select ……where……like查询语句中,like后面怎么用变量表示条件?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/10 08:19:46

select ……where……like查询语句中,like后面怎么用变量表示条件?
select ……where……like查询语句中,like后面怎么用变量表示条件?

select ……where……like查询语句中,like后面怎么用变量表示条件?
declare @tmp nvarchar(10)='ab'
declare @select nvarchar(200)='select ...where ... like ''%'
select @select=@select+@tmp+'%'''
exec (@select)

select ……where……like查询语句中,like后面怎么用变量表示条件? ms sql :select * from (select *from b) as xxx where 和 select * from (select *from b) xxx where区select * from (select *from b) as xxx where…… 和 select * from (select *from b) xxx where……的区别别告诉我是一样的.因为我有一 数据库问题,like ,%select * from 语法 where 结构 like '%[定语] if exists (select 1 from #tmp_dj_xsg212 WHERE shangplx LIKE '%冷%' select *from A where A.a like '%1%'||'%' 请教sql语句,像select …from wsdy_zb t where =:id order by no desc 中 =:id SQL语句SELECT*FORM TABLE-A WHERE name LIKE‘-mation‘ 的功能?还有SELECT*FORM TABLE-A WHERE name LIKE‘%mation‘ 的功能. mysql 查询 not in not like和in like啥区别啊select * from aaaa where id in(1,2,3);select * from aaaa where id not in(1,2,3);select * from aaaa where tt like %as%;select * from aaaa where tt not like %as%;1 3我懂 2 4这个加了not是什 SQL语句:SELECT * from stu where name like %伟%;的作用是:_________________________. select ename from emp where ename like'%A___'; 这条SQL语句中'%A___'是什么意思? 我有一个这样的语句select * from wspriv_adminlog tt where tt.worker_id in(select t1.worker_id from wspriv_worker t1 where t1.deptid in(select t2.deptid from wspriv_dept t2 where t2.path like '/9/58/%')) ; select count() into :r_count from zw_kmyeb where km_code like '5%' and qcye0;messagebox('r_count',r_count)like 5%是什么? select distinct id from names where tid = 'AREACODE' And dsc like '%' || v_areacode其中dsc like '%' || v_areacode select hkont from bseg into table itab_bseg where ( hkont like '1001%' or hkont like '1002%' ).中%是什么意思 select * from student where name like '%[^ja,as,on]%' 这是我自己建的一个表,查询的结果 select * from customers where CompanyName like '+TextBox1.Text+' ,如上sql语句.请问'+TextBox1.Text+'到底应用的什么语法. 怎么把select * from p_xiao where x_time between '{$dx}' and '{$jg}'和下面这句结合成一句话select * from p_xiao where x_shou like '%.$lb.%' order by x_time desc ----Where would you like to go on vacation?----I'd like to go the place ---there are mountains and rivers.A.where B.what C.that D.which一直不明白A和C在这儿怎么区分……