英语:下面的句子是对是错 错的将其改正1)She drinks tea three time a day,2)Chat shows always are boring.3)He usually gets up at seven o'clock.4)My mother watches sometimes football.5)I buy a newspaper one time a week,6)Susan ever hardly

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/20 03:10:34

英语:下面的句子是对是错 错的将其改正1)She drinks tea three time a day,2)Chat shows always are boring.3)He usually gets up at seven o'clock.4)My mother watches sometimes football.5)I buy a newspaper one time a week,6)Susan ever hardly
英语:下面的句子是对是错 错的将其改正
1)She drinks tea three time a day,
2)Chat shows always are boring.
3)He usually gets up at seven o'clock.
4)My mother watches sometimes football.
5)I buy a newspaper one time a week,
6)Susan ever hardly wears black.
7)French homework is never interesting.

英语:下面的句子是对是错 错的将其改正1)She drinks tea three time a day,2)Chat shows always are boring.3)He usually gets up at seven o'clock.4)My mother watches sometimes football.5)I buy a newspaper one time a week,6)Susan ever hardly
1) She drinks tea three time(改为times,次,复数) a day.
2) Chat shows always are(改为are always) boring.
3) He usually gets up at seven o'clock. (正确)
4) My mother watches sometimes(改为sometimes watches) football.
5) I buy a newspaper one time(改为once,一次) a week.
6) Susan ever hardly(改为hardly ever) wears black.
7) French homework is never interesting. (正确)

1)She drinks tea three times a day. 要用复数 three times
2)Talk shows are always boring. 正确的名词是 talk shows , 另外单词次序这样比较地道。
3)He usually gets up at seven o'clock. 对
4)My mother watches sometim...


1)She drinks tea three times a day. 要用复数 three times
2)Talk shows are always boring. 正确的名词是 talk shows , 另外单词次序这样比较地道。
3)He usually gets up at seven o'clock. 对
4)My mother watches sometimes football. 错,改为
My mother sometimes watches football.
5)I buy a newspaper one time a week. 错,改为
I buy a newspaper once a week.
6)Susan ever hardly wears black. 错,改为
Susan hardly ever wears black.
7)French homework is never interesting. 对


1) time---times
2)chat --talk
4)sometimes watches
6)hardly ever

1 times
4Some times my mother watches football
5once a week
6hardly ever

  1. She drinks tea three times a day. (time要加复数s,因为是三次)

  2. Chat shows are always boring. (always和are的顺序错了)

  3. / (没错)

  4. My mother watches footbal somtimes. (...


    1. She drinks tea three times a day. (time要加复数s,因为是三次)

    2. Chat shows are always boring. (always和are的顺序错了)

    3. / (没错)

    4. My mother watches footbal somtimes. (sometimes置于句末,有时亦可置于主语后)

    5. I buy a newspaper once a week. (语法上不能算错,但一般用法将one time改为once)

    6. Susan hardly ever wears black. (hardly 和ever顺序错了)

    7. / (木有错~)



英语:下面的句子是对是错 错的将其改正1)She drinks tea three time a day,2)Chat shows always are boring.3)He usually gets up at seven o'clock.4)My mother watches sometimes football.5)I buy a newspaper one time a week,6)Susan ever hardly 改正下面句子中用错的关联词 (2)的是下面句子有一处语病,在不改变句子原意基础上,将改正后的句子写下来. 英语:下面的句子是对还是错?错的请改正Are these your friend?Right and wrong That is my cousin Right and wrong分数弄错了- - 要分的快来。 将下列句子中用错的字改正过来. 对的坚持错的改正英语怎么说对的坚持,错的改正; 英语怎么说 判断下面句子是否正确,对的写T,错的写F判断下面句子是否正确,对的写T,错的写F,并把错句子改正过来That"s(前面是单引号啊) nice dress! ( )This dog is black and white.( )These cases are Tom"s.( 判断下面句子说法是否正确,对的打“√”,错的打“×”,并改正.这两年,电视机的质量有了明显的改善.( )改正:我校分别在球场和教室里举行篮球比赛和智力竞赛.( )改正: 先判断下面2句话是对是错,错的改正.(英语)1.Does Gina reading English in the classroom when you see her?2.What do you usually do when it's raining? 汉语:请看这张中国地图.下面这个英语句子有一处错误,请找出并改正.Please look this map of China.Please是A,look是B,this是C,China是D。ABCD那个错了?找出并改正 三.改正下面句子中用错的字.1.我军调兵遗将,打得敌人错手不及.3.我们年轻一代是祖国的未来,必需从小学好本领. 用修改符号的改正下面句子 将下面句子译成英语.《动物世界》是他最喜欢的电视节目.____________________________. 下面的单词各有一处错误,标出并改正Centimetersplendedintresingdifforentqetiongodess第三个打错了,是intresting 改正下面句子中用错的关联词:1:只有一个地球,因此它被破坏,我门别无处去. 在社会日益发展的今天,家长如果不适当的教育孩子,将对孩子的成长不利.是个病句,错在哪如何改正 改正下面句子中用错的字我军调兵遗将,打得敌人措手不及.( ) 下面的句子是对是错?对的请抄一遍,错的请改正.Is these your grandparents?Those is my sister.This are my mother.Are these your friend?That is my cousin.我的财富值花光了,没办法了