Help me to finish my human resource management homework(thesis)I’m a student in the university .Now I have a HR homework ,it’ll cost me a lot of time ,and I have something else important to do ,so I have no time for it .Help me to finish it.I wil

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Help me to finish my human resource management homework(thesis)I’m a student in the university .Now I have a HR homework ,it’ll cost me a lot of time ,and I have something else important to do ,so I have no time for it .Help me to finish it.I wil
Help me to finish my human resource management homework(thesis)
I’m a student in the university .Now I have a HR homework ,it’ll cost me a lot of time ,and I have something else important to do ,so I have no time for it .Help me to finish it.I will very appreciate you .If I could,I'll add more point to you.
This is a library study of … It consists of … parts.A brief introduction is given in the first part of this study.Part two concerns itself with … … forms the focus of part three.Part … ends the whole paper with the conclusion(s) that …
Title :strategic and human resource planning
Then finish the thesis.
It will help me a lot.Thank you
More than 2000 words,you can search it on the network station,I think it's not so difficult.If necessary ,send me an e-mail.

Help me to finish my human resource management homework(thesis)I’m a student in the university .Now I have a HR homework ,it’ll cost me a lot of time ,and I have something else important to do ,so I have no time for it .Help me to finish it.I wil
适应性思考:支持企业不同发展阶段的战略调整出处 中华英才网
“良将用兵若良医用药,病万变,药亦万变.”由于企业所处的内外部环境总在不断发生变化,企业的战略变革和战略调整就成为必然.因此,战略性的人力资源规划必须能够及时做出反应,以支持企业战略的变化.出处 中华英才网
在讨论人力资源规划如何为企业不同发展阶段的战略提供支持之前,首先需要考虑清楚一个问题:企业战略变化对人力资源规划的核心要求是什么?出处 中华英才网
创业阶段,生存是企业的第一要务.凝聚人心和业务导向是这个时期企业战略的关注点.因此,人力资源规划就应该侧重在“魅力型”领导和“专家型”业务人才的选拔、培养、使用和激励上.那种能够利用个人魅力吸引员工的人和那些能够独立完成哪怕是很艰难任务的“侠客型”的人,才是人力资源发展的重点对象.联想在发展初期通过对杨元庆、郭为、孙宏斌这些虎将的大胆任用,以及对倪光南的“造神运动”,而带来的企业大发展,可以说就是一个明证.出处 中华英才网
成熟阶段,企业需要从胜利走向胜利.这个时期企业战略的关注点有两个:第一个是如何深化自己的管理水平并将其塑造成为企业的核心竞争力;第二个,也是更重要的一个,就是如何为自己未来的战略发展变化做好充分准备.因此,对那些能够帮助企业进一步深化人力资源管理水平的“专才”和能够审时度势、临机应变、制定企业长远发展战略的“帅才”的培养就成为这一阶段人力资源规划的主要战略目标.而且,随着企业“帅才”、“将才”队伍的日益成熟,人力资源规划的重点还应该进一步转变到,如何为企业的中长期发展战略进行更好的人才准备上来.出处 中华英才网
从深化人力资源管理水平的角度看,这个阶段,会有一些新的课题出现.比如,企业规模的扩大和员工队伍多样性的加强所带来的协调配合问题,就成为影响人力资源发展的突出问题了.在一个迅猛发展的组织中,神经末梢越来越发达时,神经之间的交流可能就不那么频繁了.企业就需要在自己的人力资源发展规划中注意不同类型员工的性格、兴趣、素质、结构与组织战略、组织岗位的匹配;注意加强对员工的沟通、培训,强调员工思维方式和行为模式的规范性和一致性;注意塑造强有力的企业文化,增强员工的组织性,提高整体战斗力,从而推动组织继续成长.出处 中华英才网
衰退阶段或者说后成熟阶段,需要的是摆脱历史的包袱,抵制官僚主义的侵蚀,同时为企业注入更多更新的活力,以实现企业的“再生”.战略方向的调整就成为这个时期企业战略关注的重点.在这种状况下,人才的更新换代就成为人力资源规划的重要工作内容.为了配合公司新战略的顺利实现,人力资源的整体规划需要重新进行系统的调整.人力资源部门从一开始就要深入到新战略的规划中,充分理解新战略对人力资源管理工作的要求,并在规划中紧密围绕新战略的要求,重新考虑企业的组织结构、业务流程、岗位职能和人员更迭、岗位评估、绩效考评和薪酬激励等各项人力资源管理工作的安排,以促进人力资源的发展.比如,当联想提出由产品制造型企业向服务型企业转型时,他们的人力资源规划中就对考核和激励方式做出了相应调整.在为IT服务员工确定薪酬时,首先调整了市场比较的对象;然后调整了考核时间,使之不再像以往那样按季度进行,而是按项目周期开展;最后调整了能力素质设计,对员工的能力素质进行多维度的综合考评.出处 中华英才网
新战略应对的是新情况和不确定性.所以,它的实施往往需要领导能力做支撑.但是,很多缺乏战略性人力资源规划思维的企业往往在战略举措推行之前,不能系统评估领导能力,因而常常导致企业核心管理团队的成员,在最后一刻还在忙于弥补差距.长此以往,公司将陷入恶性循环:好的领导要么工作量过大,要么疲于应付各种临时任务,从而导致留给年轻人才的培养时间越来越少.到了他们要交接管理权的时候,就只能面对一些经验不足、准备也不足的接班人,最终可能导致公司的现行业务与未来战略发展,因人才匮乏而处于危险的境地.出处 中华英才网
◆长期人力资源规划出处 中华英才网
◆短期人力资源规划出处 中华英才网
完整、有效的绩效管理平台如图一所示.出处 中华英才网
当然,人力资源管理并不仅仅是人力资源管理部门的事.毕竟,人力资源规划和企业战略的实现必须融入到企业的日常运营中,而且需要高度依赖各级经理的共同努力.因此,战略性人力资源规划必须要考虑建立一个在决策层、一线经理和人力资源管理部门之间科学分工、密切协作的三维立体管理模式.明确从最高决策层到各个部门的直接主管在人力资源规划、开发、管理方面的权力与职责,使他们直接参与到各项人力资源政策的落实中来.出处 中华英才网
