将下列各句变成与之意义相近或相同的句子1.They are from England.They —— —— England.2.We aren’t in the same grade.We —— in —— ——.3.Kangkang and Jane are in different schools.Kangkang —— —— Jane’s ——

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/04 20:19:15

将下列各句变成与之意义相近或相同的句子1.They are from England.They —— —— England.2.We aren’t in the same grade.We —— in —— ——.3.Kangkang and Jane are in different schools.Kangkang —— —— Jane’s ——
1.They are from England.
They —— —— England.
2.We aren’t in the same grade.
We —— in —— ——.
3.Kangkang and Jane are in different schools.
Kangkang —— —— Jane’s ——.
4.Jenny has very beautiful looks.
Jenny —— very ——.
5.Jenny’s mouth is small.
Jenny has —— —— mouth.
6.Mr Smith has two blue eyes.
Mr Smith’s —— —— blue.

将下列各句变成与之意义相近或相同的句子1.They are from England.They —— —— England.2.We aren’t in the same grade.We —— in —— ——.3.Kangkang and Jane are in different schools.Kangkang —— —— Jane’s ——
1.come from
2.are,different grade.
3.Kangkang isn't in Jane's school.
4.Jenny looks very beautiful
5.Jenny has a small mouth
5.Mr.Smith's eyes are blue

1 They come from England.
2 We are in different grade.
3 Kangkang isn't in Jane's school.
4 Jenny is very beautiful.
5 Jenny has a small mouth.
6 Mr Smith's eyes are blue.

将下列各句变成与之意义相近或相同的句子1.They are from England.They —— —— England.2.We aren’t in the same grade.We —— in —— ——.3.Kangkang and Jane are in different schools.Kangkang —— —— Jane’s —— 给下列成语找与之意思相同或相近的俗语自相矛盾 吹毛求疵 得过且过 瞻前顾后 祸不单行 强人所难 直言不讳 寡不敌众 写出与下列成语结构相同,意义相近或相反的成语守株待兔雪中送炭愚公移山五湖四海 举世无双怎么写 写出与下列词语意义相同或相近的词语 长江后浪推前浪,一代新人换旧人 相同或相近的句子 找出与句中画线部分意义相同或相近的选项 将下列句子变成复数句 将下列句子改写为意思相同或相近的句子:1.He can take care of himself .He can himself .2.I’将下列句子改写为意思相同或相近的句子:1.He can take care of himself .He can himself .2.I’m better at reading than liste 排比句能由两个意思相近或相同的句子组成么要准确的 nice的意义相同或相近的单词 成语人云亦云的所有意义相同或相近的词语 选择与画线部分意义相同或相近的选项 将下列句中 之 字用法相同或相近的进行归类.(1)是吾剑之所从坠 (2)从其所契者入水求之(3)而置之其坐 (4)至之市 (5)而忘操之(6)返归取之 (7)何不试之以足用法相同或相近 I will bring back the library card tomorrow选出与句子画线部分意义相同或相近的短语 《论语》中前后相同或相近的句子 和一石激起千层浪意思相同或相近的句子,在线等 求一句能对:“深谙世故,却不世故,才是最成熟的善良.的句子,或与之相近句子! 根据上句改写下句,使上下两个句子意义相同或相近,一空一词.1.It will take us at least two days to plant these trees.We will _____ at least two days _____ these trees.