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Avril Lavigne的歌~~
American Wedding 美国婚礼主题曲
Every time you go away
It actually kinda makes my day
Every time you leave you slam the door
You pick your words so carefully
You hate to think your hurting me
You leave me laughing on the floor
Cuz I won't give it up
I don't give a damn
What you say about that
You know
I won't give it up
I don't give a damn
What you say about that
you know
I'm not gonna cry
About some stupid guy
A guy who thinks he's all that
I thought we were just hanging out
so why'd you kiss me on the mouth?
you thought the way you taste would get me high
you went to all your friends to brag
guys are always such a drag
don't you know the reason
that I kissed you was to say goodbye
cuz I won't give it up
I don't give a damn
What you say about that
you know
I won't give it up
I don't give a damn
What you say about that
You know
I'm not gonna cry
About some stupid guy
A guy who thinks he's all that
hangin hanging out
I am simply hanging hanging out
I am simply hanging
so why'd you kiss me on the mouth
don't you know that I...
I don't give a damn about you
I won't give it up not for you
I don't give a damn about you
I won't give it up not for you
I'm not gonna cry
About some stupid guy
A guy who thinks he's all that
I won't give it up
I don't give a damn
What you say about that
you know
I won't give it up
I don't give a damn
What you say about that
(I dont give a damn)
I wont give it up
I dont give a damn
what you say about that
(What you say)
you know
I won't give it up
I don't give a damn
What you say about that (until end of fade out)

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