DSP实验:FIR滤波器的设计与实现,用matlab语言实现The truncation method of FIR design:a.Follow the math from Lecture #22 to design linear-phase lowpass filters with the cutoff-frequency ωc = π/3 using the truncation method for filter

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/12 16:22:46

DSP实验:FIR滤波器的设计与实现,用matlab语言实现The truncation method of FIR design:a.Follow the math from Lecture #22 to design linear-phase lowpass filters with the cutoff-frequency ωc = π/3 using the truncation method for filter
The truncation method of FIR design:
a.Follow the math from Lecture #22 to design linear-phase lowpass filters with the cutoff-frequency ωc = π/3 using the truncation method for filter orders M = 20,50 and 150.
b.Demonstrate the Gibbs phenomenon for these filters.
c.Confirm that these filters have linear phase.
d.Show that the MATLAB Signal Processing Toolbox function firls() function,which designs linear-phase FIR filters using least-squares error minimization,produces identical impulse responses to the truncation method for each of the filter orders M = 20,50 and 150.
e.Create a signal 1000 samples long of white Gaussian noise.Convolve this signal with each of the filter impulse responses obtained in part a (or part c).Now try using the MATLAB function filter().What similarities and differences are there between the outputs of filter() and conv()?

DSP实验:FIR滤波器的设计与实现,用matlab语言实现The truncation method of FIR design:a.Follow the math from Lecture #22 to design linear-phase lowpass filters with the cutoff-frequency ωc = π/3 using the truncation method for filter

DSP实验:FIR滤波器的设计与实现,用matlab语言实现The truncation method of FIR design:a.Follow the math from Lecture #22 to design linear-phase lowpass filters with the cutoff-frequency ωc = π/3 using the truncation method for filter 用FPGA如何实现fir滤波器的设计 用窗函数法设计FIR滤波器的主要特点是什么? matlab与dsp的相关问题请教几个问题:1、matlab如何与dsp进行通信2、怎样将matlab中编写的fir滤波器程序转换成dsp识别的c语言3、dsp中fir滤波器的c语言如何编程解决任何一个问题,都万分感谢,呵呵 IIR与FIR滤波器的异同 FIR滤波器设计!用窗口法和频率法设计 用窗函数法设计FIR滤波器选窗标准是什么?就是设计滤波器时看滤波器的那些标准而采取不同的窗? FFT和FIR滤波器是什么关系呢?FFT是实现FIR滤波器的一种,这种说法行不? FIR滤波器设计参数:高通滤波器:fc=4800Hz,fp=5000Hz,Ac=100dB,Ap=1dB要求:用窗函数设计法设计,形成FIR滤波器,写出MATLAB的滤波器设计程序,画出各自滤波器的幅频特性和相频特性 MATLAB中FIR滤波器如何设计 请教些关于FIR滤波器的FPGA实现中遇到的一些问题:1、在用matlab的fdatool设计滤波器生成系数时,里面的滤波器采样频率Fs是只要满足奈奎斯特定理就行了吗?譬如,我用40MHz采样速率的AD采集5MHz频 基于FPGA设计FIR滤波器,要用到quartus,modelsim和dsp builder,求大神推荐相关书籍分不多,希望大家给我推荐本中文书看看。 请教一下matlab的fir滤波器设计,已知频率响应的表达式,要如何编写代码设计滤波器呢? CIC滤波器可以用FIR代替吗,带抽取的FIR 在设计FIR滤波器,用matlab生成FIR滤波器的抽头系数,怎样将其转换成整数?我的FIR滤波器是16阶窗函数法,输入输出都是12位我知道在matlab里是用round(Num*(2^X))处理但是不知道对所乘的2的幂需 设线性相位FIR滤波器的单位冲激响应为 其中,N为奇数,且 .试问该滤波器能否用于设计线性相位FIR数字高通 我是电子的,请问基于FPGA的FIR滤波器的设计的大体思路如何? 十万火急,DSP大作业!Fpass=3.4kHz, Fstop=4kHz, Fs=8kHz, Astop=60dB. 设计数字滤波器,在CCS上仿真实现.a)FIR; b)IIR.类似的都可以啊.