
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/22 03:00:45


There is some advice for you to protect our environment.
  At the meeting ,Mary said we should bring our shopping bagwhen we went shopping.Kate said we'd better take a bus or walk when we go out.We should drive cars less.And Mike said that we should make up some new laws to manage some factories which are bad for our environment to protect the river around us.Jack thought it's important to join Refuse Sorting,it can help us to reuse something still useful.At last,Tom suggested that we can use both two sides of the paper,it can protect trees.I said we can't waste water ,water is necessary to the actionsofthehuman.
  Let's try our best to protect our environment together!‍

1.there is some advice .
2.去掉 sb said /sb thought
4.we had better take a bus or walk when we go out .
5.we should drive our car less
6.make some laws
7.to protec...


1.there is some advice .
2.去掉 sb said /sb thought
4.we had better take a bus or walk when we go out .
5.we should drive our car less
6.make some laws
7.to protect the water resource
8.it is important to sort out rubbbish
9. at last, we should make full use of paper so that we can protect trees


  There is some advice for you to protect our environment.
  At the meeting ,Mary said we should bring our shopping bagwhen we went shopping.Kate said we'd better take a bus or walk when we go ou...


  There is some advice for you to protect our environment.
  At the meeting ,Mary said we should bring our shopping bagwhen we went shopping.Kate said we'd better take a bus or walk when we go out. We should drive cars less.And Mike said that we should make up some new laws to manage some factories which are bad for our environment to protect the river around us.Jack thought it's important to join Refuse Sorting,it can help us to reuse something still useful.At last,Tom suggested that we can use both two sides of the paper,it can protect trees.I said we can't waste water ,water is necessary to the actionsofthehuman.
  Let's try our best to protect our environment together!‍


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