请用以下句式造句(每个各两句) 1.have/has got 2.watch sb do sth请用以下句式造句(每个各两句)1.have/has got2.watch sb do sth3.moreand more4.around the world

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/07 15:50:02

请用以下句式造句(每个各两句) 1.have/has got 2.watch sb do sth请用以下句式造句(每个各两句)1.have/has got2.watch sb do sth3.moreand more4.around the world
请用以下句式造句(每个各两句) 1.have/has got 2.watch sb do sth
1.have/has got
2.watch sb do sth
3.moreand more
4.around the world

请用以下句式造句(每个各两句) 1.have/has got 2.watch sb do sth请用以下句式造句(每个各两句)1.have/has got2.watch sb do sth3.moreand more4.around the world
1 I have got a new friends.
she has got a new pair of pants.
2 He watched his mother cook for about half an hour.
My mother watched the little boy cross the street.
3 it is getting more and more colder.
She grows more and more beautiful.
4 I like traveling around the world.
Can you go around the world by bike?

I haven’t got a bike. I have got it.我明白了
Lucy watched him go.
露西看着他走了。Everyone stopped to watch what was going on.
Now more and more people are streaming into big...


I haven’t got a bike. I have got it.我明白了
Lucy watched him go.
露西看着他走了。Everyone stopped to watch what was going on.
Now more and more people are streaming into big cities.
More and more people are giving up smoking. 戒烟的人越来越多了
It happens all the time around the world.
People from all over the world come here


请用以下句式造句(每个各两句) 1.have/has got 2.watch sb do sth请用以下句式造句(每个各两句)1.have/has got2.watch sb do sth3.moreand more4.around the world 请用以下句式造句(各两句) 1.have/has got 2.watch sb do sth 3.请用以下句式造句(各两句)1.have/has got2.watch sb do sth3.moreand more4around the world 请用以下短语造句! 用以下句式造句 如果再不.就.严重的威胁 用以下句子造句 1.人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青. 请用以下词汇造句:“没有.,我像.” storm n 暴风雨 造句请用以下词造句(简单点的,不要太难)storm n 暴风雨  solve 造句请用以下词造句(简单点的,不要太难) solve v 解决, pack 造句请用以下词造句(简单点的,不要太难)pack v 打包,打行李 请用以下词语造句请用:不是.却.;不是.,却. 如此.,如此. 造句! 急啊! 用以下词语造句,每个词语一个句子.本色当行 离合悲欢 叱咤风云 浑身解数 高视阔步 用以下词造句大概的造句 celebrate v 庆祝 造句请用以下词造句(简单点的,celebrate v 庆祝 用以下句式造句 我不知道……也许……也许……也许…… 用以下词语造句 同仇敌忾 临危不惧 勇往直前 前仆后继 力挽狂澜 中流砥柱 大义凛然 (每个都要哦)豪情壮志 不屈不饶披荆斩棘奋发图强励精图治众志成城舍身取义任重道远再接再厉 at midnight phr.在半夜 造句请用以下词造句(简单点的,不要太难)at midnight phr.在半夜 popular adj 大众的,流行的造句请用以下词造句(简单点的,不要太难)popular adj 大众的,流行的 请用以下成语造句一本正经 二话不说 四面八方 五湖四海 七上八下 三心二意