“罗马不是一天建成的”.同样,人力资源规划战略性地位的形成也需要人力资源管理工作者的不懈努力才能获得.当具备了战略性的思维,掌握了人力资源规划的战略性思考要点,我们就有理由相信:这一天终将会到来. Strategic human resource planning are often confused with workable human resources plan. All along, we have done, "human resources planning," mostly to a narrow implementation of the human resources plan not providing guidance for the whole of the strategic management of human resources planning. Despite the "planning" and "plan" is nearly identical, but the meaningnd the result was very different. The strategic human resource planning should be real, The overall strategy to meet the human resources and reached the choice, distribution, use, development and management of the planning, Human resources management is the starting point. The focus is on human resource management policies and the adjustment of the focus of human resources management functions and guidelines established. This can coordinate, and make comprehensive use of various human resource management, human resource planning in order to ensure the achievement of the company. for the realization of the company's overall operating strategy to provide effective protection. Therefore, in order to restore human resources planning in the company's strategic management of human resources and strategic position on the basis of the commander-in-chief, Thinking of strategic human resource planning system adaptability, strategic vision and strategic growth strategies for multiple issues. Adaptive Thinking : support enterprises in different stages of development, the source of China's Talents network strategy "will be good if the Doctor using medication, the patient changing, medicine is changing. "As a result, the total located in the external and internal environment changes constantly. changes in business strategy and strategic restructuring has become inevitable. Therefore, strategic human resource planning to be able to respond in a timely manner to support the corporate strategy changes. Source China's Talents Generally speaking, and led to changes in the business strategy has two main factors : First, changes in business growth cycle phase contradictions; Second, enterprises sudden changes in the competitive environment. The second change occurred because of the unpredictable nature and great chance, and space is limited. only normal growth cycle here enterprises to corresponding changes in the strategic human resource planning adjustments. During the discussion of human resources planning strategy on how to support enterprises in different stages of development, First problem : a clear need to consider changes in corporate strategy at the core of human resources planning requirements? Source China's Talents network different corporate strategy will be essential to the human resources strategy and structure of the distribution of different quality requirements then the various functions of human resources development and management tools with different requirements and focus. Therefore, from the perspective of adaptive strategies, is the core of human resources planning to consider how to make the best use of human resources development and management tools (The organization is structured. Status adjustment functions, staff recruitment, training, performance evaluation and salary system design, etc.) to obtain, train, use and motivate staff, thus reducing the ability of staff to meet the needs of corporate strategy. the mode of thinking and behavior, and to give full play to their potential and to reach the strategic enterprise services. Specifically : the start-up stage, the survival is the top priority. The cohesion of the people of this period of corporate strategy and business-oriented concerns. Therefore, it should focus on human resource planning "charm" and leading "expert" business with the selection, training, and the use of incentives. Employees can use personal charisma to attract the kind of people who can independently accomplish even if it is a very difficult task "valiant" people Human resources development is a key target. Lenovo, in the early stages of development of Yang Yuanqing, Wei, Beijing 100081, these bold tiger appointment