下面这些英语有没有语病?有的话要怎么改?hi buddy how are you?I am Robert from www.lolgolds.com ,first i am sorry to bother you ,but atm the price on our site has went down ,now the price is 1k=$7.49 ,its very cheap,may i know whether
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/20 03:12:30
下面这些英语有没有语病?有的话要怎么改?hi buddy how are you?I am Robert from www.lolgolds.com ,first i am sorry to bother you ,but atm the price on our site has went down ,now the price is 1k=$7.49 ,its very cheap,may i know whether
下面这些英语有没有语病?有的话要怎么改?hi buddy how are you?I am Robert from www.lolgolds.com ,first i am sorry to bother you ,but atm the price on our site has went down ,now the price is 1k=$7.49 ,its very cheap,may i know whether you need some golds if you wanna buy some golds ,you can message me by my E-mail or MSN ,my MSN is [email protected] here i ensue that our trade face to face ,fast ,speedy ,delivery in 15 mins .we will do our best to serve you.
下面这些英语有没有语病?有的话要怎么改?hi buddy how are you?I am Robert from www.lolgolds.com ,first i am sorry to bother you ,but atm the price on our site has went down ,now the price is 1k=$7.49 ,its very cheap,may i know whether
首先可以确定此人不是英语母语的,因为他故意装得这么地道,但是像在英文国家中书信是有很严格的格式的,也是一种对别人的尊敬.hi buddy how are you?这句话一开头就让人感觉很冒犯.最后没有落款和祝福语.the price on our site has went down.应当是gone我觉得.its 应该是 it is.总而言之,这封信写得太随意了.
Hello Sirs, I am Robert from www.lolgolds.com . I regret to inform you that our website was down and the correct price should be 1k = $7.49. Should you consider the price acceptable, I can be reache...
Hello Sirs, I am Robert from www.lolgolds.com . I regret to inform you that our website was down and the correct price should be 1k = $7.49. Should you consider the price acceptable, I can be reached at [email protected] by either email or MSN. We shall be able to deliver within 15 minutes once the deal is confirmed. We are looking forward to serve you. Thank you and regards, Robert