
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 02:15:04


I like Halloween very much because we can watch horror movie together on the Halloween.I'm fond of watching horror movie.Of course,we can make up as a ghost to terrify others for fun.It's really very interesting.

Halloween is my favourite celebration (on October 31). I like it most because, during Halloween, everybody can get together to watch horror films.Indeed, I enjoy horror movies very much.
There is...


Halloween is my favourite celebration (on October 31). I like it most because, during Halloween, everybody can get together to watch horror films.Indeed, I enjoy horror movies very much.
There is another activity which I find interesting during Halloween celebration. That is, my friends and I can dress up as ghosts, devils or witches to frighten other children or young people.
Lastly, my friends and I will also visit haunted house during Halloween.
In short, for me at least, this is the most enjoyable celebration.


Children in costumes race from house to house asking for treats. A carved pumpkin, called a jack-o’-lantern, grins from a porch as the children pass. According to legend, jack-o’-lanterns protect peop...


Children in costumes race from house to house asking for treats. A carved pumpkin, called a jack-o’-lantern, grins from a porch as the children pass. According to legend, jack-o’-lanterns protect people in their homes from ghostly spirits.
It’s all part of the fun on Halloween! The roots of Halloween stretch back thousands of years and borrow customs from several parts of the world.
Halloween is a holiday celebrated on October 31. By tradition, Halloween begins after sunset. Long ago, people believed that witches gathered together and ghosts roamed the world on Halloween. Today, most people no longer believe in ghosts and witches. But these supernatural beings are still a part of Halloween.
The colors black and orange are also a part of Halloween. Black is a symbol for night and orange is the color of pumpkins. A jack-o’-lantern is a hollowed-out pumpkin with a face carved on one side. Candles are usually placed inside, giving the face a spooky glow.
Dressing in masks and costumes is a popular Halloween activity. Costumes can be traditional and scary, such as a witch’s pointy hat and black gown. Costumes may also have a modern flavor. Many children dress up as movie characters or a favorite superhero.
But Halloween is not just for children. Many adults enjoy showing off their costumes at Halloween parties!
Once in costume, children go from house to house saying “Trick or treat!” In the past, children might play a “trick” on people who did not give treats. They might pelt houses with eggs or old tomatoes, or play other pranks. Today, children’s cries of “Trick or treat!” are usually rewarded with candy.
One of the oldest Halloween traditions comes from the ancient Celts, who lived in western and central Europe long ago. The Celts celebrated a holiday called Samhain on October 31. After sunset that day, people believed that spirits of the dead would rise and walk the earth. The Celts made offerings of food and drink to keep the spirits away.
Beginning about 2,000 years ago, the Roman Empire conquered many Celtic peoples. But Celtic traditions, including Samhain, remained strong in areas such as Ireland and Scotland, even after the Roman conquest.
The Roman Catholic Church tried to replace Samhain in 835 with All Saints’ Day, a day to honor saints of the Church. The eve of All Saints’ Day is October 31. It is called Allhallows or Hallowmas by the Church.
Halloween first came to America with early settlers from Celtic areas in Europe, such as Ireland and Scotland. But other American settlers with strict religious beliefs, including the Puritans from England, rejected Halloween. The arrival of many Irish immigrants during the 1800s helped spread Halloween’s popularity.
But by the late 1800s, fewer people believed in ancient superstitions of ghosts and witches. Halloween became more a holiday for children to receive treats and dress in costume.


英语翻译我最爱的是万圣节,因为在万圣节中,大家爱可以一起看恐怖片,我爱看恐怖片,当然,我们开可以扮鬼吓人.很有趣,还可以去鬼屋,所以,我最爱万圣节了.就这些.最好中间加点简单的句子. 万圣节是怎么来的?中国有万圣节吗? 在英语中,万圣节是哪个单词?万圣节前夕又是哪个单词?Halloween到底指万圣节还是万圣节前夕? 什么时候是万圣节呢?万圣节的日期. 万圣节英语翻译 英语翻译:昨天是万圣节吗 英语翻译1.我希望上了大学能选修她的课2.因为可以穿上各式各样的服装,戴上可怕的面具参加万圣节的活动3.我也和朋友一起庆祝我们在加拿大的第一个万圣节 万圣节的来历!用英语翻译! 万圣节的由来 万圣节面具 万圣节活动 万圣节狂欢 英语万圣节贺词我要写一张万圣节的卡片 万圣节的英文单词是啥? 英语翻译万圣节(All Saints' Day) 按照基督教的习惯,每年的11月1 日为万圣节,是纪念所有圣徒的日子.万圣节前夕便是万圣节的前一天,即10月31日.在中世纪的英格兰,万圣节被叫做 All Hallow ,前 万圣节是西方的鬼节吗?英文万圣节快乐怎么说? 英语翻译:万圣节是怎么起源的,有什么习俗 万圣节的来历万圣节是谁创的,为什么要过万圣节?是为了纪念谁吗? 万圣节文章!万圣节的中文文章!短文也行!别是万圣节的介绍!是文章!中文! 英语翻译万圣节在10月31日.在这一天人们都非常开心.孩子们经常做南瓜灯在万圣节.上个万圣节我做了一个南瓜灯,它很漂亮,所以我很喜欢万圣节 英语翻译:万圣节!听起来真有趣,你可以介绍介绍你们在万圣节里的活动吗?这是个适合孩子