Ni Guangnan and the "God Creation Movement", and the development of large enterprises that can be said is a clear proof. Source China's Talents network growth, and the development is the last word. And the expansion of both organizations is the orderly management of strategic enterprises in the period of concern. Therefore, The focus should be on human resources policy planning from too much emphasis on the entrepreneurial spirit and personal heroism changes to the standards, professional management line. At this point, lead to the kind of battle under the "General" talent management and can help companies achieve standardization of the "professional managers" have become the company's most needy people. For example : in the start-up stage, Vanke election. With Wang and Vanke personnel executives who are basically good personal judgment and intuition. However, such a "piercing eyes," after all, is a scarce resource. With the rapid development of Vanke, this method can no longer meet the needs of human resource allocation. Thus, in their own time Vanke a specialized human resources development planning, the strategy requires precise, and the introduction of a specific professional management tools -- "talent endowment model." and it has evolved to be included "Vanke general endowment model," "Model Vanke leadership qualities" and "sale" "Design", "project", "customer service" in the series of six hours of professional credentials model system. It is precisely because of such a rainy day, which makes their Vanke will not only meet the demand for talent development. other real estate enterprises but also to export a lot of talents So sharp have plenty of "real estate sector Whampoa Military Academy" in the world. Mature stage, enterprises need to advance from victory to victory. This period of strategic enterprises have two concerns : The first one is how to deepen their level of management will become a mold of its core competitiveness; Secondly, is a more important is how to make full preparations for future strategic developments and changes. Therefore, those who can help to further deepen the level of human resources management "professionals" and to the situation. A plane strain. formulate a long-term development strategy "Marshal" This training will become the main stage of human resources planning and strategic goals. Moreover, with the "only Shuai", "before" the increasing maturity of the contingent, human resources planning to change the focus should also further. How better for the long-term development strategy for the talent preparations. China's Talents source of deepening human resources management from the network's point of view, at this stage, there will be some new issues arise. For example, the expansion of business scale and diversity of staff caused by the strengthening of coordination and cooperation, human resources development became a prominent issue. In a rapid development of the organization, the nerve endings more developed, and the exchanges between neurons may not less frequent. Enterprises need to pay attention to its own human resource development planning staff of different types of character, interest in quality, structure and organization strategy, organization posts matching; Pay attention to staff communication, training, stressed that the staff of the standard way of thinking and behavioral patterns and consistency; Molding a strong corporate culture, strengthen the organization, and improve the overall combat effectiveness, so as to push forward the organization continue to grow. China's Talents network source said after the recession phase or stage of maturity, and we need to extricate themselves from the burden of history, resist the erosion of bureaucracy, and

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