这句定语从句!求帮忙!最近在看雅虎answer里的提问回答.有一个句子是the only thing you can do is talk to her about it,请问is 后面应该加to吧? 还有一个是 the only thing you can do is be honest with him. 总觉得这

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/08 00:04:05

这句定语从句!求帮忙!最近在看雅虎answer里的提问回答.有一个句子是the only thing you can do is talk to her about it,请问is 后面应该加to吧? 还有一个是 the only thing you can do is be honest with him. 总觉得这
最近在看雅虎answer里的提问回答.有一个句子是the only thing you can do is talk to her about it,
请问is 后面应该加to吧?
还有一个是 the only thing you can do is be honest with him. 总觉得这里的Is后面应该加to...

这句定语从句!求帮忙!最近在看雅虎answer里的提问回答.有一个句子是the only thing you can do is talk to her about it,请问is 后面应该加to吧? 还有一个是 the only thing you can do is be honest with him. 总觉得这
因为谓语动词talk和be 不能直接做系动词is的表语,上面两个应加上to,不定式才能作表语.
the only thing you can do is 【to】talk to her about it,
the only thing you can do is 【to】be honest with him

这句定语从句!求帮忙!最近在看雅虎answer里的提问回答.有一个句子是the only thing you can do is talk to her about it,请问is 后面应该加to吧? 还有一个是 the only thing you can do is be honest with him. 总觉得这 两个 that 在句中用法!是定语从句和宾语从句吗?求详解?谢谢! 英语 怎么区分宾语从句和定语从句Do you know who has won Battlefield3 game?这句怎么看出来是宾语从句呢 我怎么觉得像是定语从句 作主语呢who作主语 定语从句求教在定语从句中,是不是要把先行词带入从句中 看句子缺少什成分 速求英语定语从句10句练习题 定语从句求大神! 求定语从句的分析哪个是先行词,谁引导定语从句,作什么语 求各位大神帮忙. 这句定语从句中,先行词在从句中作什么成分?是定语从句吗?Spring is a season when the grass and trees turn green这句定语从句中,先行词在从句中作什么成分?是定语从句吗?为什么用when? 在英语中如何判断强调句与定语从句,同谓语从句和宾语从句 谁能帮忙在定语从句先行词是reason的,连系词用why或that各造个定语从句 怎么看关系代词在定语从句中充当什么成分那定语呢 定语从句中,运用关系副词时,怎么看先行词在从句中做状语? 帮忙造10句由whose引导的定语从句,可以简单一点,多多益善啦! 帮忙讲解一下限制性定语从句怎么找定语?怎么看它放在名词之前还是之后.这几个句子帮忙分析一下.Could you pass me the white tea cup,please.The box on the right contains biscuits.Where is the girl who sells the tick 如何合并定语从句求方法求大神帮助如何将2句话合并成1句定于从句 讲讲方法 光看例句看不懂 就讲讲关系代词引导的限定性定于从句就OK 而且我有个迷惑定语从句中从句可以单独做独立的 英语翻译President Hu’s insistence on national “harmony” was also co-opted by protesters,who refer to government censorship as “harmonization.”在时代上看到 ,讲中国人民在网上流传的讽刺言论.这句的定语从句看不 跟在状语里名词的修饰从句叫做什么句?定语从句? what在定语从句中的用法求大神帮助