjiang, Hainan and Tibet.


Plant honeysuckle and name honeysuckle, for caprifoliaceae perennial woody vines around half an evergreen plants. "Honeysuckle" a from compendium of materia medica, because the honeysuckle flowers ope...


Plant honeysuckle and name honeysuckle, for caprifoliaceae perennial woody vines around half an evergreen plants. "Honeysuckle" a from compendium of materia medica, because the honeysuckle flowers open for white early, to yellow, so its name honeysuckle. Medicinal materials honeysuckle for caprifoliaceae honeysuckle plants honeysuckle and belong to plant dry flower or early with open flowers. Since ancient times honeysuckle is known as qingrejiedu medicine. It struck Kennedy of fragrant, sweet cold heat and not hurt a stomach, aromatic through and remove of evil. Honeysuckle can not only promote the wind scattered heat, still good clear solution blood poison, used in all kinds of hot sexually transmitted diseases, such as body heat, hair rash, hair spot, toxic heat sore carbuncle, sore throat and card, all the obvious effect. In addition to heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia, ningxia, qinghai, xinjiang, hainan and Tibet without natural growth outside, the provinces are distribution.


英语翻译植物金银花又名忍冬,为忍冬科多年生半常绿缠绕木质藤本植物.“金银花”一名出自《本草纲目》,由于忍冬花初开为白色,后转为黄色,因此得名金银花.药材金银花为忍冬科忍冬属植 忍冬花初开始银白色,两三天后变为金黄色,所以又叫金银花.请仿照这句话写大蒜. 解释一下忍冬的意思.谢谢! 忍冬花又叫什么? 连翘与迎春的区别从植物知识方面分析 还有忍冬与金银忍冬的区别(认识特征 相同点与不同点) 去看牧场就要抽发忍冬的新苗离得忍冬是什么意思! 忍冬花的花瓣什么形状的,急 郑愁予的雨说中的“抽发忍冬”是什么意思,发的读音是神马 怎么模仿李时珍夜宿古寺中的忍冬花来写大蒜?把作用写一下, 结合《雨说》的意境解释下列词语喑哑 留滞 寒浅 襁褓 禁锢 忍冬 子房下位的科有哪些?越全越好,还有忍冬科,茜草科等等,这些基本的我是知道的。我就想要一个完整的表,包含所有子房下位的科。 余杭 范成大 赏析春晚山花各静芳,从教红紫送韶光.忍冬清馥蔷薇酽,薰满千村万落香. 治疗砒霜,水银,硫磺的慢性中毒三白草,老鹤草,决明子,忍冬,菟丝子,甘草对以上慢性中毒有减轻效果吗?一起服用是否合理? 你知道大蒜可以当药用吗?然后学着李时珍介绍忍冬花的样子,给它写一条说明. 缩句,缩到30字左右花生又名落花生,原产于南美洲一带,世界上栽培花生的国家有100多个,亚洲最为普遍,次为非洲,据中国有关花生的文献记载栽培史约早于欧洲100多年.花生被人们誉为“植物肉 大蒜可以当药用,给它写一条说明你知道大蒜可以当药用吗?然后学着李时珍介绍忍冬花的样子,给它写一条说明. 英语翻译又名《钱大昕默坐观弈》 英语翻译[中] 德意志联邦共和国 [英] The Federal Republic of Germany [德] Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland 国花,国鸟,国石 [编辑本段] 国花:矢车菊,又名蓝芙蓉、荔枝菊、翠蓝,属于菊科.经过德国人多年的培