
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 19:48:32

希望是自己翻译的,翻译软件翻出来的问题总是很大- -

No matter of the great investment and theadvanced technology, the one dimensional conveying which is in the forms ofnotify and annunciation has no way to win the support of citizens in the age ofInformation and Right, if it involves the public issues of citizen-interest. Whatbehind the fierce expression are the disrespected rights and the dissatisfied argumentand the ignored motions and voices.
This case has suggested that our people areenhancing the ability of social mobilization, facing of the current living period,especially on the environmental issue, which reflect more rights to be informedand the awareness of participation, and has put forward many new propositionwhen it come to local governmental decision and the information disclosure.
So one side, government shall bring morecitizen participation and the assessment of social psychological factors intothe procedure of decision-making. On the other side, the medias should carry ona more strict supervision and tract the issue more tightly, and popularize the environmentalknowledge in the same time. These two are the emergency we should deal withright now.
We can’t prevent the progress oflarge-scale industry when China is in the period of industrialization. Facingwith the potential argument of public interest, the government will be able topull through the crisis peaceful, if they can transform their mind of dealingwith the climacteric from passive into active, and build a platform for thesake of communication among the government, the firm and the public and thenconstruct a benign situation that government comprehend the citizen, thecompany respect the citizen and the citizen understand the government as longas company, just before the project PX being put into effect. Eventually governmentcans execution the duty of balancing the development and stability.
The breakthrough and exploration is indeed importantto a project and the territorial economy, but we steel need a reasonabledesignation on a top level and make up the existing cracks through thecommunication considering about clearing the public expression and to carry outa effective communication.
Only the equal dialogue between power andthe right and the positive interaction between government and the public canlead to the estrangement down.

英语翻译不管投资多大、工艺多先进,如果牵涉到民众利益的公共性问题,仅以“通告”、“告知”的形式“单向度传输”,怎能在信息时代、权利时代赢得民众支持?公众激烈的表达背后,实际 沼气精制天然气有什么先进工艺? 酿造工艺先进的酒叫 乙醇回收先进工艺大专实验 英语翻译优势:1、赞比亚基础设施建设项目多,水泥需求巨大,销售前景良好; 2、Ndola Lime拥有石灰石矿山等生产原料资源; 3、相比其他竞争对手,建设投资相对较低; 4、先进的新型干法水 一张纸不管多大要平行对折能折几次不管什么纸也不管多薄 石煤堆浸提钒投资多大?成规模的投资要多大 现在最先进的服装印花工艺是什么? 污水生物处理现在比较先进的工艺是什么 先进的钢渣处理工艺是什么?其有什么优势? 投资回报率 英语翻译? 校园美丽设备先进.英语翻译 中文翻译不管困难有多大 英语翻译随团赴法国和摩洛哥主要考察航拍设备器材;体育拉力赛运动项目;考察水陆两栖飞机应用市场、运营及生产制造工艺等,寻求投资合作. 多灵说他们是最先进PVD镀层工艺,请问这是什么工艺? 铁矿选矿中磁选和浮选哪个工艺先进?国家鼓励采用哪种工艺? 电泳工艺 需要哪些设备 这些要投资多少钱? 英语翻译我公司是一家规模齐全的服装公司,公司共有400多名员工,成衣设备先进,技术工艺精良,开发品种能力强,主要经营各种的印花、成衣出口业务,印花尤为突出.请问您有自己的设计还是想